
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rockford City Council met June 1

Webp meeting808

City of Rockford City Council met June 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor McNamara called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. This meeting was held via teleconference.

A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

The invocation was given by Alderman Ervins and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor McNamara.

B. Roll Call

Attendee Name





Tim Durkee

City of Rockford



Tony Gasparini

City of Rockford



Chad Tuneberg

City of Rockford



Kevin Frost

City of Rockford



Venita Hervey

City of Rockford



Natavias Ervins

City of Rockford



Ann Thompson-Kelly

City of Rockford



6:02 PM

Karen Hoffman

City of Rockford



Bill Rose

City of Rockford


Franklin C. Beach

City of Rockford



Tuffy Quinonez

City of Rockford



Ginger Hanley

City of Rockford



Linda McNeely

City of Rockford



Joseph Chiarelli

City of Rockford



C. Acceptance of the Journal

1. Journal of Proceedings for the Special City Council meeting on May 11, 2020.

Alderman Beach moved to accept the Journal of Proceedings for the City

Council meeting held on May 11, 2020, seconded by Alderman Hervey.

MOTION PREVAILED with a unanimous voice vote.


There were no proclamations presented at this meeting


A. Annexation for 42xx, 46xx, & 4804 Pelley Road and 45xx Simpson Road & 42xx US 20 Bypass

Mayor McNamara called upon Alderman Chiarelli to conduct the Public Hearing. Alderman Chiarelli called the Public Hearing to order at 5:41 p.m. pursuant to 65 Illinois Compiled Statues 5/11-15.1-3 for the Annexation Agreements for the properties located at 42xx, 46xx and 4804 Pelley Road, 45xx Simpson Road and 42xx US 20 Bypass.

Alderman Chiarelli asked for questions or comments from the council members and with regard to the Annexation Agreements.

Alderman Hervey stated she received several letters from adjacent owners who shared their concerns regarding flooding in that area. She wanted to make sure that any construction that was completed would include the routing of water so it would not cause flooding to the neighbors' properties. Alderman Hervey indicated she would forward the letters she received to the appropriate department.

Alderman Chiarelli then asked for questions or comments from the general public with regard to the Annexation Agreements. Hearing none, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 5:46 p.m.


1. David Dobson of Rockford, Illinois requested the elected officials denounce citizens from engaging in personal violence, property damage, looting and arson in the City of Rockford.

2. John Tac Brantley of Rockford, Illinois recited scripture and voiced his concerns and personal feelings regarding the events surrounding the death of George Floyd and police brutality. He spoke about the protests and riots taking place in the City of Rockford and around this nation.


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. Memorandum from Kyle Saunders, Director of Public Works, regarding an application for the 2020 Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Rebuild Illinois Public Infrastructure (RIPI) Program. Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Memorandum from Scott Capovilla, Planning and Zoning Manager, regarding Plat of Rockford Public Library. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

2. Traffic Commission Agenda for the meeting to be held on June 10, 2020 and Minutes from that meeting for consideration at the Code and Regulation Committee meeting on June 22, 2020. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Memorandum from Lisa Warren, Head Start Director, regarding the Early Head Start Child Care Partnership Non-Federal Share Waiver Request. Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.

2. Memorandum from Lisa Warren, Head Start Director, regarding the Head Start/Early Head Start/Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships Application to apply for CARES Act Funds. Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.

3. Memorandum from Derek Bergsten, Fire Chief regarding an Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispatching Emergency Services between Harlem Roscoe Fire Protection District and the City of Rockford E-911 Center.

4. Memorandum from Lafakeria Vaughn, Assistant City Attorney regarding the Intergovernmental Agreement between the State of Illinois Department of Central Management and the City of Rockford for the extension of the lease of office space at 303 N. Main Street for a five (5) year term.

5. Memorandum from Lafakeria Vaughn, Assistant City Attorney regarding the Lease Agreement between City of Rockford and 303 N. Main Street, LLC for extension of the lease of office space at 303 N. Main Street for a five (5) year term.


