
Rockford Sun

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rock Valley College Committee of the Whole Met May 10

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Rock Valley College Committee of the Whole Met May 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Call to Order

The Committee of the Whole meeting, held virtually via videoconference, was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Chairperson Jarid Funderburg.

Roll Call

The following members of the Board of Trustees were present at roll call:

Mr. Jarid Funderburg

Ms. Annika Vincent, Student Trustee

Mr. Paul Gorski

Ms. Lynn Kearney

Ms. Crystal Soltow

Mr. Bob Trojan

Mr. John Nelson joined at 6:45 p.m.

The following Trustee was absent at roll call: Ms. Gloria Cudia

Also Present: Dr. Howard Spearman, President; Mr. Ron Geary, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Campus Safety/Chief Academic Officer; Mr. Jim Handley, Vice President of Human Resources; Mr. Chris Lewis, Vice President of Workforce Development; Ms. Tiana McCall, Associate Vice President of Community Outreach & Strategic Partnerships; Dr. Patrick Peyer, Vice President of Student Affairs; Dr. Amanda Smith, Associate Vice President of Liberal Arts & Adult Education; Ms. Gina Caronna, Associate Vice President of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM); Ms. Ellen Olson, Executive Director of Finance /Interim Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Lisa Mehlig, Executive Director of Outcomes Assessment/Higher Learning Commission Liaison; Ms. Heather Snider, Vice

President of Institutional Effectiveness & Communications; Mr. Rick Jenks, Chief of Police;Ms. Ann Kerwitz, Assistant to the President; Ms. Kris Fuchs, Assistant to the President; Attorney Matthew Gardner, Robbins Schwartz; Mr. Darin Monroe, Athletic Director; Ms. Danielle Baumgartner, Senior Systems Administrator/Interim Executive Director of Information Technologyl Dr. Mark Lanting, Dean of Communications and Humanities; Ms. Elaine Shannon, Director of the TRiO Programs

Communications and Petitions

There were no public comments.

Recognition of Visitors

Dr. Mark Lanting, dean of communications and humanities, introduced Ms. Molly Sides as Faculty of the Year. Ms. Sides was unable to attend the meeting, so Dr. Lanting read Ms. Sides' achievements. Ms. Sides has been with Rock Valley College (RVC) for 19 years. Ms. Sides' primary responsibilities are teaching composition and writing. Trustees congratulated Ms. Sides for her accomplishments and Faculty of the Year award.

Review of Minutes

There were no comments on the minutes from the April 12, 2021Committee of the Whole meeting.

General Presentations

Dr. Howard Spearman introduced Mr. Jim Reed, executive director, and Mr. Jon Looney, president of the Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA). Mr. Looney gave an overview of what the ICCTA membership entails; Mr. Looney described their leaders and discussed the ICCTA mission and vision statements.

Mr. Reed discussed how ICCTA is a legislative advocacy tracking, monitoring, lobbying, drafting bills, and amendments. Mr. Reed stated that the ICCTA has trustee training and education, legal education seminars for board attorneys, and professional development conference for presidential secretaries and assistants. ICCTA offers consultation and expertise. The ICCTA due structure for FY22 for RVC will be $19,290. The $19,290 would be invoiced in two installments; the first $9,645 would be invoiced in mid-June and be due by July 1, 2021 The second installment would be invoiced the first week of December and be due by January 1,2022.

Trustees wanted to know where the ICCTA stood on House Bill (HB) 3145. Both Mr. Reed and Mr. Looney stated the ICCTA has been against HB 3145 since the beginning and has been in contact with both Senator Stadleman and Representative Maurice A. West.

Teaching. Learning & Communications Discussion: Board Liaison Trustee Cudia

1. TRiO Update

Ms. Elaine Shannon, director of the TRiO program, presented the TRiO update. Ms. Shannon explained that TRiO started with three programs; TRiO Achieve, TRiO Complete, and TRiO Upward Bound. TRiO Upward Bound, which is geared toward high school students, is partnered with Rockford Public School (RPS) District 205, Auburn High School, and East High School. The two Student Support Services (SSS) programs, TRiO Achieve and TRiO Complete are geared toward college students. All three TRiO programs are federally funded programs through the Department of Education. The TRiO Achieve program receives $1,309,440 in federal monies, and that services 100 college students. TRiO Complete gets $1,309,440 in federal funds, services 140 college students. The TRiO Upward Bound receives $1,485,000 and services 60 high school students. The federal funding covers staff payroll for all three TRiO programs.

