City of Loves Park City Council met Sept. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Gregory Jury called to order the meeting of the Loves Park City Council at 6:03 p.m.
Alderman Clint Little opened the meeting with an invocation followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Present: Mayor Gregory Jury
Aldermen Doug Allton (electronically), Nancy Warden, John Jacobson (electronically), Jim Puckett, Clint Little, John Pruitt, Charles Frykman (electronically), A. Marie Holmes (electronically), Robert Schlensker
Absent: Alderman Mark Peterson
Also Present: City Clerk Bob Burden
City Attorney Gino Galluzzo
1. Approve Minutes 08/31/20
The Journal of Proceedings for the regular meeting of August 31, 2020 was approved as submitted by the city clerk on a motion by Alderman Little. Second by Alderman Schlensker. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little, Pruitt, Frykman, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Peterson)
2. Committee Of The Whole
City Clerk Bob Burden presented the Committee of the Whole minutes for August 31, 2020.
3. Minutes Approved
Alderman Pruitt moved to approve the Committee of the Whole minutes for August 31, 2020. Second by Alderman Schlensker. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little, Pruitt, Frykman, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Peterson)
4. SEP/Republican Party Request
Received a Special Event Permit application from the Winnebago County Republican Party, for a candidates’ forum at the Loves Park City hall pavilion, on Saturday, September 19, 2020, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
5. SEP/Republican Party Candidates Forum Approved
Alderman Warden moved to approve a Special Event Permit application from the Winnebago County Republican Party, for a candidates’ forum at the Loves Park City Hall pavilion, on Saturday, September 19, 2020, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm. Second by Alderman Schlensker. Motion carried. 8 Ayes (Alderman Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little, Pruitt, Frykman, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Peterson) Due to technical difficulties Alderman Holmes’ vote was not recorded.
6. Water Department Bills
Alderman Jacobson presented the Water Department bills dated August 31, 2020 in the amount of $140,291.14, and moved that they be paid. Second by Alderman Pruitt. Motion carried. 8 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little, Pruitt, Frykman, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Peterson) Due to technical difficulties Alderman Holmes’ vote was not recorded.
7. General Fund Bills
Alderman Jacobson presented the General Fund bills dated August 31, 2020 in the amount of $178,940.55, and moved that they be paid. Second by Alderman Pruitt. Motion carried. 8 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little, Pruitt, Frykman, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Peterson) Due to technical difficulties Alderman Holmes’ vote was not recorded.
8. Public Safety Report
Alderman Allton presented the Police Department Report dated September 8, 2020, to be placed on file.
9. Public Works Report
Alderman Schlensker presented the Street Department Report dated August 31, 2020; presented the Water Department Report dated August 31, 2020, to be placed on file.
10. Finance & Administration Committee
Alderman Jacobson of the Finance and Administration Committee presented General Fund and all other bills dated September 8, 2020 in the amount of $225,359.29, for consideration at next week’s city council meeting; presented the minutes from the committee meeting held August 31, 2020, to be placed on file.
11. Public Works Committee
Alderman Schlensker of the Public Works Committee presented the Water Department list of bills dated September 8, 2020 in the amount of $51,778.47, for consideration at next week’s city council meeting.
12. ORD 4359-20 Redevelopment Agreement With CRV Properties LLC
Alderman Jacobson presented for second reading an ordinance authorizing the City of Loves Park to enter into a Redevelopment Agreement with CRV Properties, LLC – Forest Hills Road Series, and moved for passage of the ordinance. Second by Alderman Schlensker. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Warden, Jacobson, Puckett, Little, Pruitt, Frykman, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Peterson) ORDINANCE NO. 4359-20
13. Adjourn
Alderman Jacobson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Second by Alderman Schlensker. Motion carried by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 6:13 p.m.