A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. 2020-147-CR - Committee recommends approval of Charles Street Right- of-Way Plat - UW Swedish American. Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli 

ABSTAIN: Tim Durkee

2. 2020-148-CR - Committee recommends approval of the proposed amendments to the City of Rockford Liquor Code. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinances. Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

3. 2020-149-CR - Committee recommends approval for the Annexation of 42xx, 46xx, & 4804 Pelley Rd., 45xx Simpson Rd. & 42xx US 20 Bypass. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance. Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

4. 2020-150-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals’ approval for a Zoning Map Amendment from I-1, Light Industrial Zoning District to an I-3, Airport Industrial Zoning District at 4227 Pelley Road, 39xx Pelley Road & 47xx South Main Street (TJ Laz Farm LLC,/Applicant). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

5. 2020-151-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Zoning Map Amendment from Winnebago County AG, Agriculture to I-3, Airport Industrial Zoning District at 4711 Pelley Road (Ma Laz Farm, LLC/Applicant). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

6. 2020-152-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of five (5) commercial/retail use buildings, a quick lube oil change service building and a drive-through pick-up window for one of the commercial buildings including freestanding signs with deviations from the regulations, site plan with deviations from the regulations and perimeter landscaping, foundation landscaping, interior landscaping and open green space requirements with deviations from the regulations in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 18xx, 1850, 1972 McFarland Road, 1965 North Perryville Road (Sunil Puri, LLC and Perryville Development Corp/Applicants). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

7. 2020-153-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval of a Variation to increase the maximum allowed height for the west building addition from 45 feet to 65 feet and; a Variation to increase the maximum allowed height for the east building addition from 45 feet to 80 feet in an I-1, Light Industrial Zoning District at 707 Fulton Avenue (Ingersoll Machine Tool Inc./Applicants). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

8. 2020-154-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for a mural on a building in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 603 West State Street (City of Rockford/Rockford Area Arts Council/Applicants). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance. Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

9. 2020-155-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's recommendation for approval for the Sale of Liquor by the Drink in conjunction with a restaurant in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 7616 and 76xx Walton Street (Zensushi Grill Inc., dba I Luv Sushi/Applicant). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

10. 2020-156-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's recommendation for approval for the Sale of Liquor by the Drink in conjunction with a restaurant in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 6779 East State Street (Jian Weng dba Storming Crab/Applicant). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report. Alderman Chiarelli moved to amend the committee report to reflect the following amended conditions:

1. Must meet all applicable Building and Fire Codes. 

2. Compliance with all City of Rockford Liquor Codes. 

3. Window display signage is limited to 20% of window area. 

4. That the windows shall not be covered with bars or other devices that block the windows. 

5. The proposed use shall not have a cover charge or dance floor. 

6. The proposed use shall not have operate as a nightclub. 

7. The hours of operation shall be limited to Sunday to Thursday, 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Saturday and Friday. 

8. All onsite signage must comply with current sign ordinance. All non- conforming signs must be removed.

9. Any pending general ordinance case(s) must be resolved prior to issuance of the license. 

10. All outstanding general ordinance fines must be paid prior to issuance of the license. 

11. All conditions must be met prior to establishment of use. 

12. The proposed use and facility is prohibited from having any video gaming machines.

Alderman Quinonez seconded the motion. 

MOTION PREVAILED with a unanimous voice vote.

The committee report, as amended, was then placed up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. 2020-157-CR - Committee recommends approval of the Vouchers in the amount of $4,564,560.65 as approved at the Finance and Personnel Committee meeting on May 26, 2020. Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

2. 2020-158-CR - Committee recommends approval for Fine Reduction for 605 Whitman Street reducing the fine from $2,400.00 to $1,122.00. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance. Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

3. 2020-159-CR - Committee recommends approval of update to the 2020

Fee Schedule for liquor license fees. The change for Class A would increase from $1,847 to $2,295. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

4. 2020-160-CR - Committee recommends approval of update to 2020 Fee Schedule for proposed remote fire alarm fees. The charges per installation rate would increase from $263 to $300 and the service rate would increase from $134 quarterly to $65 monthly. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