In the TRiO SSS programs from 2015-2020, TRiO Achieve had a 43%o graduation rate, and in the TRiO Complete, a 4lo/o graduation rate. The TRiO Upward Bound program had 18 high school students graduate, of which seven transferred to RVC, five transferred to another college, and six chose the military or went into the workforce.

2. Enrollment Update

Ms. Heather Snider, vice president of institutional effectiveness and communications, presented the enrollment update on RVC Program investments. RVC has invested in several facilities and partnerships in the past five years. The data brief examines ten-year enrollment trends for the programs housed in the facilities associated with the partnerships.

In fall 2015, the College's Aviation Career Education Center (ACEC) opened at the Chicago Rockford International Airport. Since opening the new facility, enrollment in the College's aviation programs has grown by 87%.

In fall 2016,the College opened its new RVC Downtown location on the second floor of the Rockford Register Star news tower. It has twice the classroom space as the College's former downtown sites. Since opening the new facility, downtown enrollment in adult education courses has increased by 16%0, and downtown enrollment in credit courses has increased by 27%.

In fall 2016, the College also reopened the renovated Woodward Technology Center, including more classroom and lab space to accommodate the NIU@RVC Engineering program. Since the beginning of the NIU@RVC partnership, enrollment in the Associate in Engineering Science (AES) program has grown by 44%. Trustee Gorski asked Ms. Snider how many graduates go on to NIU and how many go elsewhere. Ms. Snider stated she has asked for the information and would get it compiled and provide it to the trustees.

In July 2017 , the College opened the Health Sciences Center (HSC) on the main campus in partnership with OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center. The HSC houses the College's Nursing, Allied Health, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), and Fire Science programs, as well as the OSF Saint Anthony College of Nursing. Since opening the HSC, enrollment in the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program has grown by 5%; Allied Health programs have remained flat; the CNA program has declined by l8o/o; and the Fire Science program enrollment has declined by 23%. Ms. Snider did not have the matriculation from RVC's Nursing Program to the Bachelor's Degree Program in Nursing at OSF. Ms. Snider has requested the data and will provide it at a later date.

Discussion ensued.

3. Commencement Update

Dr. Patrick Peyer, vice president of student affairs, provided a brief summary of the commencement programs. There will be several pinning ceremonies on Wednesday and Thursday, May 11, 2021, and May 12, 2021.

The GED ceremony will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 12, 2021, at the Starlight Theatre; 26 students will participate with their families.

The walk-through Commencement will be held Friday, May 14, 2021,ftom 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Over 300 students have signed up to participate. They will walk across the stage; Dr. Spearman will hand them their diploma cover and have a headshot photo taken by a professional photographer.

At 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 14, 2021, the virtual ceremony will be aired, with approximately 200 students participating. The students have submitted a photo or a short video. The virtual ceremony will be more like the traditional ceremony where their names will be announced and along with conventional speeches.

4. Strategic Plan Timeline

Ms. Snider presented a strategic planning timeline for completionin202l, including all unit plans within that hierarchy. The first set of tasks has to do with the College's overall strategic plan guided by access, exceptional learning opportunities, exceptional training opportunities, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The second set of tasks deals with each of the vice presidents' unit plans which are all in progress. The intent is to begin to bring updates regularly, before Trustees, details on some of the units' plans throughout this fiscal year.

Finance Discussion: Board Liaison Trustee Trojan

1. Purchase Reports

Ms. Ellen Olson, executive director of finance / interim chief financial officer, presented the purchase reports.

Purchase Report #762 A - FY21 Addendums:

A. Telephone Service Charges - (Telephone Service Charges: IT Telecommunications)

1. AT&T Dallas, TX $ 38,700.00 (1)*

Trustee Nelson stated that it would be more prudent to negotiate the contract before signing to receive the best deal. Ms. Olson noted that the contract was signed so that the rates were reduced now, as it takes two billing cycles for reduced rates to go into play. RVC did not want to lose the phone service. Trustee Nelson suggested that next time RVC should go out to bid.

Trustee Gorski asked how long the contract is for, and Ms. Olson stated she would look into that and get it to Trustees by the next meeting.

