
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met March 7

Webp meeting 07

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met March 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Johnson.

Pastor Tim Firm from North Park Church of Christ gave the invocation followed by the pledge lead by Trustee Terri Bailey.

Present: Mayor Steve Johnson, Trustees Joe Seipts, Jake Schmidt, James Kidd, Aaron Wilson, Terri Bailey, and Erick Beck

Present: Clerk Robbin Snodgrass

Village Attorney Tom Green

Village Treasurer Deborah Alms

Village Administrator James Richter II

Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen

Management Analyst Dylan Moffitt

Village Engineer, Chris Dopkins

Public Safety Supervisor Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli

1. Minutes Approved

I. The Journal of Proceedings for the Regular Board Meeting from February 22, 2022 and Budget Meeting from February 26, 2022 were approved per typewritten copy submitted by the Clerk on a motion by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Seipts. Motion carried by Voice Vote.

2. Treasurer’s Report

II. Village Treasurer Deborah Alms presented the Treasurer’s Report as of March 1, 2022 reflects the total of all funds to be $26,982,854.40. A motion was made by Trustee Beck second by Trustee Seipts to accept the Treasurer’s Report and place it on file. Motion approved. On Roll Call: 7 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, Beck, and Mayor Johnson)

3. Communications

III. Communications: Clerk Snodgrass shared that she recently had the opportunity to Register 14 residents at TLC and how thankful the group was for the chance to get registered. Clerk Snodgrass then turned over communications to Mayor Johnson who welcomed Chip Stoner From Boys and Girls Club. The Mayor presented Mr. Stone a check to help support the ongoing programs held at the club. Mr. Stoner thanked the Mayor, Village and Board.

4. Warrant/Approved

IV. Warrant: Trustee Schmidt presented the warrant in the amount of $387,135.61 and moved for its passage; second by Trustee Wilson. Motion approved on Roll Call: 7 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, Beck, and Mayor Johnson)

5. Administrative Reports


6. Mayor’s Report

A. Mayor Johnson reported on the following:

*Mayor Johnson thanked everyone who participated in the Budget meetings and acknowledged the work done by staff in preparation for the meeting.

*Mayor also attended a ceremony at with Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office promoting 2 officers.

7. Attorney’s Report

B. Attorney Tom Green had no report.

8. Village Administrator

C. Village Administrator James Richter II had no report.

9. Finance/HR Manager

D. Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen reported the vacant position for Superintendent of Public Works has been posted.

10. Village Engineer

F. Village Engineer Chris Dopkins had no report.

11. Public Safety Supervisor

G. Public Safety Supervisor Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli had no report.

12. Committee Reports


13. District #1 Report

1. District #1 Trustee Seipts, Planning and Economic Development Vice-Chair had no report.

14. District #2 Report

2. District #2 Trustee Schmidt, Administration & Finance Chair reported the A/F committee are forwarding two resolutions with positive recommendations to the board for final approval on March 21st.

15. District #3 Report

3. District #3 Trustee Kidd, Planning and Economic Development thanked his fellow Trustees for sharing at the Budget Meeting and then requested prayer for Ms. Fletcher who is not feeling well, and a speedy recovery is wished for her.

16. District #4 Report

4. District #4 Trustee Wilson, Administration and Finance Vice-Chair Administration and Finance had no report.

17. District #5 Report

5. District #5 Trustee Bailey, Public Improvements and Safety Vice-Chair had no report.

18. District #6 Report

6. District #6 Trustee Beck, Public Improvements and Safety Chair had no report.

19. Consent Agenda

VII. CONSENT AGENDA - Mayor Johnson noted that the next item is the Consent Agenda. He asked Staff to introduce all items to be considered under the Consent Agenda. Village Administration James Richter II presented the items under Item VII. Consent Agenda as follows:

Consent Agenda*

1. Ordinance 10-22, Special Use Permit for Motor Vehicle Rental in the Commercial Community (CC) District, 9624 N. Second Street, Final Reading

2. Resolution 10-R-22, Approving a Redevelopment Agreement with Hennig, Inc. within the North Willow Creek TIF

3. Resolution 11-R-22, Authorization to Bid 2022 Building Demolition for Flood Mitigation Assistance

4. Resolution 12-R-22, Authorize Engineering Services for Darwin Drive Improvements

Ord 10-22/FIN/pass Res 10-R-22/pass Res 11-R-22/pass Res 12-R-22/pass

Mayor Johnson asked if there were any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Mayor Johnson asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Trustee Wilson and second by Trustee Kidd. The motion was approved on roll call: 7 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, Beck, and Mayor Johnson)





XII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Schmidt to adjourn; second by Trustee Seipts. Motion carried by Voice Vote.

Meeting adjourned at 6:14 p.m.