5. 2020-161-CR - Committee recommends approval for the Intergovernmental Agreement between the State of Illinois and the City of Rockford for the lease of eleven (11) parking spaces at 302 South Main Street (Lot 11) for a five (5) year term. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance. Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

6. 2020-162-CR - Committee recommends approval of an ordinance authorizing and providing for the issue of not to exceed $11,300,000 General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source), of the City of Rockford, Winnebago and Ogle Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of paying amounts due by the City related to settlements of litigation against the City prescribing the details of said bonds, providing for the imposition of taxes to pay the same, and for the collection, segregation and application of certain sales tax receipts to pay said bonds and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Mayor McNamara, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli


1. Reappointments of the following individuals as Directors of their Municipal Department in the City of Rockford:

Carrie Hagerty Finance Shurice Hunter Human Resources Anqunette Parham Human Services Glenn Trommels Information Technology Nicholas O. Meyer Legal Kyle Saunders Public Works Karl Franzen Community & Economic Development Mayor McNamara read in the reappointments placed them up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

2. Reappointment of Maurice West, Sr. to the Fire and Police Commissioners for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after June 3, 2020.)

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 6/8/2020 5:45 PM

3. Reappointment of Jessica Jones to the Fire and Police Commissioners for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after June 3, 2020.)

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 6/8/2020 5:45 PM

4. Reappointment of Eric Brown to the Community Relations Commission for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after July 3, 2020.)

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 6/8/2020 5:45 PM

5. Reappointment of Erin Hannigan to the Community Relations Commission for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after July 3, 2020)

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 6/8/2020 5:45 PM

6. Reappointment of Nikki Lynch to the Community Relations Commission for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after July 3, 2020.)

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 6/8/2020 5:45 PM

7. Reappointment of Jay Ware to the Community Relations Commission for a three- year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after July 3, 2020.)

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 6/8/2020 5:45 PM


A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. 2020-117-R - Annexation Agreement

Annexation Agreement by and between MA LAZ III LLC, Owner, and the City of Rockford for property commonly known as 42xx, 46xx, and 4804 Pelley Road, 45xx Simpson Road and 42xx US 20 Bypass (APPROVAL REQUIRES 10 VOTES).

Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. 2020-118-R - Award of Bid: Rental and Cleaning of Uniforms, Floor Mats and Shop Towels to Cintas Corporation, of Rockford, Illinois for an estimated annual amount of $47,500. The contract duration is One (1) year with four (4) one-year possible extensions. The funding source is Fire, Police, and Traffic Operating Budgets; and Water, Property, Garage and Human Services Fund Operating Budgets. Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

2. 2020-119-R - Award of Bid: 2020 Demolition Group 11 to Northern Illinois Service, of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $81,326.00 for the demolition of the following properties: 619-625 Pope Street, 626 Pope Street 715 Kishwaukee Court, 835 Mattis Avenue, 922 Kishwaukee Street, 1026 Kishwaukee Street, 2616 Lapey Street, 2830 Hanson Street, 2905 Saner Avenue, and 3010 Lapey Street. The contract duration is 45 days. The funding source is Community Development Block Grant and Sanitation Funds. Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

3. 2020-120-R - Award of Bid: Lead Service Line Replacement Program Phase 2 to Stenstrom Excavating, of Rockford, Illinois for a not-to-exceed amount of $2,000,000 based on unit pricing as listed on the bid tabulation. The contract duration is one (1) year. The funding source is IEPA State Revolving Loan Fund. Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

4. 2020-121-R - Acceptance of Project Safe Neighborhood Violent Gang and Gun Reduction Program FY18, Northern District of Illinois grant subaward from the Region 1 Planning Council. This subaward passes through Project Safe Neighborhood funds from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Administration. The grant award amount is $569,553.00 and does not require a cost match. The grant term is from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2022. Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

5. 2020-122-R - Acceptance of U.S. Department of Justice FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program Grant Award in the amount of $572,968.00. The grant does not require a cost match. The grant term is from January 20, 2020 to January 31, 2022. Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli


A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. 2020-135-O - An ordinance approving a modification of an existing Liquor License to add one (1) additional video gaming terminal at Ross- Pearson Post No. 5149, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States- 120906443 dba Ross Pearson VFW 5149 – 922 7th Street. Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

2. 2020-136-O - An ordinance approving the Amendments to the City of Rockford Liquor Code.

Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

3. 2020-137-O - An ordinance approving the Annexation of 42xx, 46xx, & 4804 Pelley Rd., 45xx Simpson Rd. & 42xx US 20 Bypass.

Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

4. 2020-138-O - An ordinance approving the Zoning Map Amendment for I-

1 Light Industrial Zoning District to an I-3, Airport Industrial Zoning District at 4227 Pelley Road, 39xx Pelley Road & 47xx South Main Street (TJ Laz Farm LLC/Applicant). Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

5. 2020-139-O - An ordinance approving a Zoning Map Amendment from

Winnebago County AG, Agriculture to I-3, Airport Industrial Zoning District at 4711 Pelley Road (Ma Laz Farm, LLC/Applicant). Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

6. 2020-140-O - An ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of five (5) commercial/retail use buildings, a quick lube oil change service building and a drive-through pick-up window for one of the commercial buildings including freestanding signs with deviations from the regulations, site plan with deviations from the regulations and perimeter landscaping, foundation landscaping, interior landscaping and open green space requirements with deviations from the regulations in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 18xx, 1850, 1972 McFarland Road, 1965 North Perryville Road (Sunil Puri, LLC and Perryville Development Corp/Applicants).

Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

7. 2020-141-O - An ordinance approving a Variation to increase the maximum allowed height for the west building addition from 45 feet to 65 feet and; a Variation to increase the maximum allowed height for the east building addition from 45 feet to 80 feet in an I-1, Light Industrial Zoning District at 707 Fulton Avenue (Ingersoll Machine Tool Inc./Applicants). Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

8. 2020-142-O - An ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for a mural on a building in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 603 West State Street (City of Rockford/Rockford Area Arts Council/Applicants). Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

9. 2020-143-O - An ordinance approving the Sale of Liquor by the Drink in conjunction with a restaurant in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 7616 and 76xx Walton Street (Zensushi Grill Inc., dba I Luv Sushi/Applicant).

Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

10. 2020-144-O - An ordinance approving the Sale of Liquor by the Drink in conjunction with a restaurant in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 6779 East State Street (Jian Weng dba Storming Crab/Applicant).

Alderman Chiarelli, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the ordinance, as amended to conform to 2020-156-CR, and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. 2020-145-O - An ordinance approving the request for Fine Reduction for 605 Whitman Street.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

2. 2020-146-O - An ordinance approving the update to the 2020 Fee Schedule for liquor license fees. The change for Class A would increase from $1,847 to $2,295. Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

3. 2020-147-O - An ordinance approving the update to 2020 Fee Schedule for proposed fire alarm fees. The charges per installation rate would increase from $263 to $300 and the service rate would increase from $134 quarterly to $65 monthly.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

4. 2020-148-O - An ordinance approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between the State of Illinois and the City of Rockford for the lease of eleven (11) parking spaces at 302 South Main Street (Lot 11) for a five (5) year term.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli

5. 2020-149-O - An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issue of not to exceed $11,300,000 General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source), of the City of Rockford, Winnebago and Ogle Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of paying amounts due by the City related to settlements of litigation against the City prescribing the details of said bonds, providing for the imposition of taxes to pay the same, and for the collection, segregation and application of certain sales tax receipts to pay said bonds and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Gasparini, Tuneberg, Frost, Hervey, Ervins, Thompson-Kelly, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Quinonez, Hanley, McNeely, Chiarelli


A. Mayor McNamara

Mayor McNamara announced that on June 15, 2020 the city staff who have been telecommuting would begin returning to work. He explained that on June 16, 2020 the City of Rockford planned to reopen City Hall to the public. He indicated procedures have been put into place to make sure that staff would be complying with social distancing guidelines.

