
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rockford City Council met July 20

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City of Rockford City Council met July 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

B. Roll Call

C. Acceptance of the Journal

1. Journal of Proceedings for the City Council meeting held on June 15, 2020.



A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda for the meeting to be held on July 21, 2020 and Minutes from that meeting for consideration at the Code and Regulation Committee meeting on July 27, 2020. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

2. Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board Agenda for the meeting to be held on July 21, 2020 and Minutes from that meeting for consideration at the Code and Regulation Committee meeting on July 27, 2020. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

3. Memorandum from Lafakeria Vaughn, Assistant City Attorney, regarding an application to modify an existing Liquor License to add one additional video gaming terminal at Brewsky's located at 4414 Charles Street. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Alderman Frost to open two bids for the sale of property located at 1811 Crosby Street. Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.

2. Memorandum from Carrie Hagerty, Finance Director, regarding the RAVE Capital Plan. Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.


1. John Tac Brantley


A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Committee recommends reversing the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Zoning Map Amendment from R-3, Multi-Family Residential Zoning District to a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 4321 West State Street (Rockford DG, LLC – Mark Bush/Applicant).

2. Committee recommends approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rockford and Rockford Housing Authority (RHA) for Part 58 Environmental Review Services for RHA Projects. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Committee recommends approval of the vouchers in the amount of $8,996,562.65 as approved at the Finance and Personnel Committee meeting on July 13, 2020.

2. Committee recommends approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for US Business 20 (East State Street) from Mill Road to Buckley Drive. The city's portion for the project is $530,331.00. The funding source is Motor Fuel Tax funds. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

3. Committee recommends approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for 20th Street over US Bypass 20 Bridge. The city's portion is $64,644.00. The funding source is Motor Fuel Tax funds. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

4. Committee recommends approval of a Marketing Agreement for Service Line Warranty Coverage with Utility Service Partners Inc. (USP). The estimated annual revenue is $50,760.00. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

5. Committee recommends approval of the Head Start Collaborative Agreement between the City of Rockford Human Services Department and Trinity Day Care Inc. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

6. Committee recommends approval of the Head Start Collaborative Agreement between the City of Rockford Human Services Department and Harlem Community Center, Hand-n-Hand Child Care. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

7. Committee recommends approval of the Amendment to the 2020 Fee Schedule to include a Zoning Board of Appeals Special Use Permit Application Fee for murals. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

8. Committee recommends approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois (Illinois Century Network) for Internet bandwidth. This connection to the State is also used for required access to the Illinois State Police LEADS System. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

9. Committee recommends approval of the Lien Waivers for Trustee Properties to facilitate transfer of the properties from the Winnebago County Trustee to bidders. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Property Address Lien Amounts

