
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Loves Park City Council met July 9

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City of Loves Park City Council met July 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Mayor Gregory Jury called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Pastor Bart Bentley of Journey Church opened the meeting with an invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mayor Gregory Jury

Aldermen John Pruitt, Charles Frykman, Mark Peterson, A. Marie Holmes, Robert Schlensker, Doug Allton, Nancy Warden, John Jacobson, Jim Puckett, Clint Little



City Clerk Bob Burden

City Attorney Gino Galluzzo

1. Approve  Minutes 07/02/18   The Journal of Proceedings for the regular meeting of July 2, 2018 was approved as submitted by the city clerk on a motion by Alderman Little. Second by Alderman Schlensker. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Pruitt, Frykman, Holmes, Schlensker, Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little) 1 Present (Alderman Peterson)

2.IDOT/MFT June 2018   Received a notice from the Illinois Department of Transportation of Motor Fuel Tax distributed to the City of  Loves Park for the month of June 2018 in the amount of $46,347.40. Placed on file.

3. Garbage &  Recycle Totes   Mayor Jury reminded everyone that Rock River Disposal has begun delivering garbage and recycle totes to all residential customers at no cost to the customer.

4. Water Department Bills   Alderman Jacobson presented the Water Department bills dated July 2, 2018 in the amount of $83,470.73, and moved that they be paid.  Second by Alderman Peterson. Motion carried.  10 Ayes (Aldermen Pruitt, Frykman, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker, Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little)

5. General Fund Bills   Alderman Jacobson presented the General Fund and all other bills dated July 2, 2018 in the amount of  $80,964.49, and moved that they be paid.   Second by Alderman Peterson.   Motion carried. 10 Ayes (Aldermen Pruitt, Frykman, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker, Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little)

6. Public Safety Report  Alderman Allton presented the  Police  Department Reports dated July  9,  2018; presented the Fire Department Report for June 2018, to be placed on file.

7. Public Works Report Alderman Schlensker  presented the Water  Department  Report dated  July 4,  2018;

presented the Street Department Report dated July 9, 2018, to be placed on file.

8. Finance & Administration Committee   Alderman Jacobson of the Finance and Administration Committee presented General Fund  and  all  other  bills  dated July  9,  2018, in  the  amount  of $211,129.15, for consideration at next  week’s city council  meeting;  presented  the  minutes  from the committee meeting held July 2, 2018, to be placed on file.

9.  Public Works Committee   Alderman Schlensker of the Public Works Committee presented the Water Department list of bills dated July 9, 2018 in the amount of $54,271.11, for consideration at next week’s city council meeting.

10. Codes & Regulations Committee  Alderman Peterson of the Codes and Regulations Committee presented the minutes from the committee meeting held June 11, 2018, to be placed on file.  He also reminded council of the committee meeting to be held this evening following city council.

11. Community Development Committee  Alderman Frykman of the Community Development Committee reminded council that a committee meeting will be held Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. and he noted the change in the time of the meeting from 5:30 p.m.

12. RAMP Donation  Alderman Jacobson  presented  the following  resolution and  moved for  its  adoption: RESOLVED, that by the adoption of this Resolution, that pursuant to the Loves Park RAMP Program adopted by Resolution No.  05-110 by the Loves Park City Council, the City of Loves Park will pay up to $750.00 to the vendor on a submitted bill for material costs only, or up to $750.00 to the payee of said bill for material costs as requested in the  attached  RAMP  application  and  upon  final  inspection  of  said completed ramp. Second by Alderman Peterson.  Motion carried.  10 Ayes (Aldermen Pruitt, Frykman, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker, Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little) RESOLUTION NO. 18-049

13. Hire License Inspector  Alderman Jacobson presented the following resolution authorizing the Mayor to hire a License Inspector for the City in accordance with Section 2-211 of Division 7 of the City’s Code of Ordinances.  

WHEREAS, the City has previously created the position of License Inspector with the duty of determining that all licenses required by the City either have been issued and properly affixed or displayed in accordance with the ordinances of the City; and 

WHEREAS, the City does not currently have a License Inspector; and 

WHEREAS, Section 2-211 of Division 7 of the City’s Code of Ordinances provides that the Mayor may appoint the License Inspector with the advice and consent of Council; and 

WHEREAS, the Mayor wishes to appoint Scott Andrews to the position to work part-time to inspect the City’s businesses to assure compliance with City Ordinances. 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Loves Park, County of Winnebago and County of Boone, Illinois, that by the adoption of this resolution, that the Mayor and the City Council hereby agree as follows:

1. The above recitals are hereby incorporated into this Resolution as if fully stated herein.

2. The Mayor is authorized to appoint Scott Andrews to be the City License Inspector with the authority to carry out the duties and obligations of such position as set forth in City Code.

3. The License Inspector shall work part-time and be paid at a rate of $23.00 per hour.

4. Should any provision of this Resolution be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Resolution.

5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.

Second by Alderman Peterson. Motion carried. 10 Ayes (Aldermen Pruitt, Frykman, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker, Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little) RESOLUTION NO. 18-050

14. Adjourn

Alderman Jacobson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Second by Alderman

Schlensker.Motion carried by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 6:08 p.m.
