
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Winnebago County Zoning Board of Appeals met October 13

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Winnebago County Zoning Board of Appeals met Oct. 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Approval of September 09, 2020 Minutes

D. Agenda Items

1. Z-07-20 A MAP AMENDMENT TO REZONE +/- 0.53 ACRES FROM THE AG, AGRICULTURAL PRIORITY DISTRICT TO THE IH, HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT requested by The DeLong Co. Inc., represented by Ian Linnabary, Attorney, for the property that is commonly known as 2758 Alworth Road, Winnebago, IL 61088 in Winnebago Township.

PIN: Part of 14-20-200-008 C.B. District: 1

Lesa Rating: TBD Consistent W/2030 LRMP – Future Map: NO

2. Z-08-20 A MAP AMENDMENT TO REZONE +/- 1.777 ACRES FROM THE AG, AGRICULTURAL PRIORITY DISTRICT TO THE A2, AGRICULTURE-RELATED BUSINESS DISTRICT requested by The DeLong Co. Inc., represented by Ian Linnabary, Attorney, for the property that is generally located at the southeast corner of the Alworth Road and Kelley Road intersection, Winnebago, IL 61088 in Winnebago Township.

PIN: Part of 14-20-200-002 C.B. District: 1

Lesa Rating: N/A Consistent W/2030 LRMP – Future Map: NO

E. Other Matters

F. Adjournment