6XX S JOHNSTON AVE City - $1,211, $845, $184, $207, $206, $323, $169, $310, $195 = $3,650

25XX ANDERSON ST City - $260, $355, $1,049, $845, $187 = $2,696

1052 N ROCKTON AVE City - $359, $845, $200, $323 = $1,727

612 S HENRIETTA AVE City - $887, $890, $184, $187, $336, $173 = $2,647

511 NEWPORT AVE City - $10,998, $1,117 = $12,105

3021 SEWELL ST City - $524, $359, $359, $185, $173 = $1,600

3013 SEWELL ST City - $524, $521, $197, $192, $197, $185, $173 = $1,989

1829 7TH ST City - $105

984 N COURT ST City - $1,240

818 S MAIN ST City - $18,700

1412 GRANT AVE City - $2,800

910 VAN WIE AVE City - $359, $845 = $1,204

2829 ASHLAND AVE City - $405, $2250. Confirm with RRWRD = $2,655

412 N 3RD ST City - $9,000, $15,000 = $24,000

620 TRENTON City - $9,622, $5,509 = $15,131

510 SIMPSON RD City - $1,320

404 LEXINGTON AVE City - $1,500

513 ACORN ST City - $185

928 S 5TH ST City - $2,400

219 CATHERINE ST City - $2,850

1328 ELM ST City - $2,975

1222 S CHURCH ST City - $358, $225, $752, $177 = $1,512

CORBIN ST City - $359, $521, $197 = $1,077

1448 W JEFFERSON ST City - $360, $1,029, $319, $184, $184, $333, $173, $617, $454, $314, $301, $164, $310, $298 = $5,040

3017 SEWELL ST City - $524, $521, $197, $192, $197, $185, $173 = $1,989

612 S HORACE AVE City - $7,996

1311 ANDREWS ST City - $887, $319, $184, $186, $184, $181, $328, $156, $312, $223, $306, $168 = $3,434

2830 HANSON ST City Notice to demo and $3,000, $2,400, $200 = $5,600

2827 BILDAHL ST Notice of intent to demo



A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's approval of a Modification of an Existing Liquor License to allow liquor by the drink in conjunction with a nightclub, banquet hall and video gaming in an R-2 Two-Family Residential Zoning District at 320 Kent Street (Sandra Berumen/Aragona Club/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee VIII. APPOINTMENTS LAID OVER

1. Reappointment of Eric Brown to the Community Relations Commission for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage on August 3, 2020.)

2. Reappointment of Erin Hannigan to the Community Relations Commission for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage on August 3, 2020)

3. Reappointment of Nikki Lynch to the Community Relations Commission for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage on August 3, 2020.)

4. Reappointment of Jay Ware to the Community Relations Commission for a three- year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage on August 3, 2020.)


A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Rockford Fire 911 3k Family Run

Scheduled for August 15th from 7a.m. – 11a.m. The event location will be at 391 North Trainer Road

2. Ramp River Run

Scheduled for August 29th from 6 a.m. – Noon. The run will begin at 7:30 a.m. The run location will be at 202 Market Street at Water Street – City Market Pavilion

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Award of Bid: Head Start Learning Materials to Discount School Supply, of Monterey, California in the amount of $32,000.00. The contract duration is one (1) year and three (3) one-year options to renew for a total of four (4). The funding source is Human Services Operating Budget.

2. Award of Bid: City Yards Warm Storage Roof Replacement to HC Anderson Roofing, of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $131,345.00. The funding source is Property Fund Operating Budget.

3. Award of Bid: City-Wide Weed Abatement to AKT Services, of Loves Park, Illinois, Affordable Solutions, of Rockford, Illinois, JJ Paris, of Rockford, Illinois, Slabaugh & Sons, of Caledonia, Illinois, Reyes Rodriguez, of Rockford, Illinois and Chatman Services, of Rockford, Illinois for a total contract amount of $175,000.00, based on unit pricing. The contract duration is one (1) year and four (4) one-year renewals for a total of five years. The funding source is Construction Services Operating Budget.

4. Award of RFP: Automatic License Plate Readers Cameras to Vigilant Solutions, of Livermore, California in the amount of $233,374.00 (based on unit pricing). Cameras -The funding source is Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Grant.

5. Resolution to Adopt the Annual Financial Report and the Auditor's Management Letter to the Mayor and City Council for Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2019.

6. Resolution for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code for use of Motor Fuel Tax funds for US Business 20 (East State Street) from Mill Road to Buckley Road in the amount of $1,500,000.00.

7. Resolution for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code for use of Motor Fuel Tax funds for 20th Street over US Bypass 20 Bridge in the amount of $100,000.00.

8. Award of Bid: City-Wide Street Repairs Group No. 5 - 2020 (Residential) to Rock Road Companies, of Janesville, Wisconsin in the amount of $1,767,420.58. The project is estimated to be completed October 16, 2020. The funding source is Motor Fuel Tax funds.

9. Supplemental Resolution for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code 2020 General Maintenance for use of Motor Fuel Tax funds for City-Wide Street Repair Package 5 ($1,950,000.00) and 2020 Bridge Preservation ($150,000.00) for a total of $2,100,000.00.