Mayor McNamara mentioned it is his intent to resume in-person City Council meetings in Council Chambers on June 15, 2020. He directed any council member that has concerns regarding in-person meetings to contact him this week. He shared he wants to be as accommodating as possible to insure the aldermen are able to attend.

Mayor McNamara reported a peaceful protest took place on Saturday morning at the Federal Courthouse. He stated the protesters were led by Brandon Gordon and they did a beautiful job of coming together and singing a powerful song. He shared later that same day there was another peaceful demonstration at Haskell Park at 4:00 p.m. Mayor McNamara reported later that evening protesters gathered at Police District 1 and some of the protesters became aggressive and disruptive and caused damage to the facility. He stated on Sunday night looting and disruption took place in the City of Rockford, in our nation and across the world.

Mayor McNamara thanked city staff for their diligent efforts during these challenging times.

Mayor McNamara encouraged residents to not let the destruction of property and the violence of protesters dilute the important message that the peaceful protesters are standing for.

McNamara indicated he supports peaceful protests and the rights of individuals to express their frustration and anger however he stated rioting, violence, destruction and looting are unacceptable. He explained the Police Department would deal swiftly with any individuals that become violent and destructive.

Mayor McNamara thanked the council members for approving the creation of the Community Relations Commission. He announced the Community Relations Commission has a meeting scheduled for June 11, 2020 and they would be working to address some of the challenging issues that the City of Rockford was currently facing.

Mayor McNamara advised the aldermen he would keep them informed as to any new developments as well as the COVID-19 pandemic.

B. Alderman Durkee

Alderman Durkee expressed his frustrations over the tragic events that surrounded George Floyd’s death. He thanked Chief O’Shea and the Rockford Police Officers for their professionalism and he stated he was proud of the way they handled the riots and violence that took place in this community.

Alderman Durkee shared his personal beliefs that churches are essential and that we need a national reset and to return to the moral values that once made our country great. He stated laws and government have failed to cleanse our nation completely of racism because laws cannot change the heart and soul of individuals. He voiced his feelings that a strong family and a strong center in faith are incredibly important in order to change the hearts of people and end racism in our culture. He then recited 2 Chronicles 7:14 and a quote by Alexis de Tocqueville.

Alderman Durkee expressed his appreciation to Alderman Ervins for his heartfelt invocation.

Mayor McNamara thanked Alderman Durkee for sharing his compassionate words.

C. Alderman Gasparini

Alderman Gasparini mentioned he participated in a peaceful protest over the weekend and he shared it was powerful and emotional experience.

Alderman Gasparini urged Mayor McNamara and Chief O’Shea to hold the Rockford Police Officers accountable for any unfair treatment to citizens. He also urged all Rockford Police Officers to hold each other accountable. He commended Mayor McNamara, Chief O’Shea and the Rockford Police Officers for the wonderful job they’ve done during the recent protests, rioting and violence in this community.

Alderman Gasparini encouraged residents to mow their lawns and take care of their weeds.

D. Alderman Tuneberg

Alderman Tuneberg thanked Alderman Durkee for expressing his thoughts and concerns and he stated he shares some of Alderman Durkee’s views.

Alderman Tuneberg voiced his concerns regarding peaceful protests being overtaken by members of Antifa. He urged protesters to refrain from participating in violent and destructive behavior. He mentioned he received several calls from citizens worried that violent groups would begin damaging homes and personal property in neighborhoods.

E. Alderman Frost

Alderman Frost expressed his appreciation to the City of Rockford Leadership Team for their diligent efforts during this difficult time. He voiced how disappointing it was to see the property damage caused by the violent protesters to Police District 1.

Alderman Frost voiced his desire to have meaningful discussions to address the issues of racism. He stated as a community and nation we need to learn from these circumstances and then rise up and fight to eliminate racism.

F. Alderman Hervey

Alderman Hervey shared her personal belief that it’s the government’s responsibility to tell people how they should behave. She voiced her concerns regarding the process of police unions defending and stopping the removal of bad officers. Alderman Hervey expressed her feelings about how to address the issues of racism and the underlying institutions. She encouraged everyone that desires to see real change to join together and do the work necessary to battle against racism in all forms.

