City of Carlyle Street and Alley Committee and City Council met Aug. 24.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee and the council:
The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Hodapp at 6:30 p.m. at Case Halstead Library located at 550 6th Street, Carlyle, IL 62231. Committee members present included John Hodapp, Scott Diekemper, and Logan Speiser. Others present included Don Perez, Joe Behrman, Shannon Petrea, Michael Jansen, Mayor Judy Smith, Andy Brackett, and Martha Reinkensmeyer.
After reviewing the minutes from the August 18, 2020 meeting, Scott Diekemper made a motion to approve the minutes. Logan Speiser seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
The first item on the agenda was bidding out the entrance onto William Road at Governors Drive. Andy stated that the entrance will be widened to mirror the Tractor Supply/McDonalds entrance. The signs for Governors Run will not need to be moved. The bid opening will be held on September 17th and work will be completed by November 20th. The company that wins the bid will have nine days to complete each side and one month to get the whole project completed. Logan Speiser made a motion to send the bid for the entrance onto William Road at Governors Drive to Council. Scott Diekemper seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
The second item on the agenda was old business. Andy reviewed three entrance options for the travel center with the Committee. He did not receive the options until late Friday.
The third item on the agenda was new business. Mayor Smith stated that there has been a squabble between neighbors at 3rd Street and Ridge and 3rd Street and South Street. The squabble is over the public right-of-way between the neighbors. One neighbor has applied for a fence permit. Mayor Smith stated that she wants to wait and see if that improves the situation. If it does not, she would like the Street & Alley Department to put in a public alley to create space between the neighbors.
There were no any other comments.
There were no public comments.
The Committee did not enter executive session so there were no executive session items on which to vote.
With no further business to discuss, Logan Speiser made a motion to adjourn. Scott Diekemper seconded the motion. Finding all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.