Purchase Report #762 B - FY21 Purchases:

A. Maintenance - (Other Capital Outlay: Theatre Tent)

1. Berg Industries Rockford, IL $ 28,550.00 (1)*

B. Equipment - (Instructional Equipment: Workforce Equity)

2. Midwest Machinery Resources, LLC Elk Grove Village, IL $ 105,095.00 (2)*

Machinery Source Belvidere, IL $ 116,100.00

DMG Mori Hoffman Estates, IL $ 238,000.00

C. Maintenance - (Operations & Maintenance: Restricted, OLS SC ADA Door Replacement, Other Capital Outlay)

3. Scandroli Rockford, IL $ 72,53s.00 (3)*

Enger-Vavra Franklin Park, IL $ 84,267.20

Item B: Trustee Trojan inquired if item B came with servicing. Ms. Olson asked Mr. Chris Lewis, vice president of workforce development, to respond. Mr. Lewis responded that the machines have a warranty. Trustee Trojan stated that servicing was different from a warranty and that if Midwest Machinery Resources would not come in and service the equipment, he would question the purchase. Trustee Gorski agreed with Trustee Trojan's expertise. Trustee Trojan stated he would also vote against item B for the way it is presented.

Item C: Trustee Kearney wanted to know if the doors to the Student Center were the only doors that were not ADA compliant or if there were other doors on campus that were not ADA compliant. Ms. Olson responded that the doors are custom doors and were broken. The rest of the entries on campus are ADA compliant.

Purchase Report #762 C - FY22 Purchases.' Contractual Services - (PPE Supplies: General Institutional Expenses)

1. Northern Illinois Training Advisory Board Rockford, IL $ 32,000.00 (1)*

A. Contractual Services - (Awards & Prizes: Upward Bound Direct)

2. Nucleus Robotics Los Angeles, CA $ 10,500.00 (2)*

B. contractual Services - (other conference & Meeting Expenses: upward Bound)

3. Nucleus Robotics Los Angeles, CA $ 12,900.00 (3)

C. contractual Services - (other conference & Meeting Expenses: Upward Bound)

4. Brightspark Chicago, IL $ 36,000.00 (4)*

D. Uniforms & Team Equipment - (Athletic Equipment)

5. BSN Dallas, TX $ 100,000.00 (5)*

Purchase Report #762 D - FY2l Advanced Technology Center (ATC) Change Orders:

A. Advanced Technology Center - (operations & Maintenance Fund: ATC)

1. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL  $ < 7,050.00>(l)*

2. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL  $ 2,514.00 (2)*

3. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL $< 23o.oo>(3)*

4. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL $< 4,680.00>(4)*

5. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL $< 6,678.00>(5)*

6. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL $ 7,792.00 (6)*

7. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL $ 428.00 (7)*

8. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL $ 3,139.00 (8)*

9. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL $ s26.00 (9)*

10. Stenstrom & Sons Construction Rockford, IL $ 10,634.00 (10)*

Purchase Report #762 E - FY21 Advanced Technology Center @rq Purchases:

A. Advanced Technology Center - (Instructional Equipment: ATC)

1. Illinois Material Handling Rockford, IL $ 30,437.00 (l)*

Midway Industrial Equipment Sugar Grove, IL $ 35,035.00

Fitzgerald Equipment Rockford, IL $ 34,952.00

Crownlift Trucks Schaumburg, IL $ 42,777.00

B. Advanced Technology Center - (Instructional Equipment: ATC)

2. Midwest Machinery/HFO Elk Grove, IL$ 351,516.00 (2)*

C. Advanced Technology Center - (Instructional Equipment: ATC)

3. Machinery Source Belvidere, IL $ 148,000.00 (3)*

D. Advanced Technology Center - (Instructional Equipment: ATC)

4. Praxair Hillside, IL $ 79t,479.00 (4)* 

Weldstar Machesney Park, IL $ 1,003,600.00

E. Advanced Technology Center - (Instructional Equipment: ATC)

5. Moss Enterprises Johnston, IA $ 50,000.00 (s)*

F. Advanced Technology Center - (Real Estate Taxes: Big Thunder Blvd., Belvidere)

6. Boone County Treasurer Belvidere, IL $ 75,010.00 (6)*

Items A, B, and C: Discussion ensued. Trustees questioned if the equipment has a warranty and a service agreement. Dr. Spearman thought that the equipment came with a two-year warranty; Trustee Gorski stated that he would vote against the purchase report if he didn't have the answers regarding the warranty and service questions before the next meeting.

