City of South Beloit City Council met Dec. 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
CALL TO ORDER: 5:00 pm, Council Chambers, City Hall by Mayor Rehl.
ROLL CALL: Present & answering to roll call were Commissioners Fitzgerald, Morse, Hedrington and Mayor Rehl.
City Attorney Aaron Szeto and Wiktoria were present
Deputy Clerk Karen Brandenburg recorded the minutes
Department Heads in attendance:
Fire Chief Mike Davenport
Police Chief Adam Truman
Public Works Supervisor Jeff Reininger
ALLEGIANCE: Led by Mayor Rehl and recited by all members present.
INVOCATION: Mayor Rehl asked for a moment of silence.
Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Hedrington second the motion. Voice vote carried the motion.
Marilyn Bukove, member of the Library Board Trustee was present. Ms. Bukove and some crafty ladies get together the last Monday of the month at the South Beloit Library knit and crochet. Ms. Bukove wanted to let everyone know this coming Friday, December 6th, 2019 they will have a table at the old Beloit Library downtown for Holidazzle selling handmade gloves and scarves and getting the word out. The sale of the proceeds buys more yarn to make blankets for battered women and children. Ms. Bukove stated they will be making hats and gloves for Cancer patients next year.
Commissioner Hedrington made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on November 18, 2019. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Voice vote carried the motion. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to lay over the Special Council Meeting held on November 11, 2019. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Voice vote carried the motion.
1. Finance:
Commissioner Morse made a motion to approve the claims to be paid from November 16-27, 2019 in the amount of $321,925.50. Commissioner Fitzgerald second the motion. Roll call vote showed 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
2. Attorney Report:
City Attorney, Aaron Szeto wanted to clarify with City Council the revised Ordinance for Car Ports and Canopies is correct before it goes before the Zoning Board of Appeals.
4. Commissioner’s Report:
Streets & Public Improvements-Commissioner Lori Duffy
Public Properties-Commissioner Ken Morse
Accounts & Finance-Commissioner Tom Fitzgerald
Public Health & Safety-Commissioner Brian Hedrington
1. Discussion and/or Motion Items:
a. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Ordinance 2478 approving the 2019 Supplemental Budget Ordinance. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Roll call vote showed 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
b. Commissioner Hedrington made a motion to approve Ordinance 2479 adopting the 2020 Budget. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Roll call vote showed 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
c. Commissioner Morse made a motion to approve Ordinance 2480 adopting the 2019 Tax Levy. Commissioner Fitzgerald second the motion. Roll call vote showed 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
d. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Ordinance 2481 approving a Special Use Permit to allow for a Beauty Shop/Health Shop in the (IL) Industrial Light Zoning District as a permitted use in the (CG) Commercial General Zoning District for the property located at 14468 Industrial Parkway, South Beloit, Illinois, Winnebago County with PIN No. 04-18-102- 009. City Attorney, Aaron Szeto stated this Special Use did go before the Zoning Board of Appeals and has a positive recommendation, subject to the listed conditions. The property currently exists as an auto repair shop. The building has a separate space where the new business will be located. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Roll call vote showed 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
e. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Ordinance 2482 approving the Enactment of a Temporary Moratorium on the Acceptance of accessory Structure Permit application for Mobile Homes and Building Permit Applications for Additions to Mobile Homes. City Attorney, Aaron Szeto stated this Moratorium will put a hold on any applications for accessory Structures for Mobile Homes and Building Permit Applications for Additions to the Mobile Homes for six months until all the rules and regulations are figured out. The Moratorium will then be lifted and the City will accept the Applications. Commissioner Hedrington second the motion. Roll call vote showed 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
f. Commissioner Morse made a motion to approve the promotion of Dan Roggenbuck to Sergeant effective January 1, 2020. Commissioner Hedrington second the motion. Roll call vote shows 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
g. Commissioner Morse made a motion to approve Ordinance 2483 Establishing the 2020 Meeting Schedules of the City and the 2020 Holiday Schedule. Commissioner Fitzgerald second the motion. Roll call vote showed 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
h. Commissioner Hedrington made a motion to approve Ordinance 2484 amending Article XI – Mobile Food Trucks and Vendors Sec 18-426 renewals. Commissioner Morse second the motion the Budget Timetable for the 2020 Budget. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Roll call vote showed 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
i. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Ordinance 2485 approving and authorizing the City to lease additional vehicles under a Master Lease Agreement and related Documents thereto with Enterprise Fleet Management Inc. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Roll call vote shows 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
j. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Resolution 6088 authorizing the fifteenth IEPA Loan Disbursement request in the amount of $2,657,208.36. Commissioner Hedrington second the motion. Roll call vote shows 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
k. Commissioner Hedrington made a motion the approve Resolution 6089 authorizing the Appointment of Members to the City of South Beloit Parks and recreation Board. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Roll call vote showed 4 ayes and 1 absent by Commissioner Duffy.
1. Business License’s: a. Salt & Sol
2. RLE’s:
a. Tracy DeMarco-Hollywood Slots
b. Jane Lane-Hollywood Slots
Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve all licenses second by Commissioner Morse. Voice vote carried the motion.
At 5:48pm on a motion made by Commissioner Hedrington second by Commissioner Fitzgerald. Voice vote carried the motion.