Prairie Hill Community Consolidated School District 133 Board
School Districts: Elected Officials | Public School District Boards
Recent News About Prairie Hill Community Consolidated School District 133 Board
How many administrators do school districts have in Metro Rockford?
Shirland Community Consolidated School District 134, Durand Community Unit School District 322 and County Of Winnebago School District 320 reported the smallest student-to-administrator ratios in Metro Rockford.
Report: Which school districts have the fewest administrators?
Rockton School District 140 reported one of the biggest student-to-administrator ratios in Illinois, according to the latest Illinois Schools Report Card.
How much do school administrators earn in Metro Rockford?
Public school administrators in Shirland Community Consolidated School District 134, Hononegah Community High School District 207 and Harlem Community School District 122 earn the highest average salary in Metro Rockford, according to the latest Illinois
Report: Prairie Hill spent $8,699 per student in 2016-17
Spending per pupil at Prairie Hill Community Consolidated School District 133 is up 4 percent from five years ago, according to a Rockford Sun analysis of district finances.
Analysis: Prairie Hill administrators rank 663rd in state for average pay
Administrators in Prairie Hill Community Consolidated School District 133 earn an average of $86,776 per year, ranking 663rd out of 858 districts in the state.
Records show how much Metro Rockford school districts have paid for spiking teacher pensions ahead of retirement
Out of school districts in Metro Rockford, Harlem USD 122 paid the most in penalties since 2005 for spiking employee salaries to boost outgoing teachers' retirement benefits, according to data obtained from the Teachers Retirement System of Illinois.
Ranking school finances: Which districts are the healthiest in Metro Rockford?
Shirland Community Consolidated School District 134, Winnebago Community Unit School District 323 and Kinnikinnick Community Consolidated School District 131 received the best financial ratings by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) for their 2017 finances.
Metro Rockford's top 10 grade school math scores: Where does your school district rank?
Grade school districts in Pecatonica, South Beloit and Rockton ranked among Metro Rockford's highest for math aptitude, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Illinois' top 100 grade school math scores: Where does your school district rank?
Grade school districts in Pecatonica, South Beloit and Rockton ranked among Illinois' highest for math aptitude, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Metro Rockford's top 10 grade school ELA scores: Where does your school district rank?
Grade school districts in South Beloit, Rockton and Pecatonica ranked highest in Metro Rockford for reading aptitude, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Illinois' top 100 grade school ELA scores: Where does your school district rank?
Grade school districts in South Beloit, Rockton and Pecatonica ranked among Illinois' top 100 for reading aptitude, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Analysis: Prairie Hill CCSD tops local peers with 59% of students passing annual tests
Prairie Hill Community Consolidated School District 133 had the highest rate – 59.2 percent – of students locally who passed the annual state assessments this year, according to a Rockford Sun analysis of Illinois State Board of Education data.
Prairie Hill Community Consolidated School District 133 placed on financial "Recognition" list by state board of education
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has placed Prairie Hill Community Consolidated School District 133 on its financial "Recognition" list.
Prairie Hill CCSD 133 holds $11.7 million in long-term debt
Prairie Hill Community Consolidated School District 133 has $11,725,000 in debt, according to Illinois State Board of Education 2016 financial reports obtained by the Rockford Sun.
Former state school employee Brandenburg paid in $11K to teachers' pension fund, could collect $543K in retirement
Former state school employee Sue Brandenburg, who retired in December 2016, saved $10,565 toward a pension over 8 years working for public schools, Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois records show.
Former state school employee Zdeb paid in $129K to teachers' pension fund, could collect $2.7M in retirement
Former state school employee Anthony Zdeb, who retired in May 2016, saved $129,213 toward a pension over 30 years working for public schools, Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois records show.