10. Resolution for Authority to pay the attorney fee and cost award in the amount of $117,836.26 plus any post-judgment interest which was ordered in Sweeney, et al. v. City of Rockford, (Winnebago County case number 2015 MR 265) (SUSPEND RULE 15)


A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. An ordinance approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rockford and Rockford Housing Authority (RHA) for Part 58 Environmental Review Services for RHA Projects.

2. An ordinance approving a Modification of an Existing Liquor License to allow liquor by the drink in conjunction with a nightclub, banquet hall and video gaming in an R-2 Two-Family Residential Zoning District at 320 Kent Street (Sandra Berumen/Aragona Club/Applicant).

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. An ordinance approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for US Business 20 (East State Street) from Mill Road to Buckley Drive. The city's portion for the project is $530,331.00. The funding source is Motor Fuel Tax funds.

2. An ordinance approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for 20th Street over US Bypass 20 Bridge. The city's portion is $64,644.00. The funding source is Motor Fuel Tax funds.

3. An ordinance approving the Marketing Agreement for Service Line Warranty Coverage with Utility Service Partners Inc. (USP). The estimated annual revenue is $50,760.00.

4. An ordinance approving the Head Start Collaborative Agreement between the City of Rockford Human Services Department and Trinity Day Care Inc.

5. An ordinance approving the Head Start Collaborative Agreement between the City of Rockford Human Services Department and Harlem Community Center, Hand-n-Hand Child Care.

6. An ordinance approving the Amendment to the 2020 Fee Schedule to include a Zoning Board of Appeals Special Use Permit Application Fee for murals.

7. An ordinance approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois (Illinois Century Network) for Internet bandwidth. This connection to the State is also used for required access to the Illinois State Police LEADS System.

8. An ordinance approving the Lien Waivers for Trustee Properties to facilitate transfer of the properties from the Winnebago County Trustee to bidders.

Property Address Lien Amounts

6XX S JOHNSTON AVE City - $1,211, $845, $184, $207, $206, $323, $169, $310, $195 = $3,650

25XX ANDERSON ST City - $260, $355, $1,049, $845, $187 = $2,696

1052 N ROCKTON AVE City - $359, $845, $200, $323 = $1,727

612 S HENRIETTA AVE City - $887, $890, $184, $187, $336, $173 = $2,647

511 NEWPORT AVE City - $10,998, $1,117 = $12,105

3021 SEWELL ST City - $524, $359, $359, $185, $173 = $1,600

3013 SEWELL ST City - $524, $521, $197, $192, $197, $185, $173 = $1,989

1829 7TH ST City - $105

984 N COURT ST City - $1,240

818 S MAIN ST City - $18,700

1412 GRANT AVE City - $2,800

910 VAN WIE AVE City - $359, $845 = $1,204

2829 ASHLAND AVE City - $405, $2250. Confirm with RRWRD = $2,655

412 N 3RD ST City - $9,000, $15,000 = $24,000

620 TRENTON City - $9,622, $5,509 = $15,131

510 SIMPSON RD City - $1,320

404 LEXINGTON AVE City - $1,500

513 ACORN ST City - $185

928 S 5TH ST City - $2,400

219 CATHERINE ST City - $2,850

1328 ELM ST City - $2,975

1222 S CHURCH ST City - $358, $225, $752, $177 = $1,512

CORBIN ST City - $359, $521, $197 = $1,077

1448 W JEFFERSON ST City - $360, $1,029, $319, $184, $184, $333, $173, $617, $454, $314, $301, $164, $310, $298 = $5,040

3017 SEWELL ST City - $524, $521, $197, $192, $197, $185, $173 = $1,989

612 S HORACE AVE City - $7,996

1311 ANDREWS ST City - $887, $319, $184, $186, $184, $181, $328, $156, $312, $223, $306, $168 = $3,434

2830 HANSON ST City Notice to demo and $3,000, $2,400, $200 = $5,600

2827 BILDAHL ST Notice of intent to demo