Items D and E: Discussion ensued among the Trustees regarding the welding and CNC equipment for the ATC.

2. Cash and Investment Report

Ms. Olson presented the cash and investment report. The total operating cash and investments since April 30,202l,were down ($186,293) due to normal operations. The $357 change in capital funds was due to interest being paid on the capital funds account.

Operations Discussion: Board Liaison Trustee Funderburg

1. Personnel Report

Mr. Jim Handley, vice president of human resources, presented the personnel report. Administration recommends that Ms. Danielle Baumgartner be appointed executive director of information technology (IT) effective May 26,2021. There were no departures. There was no further discussion.

2. Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement (IGA): Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Highway Construction Careers Training Program

Mr. Chris Lewis, vice president of workforce development, introduced Mr. Dawson Ingram, coordinator of the IDOT program with RVC. Mr. Ingram stated that RVC is one of 12 schools that are a part of the IDOT training program. There will be no language changes in this year's IGA. It will carry forward from202l into 2022; the only changes will be on the compensation page. The sub-contracting materials will increase by l0%. The other component going up will be a stipend to the coordinators, which is separate from their base wage compensation. Mr. Ingram stated he has been the coordinator for the IDOT training program for approximately three years. There was no further discussion.

3. COVID-l9 Testing Support Agreement (IGA) / COVID-l9 Specimen Collection and Courier Services Agreement (IGA)

Chief Rick Jenks presented the COVID-19 Testing Support Agreement brought to RVC by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (U of I). U of I Rockford would like RVC to have a saliva testing center versus the nasal-based testing on the college main campus property. All fees have been waived except if RVC had to hire a temporary part-time person to run the site and handle the samples. RVC would work with Allied Health to have students be temporary workers in collecting the samples. Samples will be transported to U of I Rockford by Chief Jenks's department. At the end of the agreement, which would be the end of December 202I, the College would receive $10.00 per specimen collected and brought to the U of I lab for testing. Any funding that RVC would have to spend in hiring personnel would be covered under the CRRSAA. All Trustees were in favor of RVC being a COVID-19 saliva testing center.

4. IT Assessment Update

Ms. Danielle Baumgartner, senior systems administrator, and interim executive director of IT, presented the IT Assessment update of RVC's technology priorities, timeline, and budget. The timeline was broken into five categories: business system and process development; infrastructure; public website and intranet; data and document management; and information technology department initiatives. In summary, the total for business system and process development is $367,600; infrastructure is $630,900; public website and intranet is $0; data and document management is $62,960; information technology department is $10,000;the total for 2021-2022 is $1,071,460. RVC will be covering these expected costs by using CRRSAA funds. The student technology fees are $224,900;the assessment was $50,000; for a total cost for 2021-2022 of $1,038,460, creating a savings of $17,000.

Trustees thought that Ms. Baumgartner had a good plan that was attainable in the timeframe that Ms. Baumgartner presented.

5. Discussion: Athletics Division II

Mr. Darin Monroe, athletic director, and head coach, presented the potential plan for RVC Athletics to transition to Division II (DID in the fall of 2022. A few benefits of RVC becoming a DII college is that RVC will attract a higher quality student-athlete, including the best local players who are currently leaving Rockford to attend a scholarship offered Junior College. Recruiting opportunities increase significantly with the ability to offer an athletic scholarship. The National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) scholarship guidelines for a DII college allow the offering of athletic scholarships. Scholarships are limited to tuition, books, fees, and up to $250 in course required supplies. Each sport has limits on the number of scholarships that can be granted.

Mr. Monroe recommends a three-year phased approach. For FY23, have 50%;o of the maximum allowable scholarship by sport; FY24 have 65%o of maximum allowable scholarship by sport; FY25 and beyond be at75%o of maximum allowable scholarship by sport. Other recommendations include: l) Scholarships cover the cost of tuition and fees only in terms of tuition waivers equal up to 32 credits per year. 2) RVC Athletic Department would fundraise books and $250 in course-related supplies in partner with RVC Booster Club. 3) One full-tuition waiver can be split between two student-athletes. 4) Student athletes with Pell Grants or Monetary Award Program (MAP) Grants can be used to cover the cost of books, other course materials, and the remainder can be issued via a refund check.

