Village of Machesney Park Planning & Zoning Commission met July 6.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
I. Approval of Minutes from June 1, 2020 PED Meeting
II. Ordinance 23-20, Special Use Permit for Public Utility in the CG District, 7740 Perryville Road
III. Ordinance 24-20, Variance from Length of Time Until Lapse of Special Use Permit, 7740 Perryville Road
IV. Ordinance 25-20, Variance from Front Yard Setback for Above-Ground Pool, 203 Osprey Ridge
V. Ordinance 26-20, Variance from Floodway Conservation Overlay Regulations 7840, Shore Drive
VI. Ordinance 27-20, Variance from Requirement for Principal Building before Accessory Building, 7840 Shore Drive
VII. Ordinance 28-20, Text Amendment to Zoning Code for Industrial Design Standards, Trash Enclosures
VIII. Ordinance 29-20, Text Amendment to Zoning Code for Home Occupation Permit Annual Renewal Requests
IX. Ordinance 31-20, Text Amendment to Zoning Code for Temporary Uses and Structures
X. Resolution 38-R-20, Boundary Agreement with the City of Rockford
XI. Reports
XII. PublicComment
XIII. Adjourn