Alderman Hervey thanked Alderman Thompson-Kelly for speaking at the press conference and Alderman Beach, Alderman Chiarelli, Alderman Hoffman, Alderman Hanley and Alderman McNeely for standing in support of Alderman Thompson-Kelly.

G. Alderman Ervins

Alderman Ervins expressed his personal feelings about injustice and the importance of addressing racism. He encouraged citizens to seek God’s wisdom during this time and allow God’s spirit to lead them. He concluded with a prayer.

H. Alderman Thompson-Kelly

Alderman Thompson-Kelly thanked Mayor McNamara for holding the press conference and involving members of the community. She also thanked him for his diligent efforts to promote peaceful protests and to resolve the looting and rioting.

Alderman Thompson-Kelly expressed her appreciation to Alderman Hervey for sharing her feelings and she echoed her concerns.

Alderman Thompson-Kelly indicated there are problems in this community with our police officers and she stated if we are going to resolve the issues the police union must be involved in the discussions. She commented the community has great confidence in Mayor McNamara but they do not have confidence in the Rockford Police Department. Alderman Thompson-Kelly urged the City of Rockford elected officials to unite together and support one another so this community, as a whole, can become better.

I. Alderman Hoffman

Alderman Hoffman commended Chief O’Shea for not allowing asphyxiation techniques to be used by the City of Rockford Police Officers.

J. Alderman Rose

Alderman Rose expressed his frustrations regarding the tragic death of George Floyd and some comments that were made by President Trump. He stated he believed in order for change to take place in this country, citizens have to be vocal about racism and call people out. He indicated he would like the City of Rockford to lobby for police reforms and to require the Rockford Police Officers to live and work in this community.

Alderman Rose shared his hope that our community and the nation could address racism and heal from these difficult circumstances.

K. Alderman Beach

Alderman Beach expressed his appreciation to Alderman Durkee for sharing his heartfelt comments.

Alderman Beach thanked the peaceful protesters who, with their words and actions, set an example for this community. He encouraged citizens to not allow the actions of those who were looting and causing destruction to overshadow the message of the peaceful protesters. Alderman Beach asked residents to read the Humanist Manifesto. He shared that love is the most powerful force in the world and he encouraged citizens to focus on loving others.

L. Alderman Quinonez

Alderman Quinonez commended Mayor McNamara and Chief O’Shea for their excellent work during these difficult circumstances. He also thanked the Rockford Police Department for their assistance with several recent incidents in the Eleventh Ward.

Alderman Quinonez thanked Chief Bergsten and the Rockford Fire Department for their hard work extinguishing a fire in the Eleventh Ward over the weekend.

M. Alderman Hanley

Alderman Hanley expressed her feelings regarding the rioting and protests happening in this community and across the nation. She encouraged citizens to really listen to one another and let the protesters know that they are heard.

N. Alderman McNeely

Alderman McNeely voiced her concerns regarding racism and segregation in our nation. She indicated as a society we have a long way to go. She encouraged citizens to not forget about the past so we aren’t confused about the present.

Alderman McNeely thanked Mayor McNamara and Chief O’Shea for how they have handled the protests, riots and looting. She encouraged citizens that wish to participate in protests to know who they are marching with as not all protesters have the same motives.

O. Alderman Chiarelli

Alderman Chiarelli expressed his desire for this community to unite together and have the difficult discussions so we can work to effectively change the way we move forward. He thanked Alderman Thompson-Kelly for her comments during the press conference about building respect and trust. He mentioned that as city officials they need to not only hear the message that is being conveyed by the civil protesters but they also need to understand the message.

Alderman Chiarelli encouraged all citizens to fill their hearts with love and joy for all humanity. He then reassured residents the City of Rockford is working hard to keep everyone in this community safe. Alderman Chiarelli mentioned we have a great opportunity to make changes, move forward and create a better community for all.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