Each program would have minimum roster numbers set by the Athletic Director or the Vice President of Student Affairs. Failure to meet the minimum roster would result in a decrease in scholarship funds in the next year.

One of the future considerations would be institution funding of the RVC Men's and Women's Bowling Programs, which are currently fully fundraised. Bowling would continue to operate at the non scholarship level.

Another consideration would be E-sports, which is currently being offered at over 60 NJCAA institutions and is the fastest growing sport at the collegiate level. E-sports would be a non-scholarship revenue-generating sport.

Trustee Kearney asked where the E-sport competitions would be held. Mr. Monroe stated that the competitions would be held in a gaming room or a home facility. Trustee Kearney told Mr. Monroe he had her full support. Trustee Trojan and Trustee Gorski would like Mr. Monroe to get with the RVC Foundation as soon as possible to discuss the scholarships.

6. Advanced Technology Center (ATC) Update

o Industrial Maintenance & CNC Curriculum Update

Mr. Chris Lewis presented the Industrial Maintenance Technician (IMT) and CNC curriculum update. The IMT curriculum was completed by May 6, 2021. The IMT Advisory Group meeting was held on May 10, 202I,where the group received the completed curriculum. The first IMT class will begin on May 17, 2021.

RVC has enhanced the introductory and intermediate levels of the CNC curriculum. Training will include a 16-week program with 90 hours of measurement, materials, and safety (MMS). Then the students will break out into cohort groups. One cohort class will be trained on manual mills and CNC mills, with the outside diameter (OD) and surface grinding exposure. The second cohort class will be taught on manual lathes and CNC lathes, with exposure to OD and surface grinding, and they both will complete an eight-week session.

The cohort groups will alternate for the second eight weeks, providing a comparable training session over the 16 weeks. All curriculums currently exist, except for grinding, which is being developed.

o Advanced Technology Center Cost Summary

Ms. Ellen Olson presented the ATC cost summary. Ms. Olson stated that the change orders were added to the cost summary and were highlighted in yellow as they have not been approved. Ms. Olson has made some changes to the spreadsheet and explained the budget totals section that was added.

Trustee Trojan inquired if another area would be added of items that have yet to be approved. Ms. Olson was not sure what item has yet to be approved. Trustee Nelson stated a list of expenses. Ms. Olson wanted to reiterate that the amounts will be estimated costs as RVC will not know precisely the costs. The budget section chart will be updated accordingly.

o Advanced Technology Center Remaining Purchases

Dr. Spearman briefly discussed the ATC remaining purchases and explained that their request on the Cost Summary is what this spreadsheet represents and that the items listed should help finish out the completion of the building. Trustee Trojan indicated he would like to see any additional items added to the remaining purchases spreadsheet to keep Trustees updated.

Other Business

Dr. Spearman announced that RVC just received an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) from the Harlem Township regarding scholarship dollars. The IGA is one of the initiatives that Trustee Nelson has facilitated. Harlem Township has agreed to provide $100,000 in scholarship monies. The IGA needs to be attorney reviewed. The IGA could be a part of the board packet this month, depending on how quickly the attorneys can turn it around.

Adjourn to Closed Session

At 9:35 p.m., o motion was made by Trustee Trojan, seconded by Trustee Kearney, to adjourn to closed session to discuss 1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees in accordance with Section 2 (c) (1); and/or 2) Collective negotiating matters per Section 2 (c) (2); and/or the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body per Section 2 (c) (5), all in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. The motion was approved by unanimous roll call vote.

Reconvene Session

At 9:54 P.m., & motion was made by Trustee Gorski, seconded by Trustee Trojan, to adjourn the closed session and reconvene to the open session. The motion was approved by unanimous roll call vote. No action was taken as a result of the closed session.

Next Regular Board of Trustees Meeting

The next Regular Board of Trustees meeting will be held on April 27, 2021, at 5:15 p.m., held remotely via videoconference.

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting

The next Committee of the Whole meeting will be held June 14, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., held remotely via videoconference.


At 9:55 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Kearney, seconded by Trustee Nelson, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.
