
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Machesney Park Village Board met Nov. 7.

Village of Machesney Park Village Board met Nov. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Johnson.

Invocation was given by Clerk Robbin Snodgrass, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Trustee Jake Schmidt.

Present: Mayor Steve Johnson, Trustees Joe Seipts, Jake Schmidt, Aaron Wilson, Terri Bailey, and Erick Beck

Absent: Trustees James Kidd

Also Present: Clerk Robbin Snodgrass

Village Attorney Tom Green

Village Administrator James Richter II

Treasurer Deb Alms

Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen

Management Analyst Dylan Moffitt

Public Safety Supervisor Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli

Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum.  

1. Minutes Approved 

The Journal of Proceedings for the Regular Board Meeting from October 17, 2022 were approved per typewritten copy submitted by the Clerk on a motion by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Beck. Motion approved on Voice Vote.

2. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Deb Alms presented the Treasurer’s Report as of October 31, 2022 which reflects the total of all funds to be $33,151,884.96. A motion by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Schmidt. Motion approved. On Roll Call: 6 ayes (Trustees Beck, Bailey, Wilson, Schmidt, Seipts, and Mayor Johnson) 1 absent (Trustee Kidd)

3. Communications

Communications: None

Warrant: Trustee Wilson presented the warrant in the amount of $ 518,982.22 and moved for its passage; second by Trustee Schmidt. Motion approved on Roll Call: 6 ayes (Trustees Beck, Bailey, Wilson, Schmidt, Seipts, and Mayor Johnson) 1 absent (Trustee Kidd)

4. Warrant/Approved


5. Administrative Reports 

6. Mayor’s Report 

A. Mayor Johnson reported on the following:

• Reminded our Community of the Helping Hands Pantry Toy Drive, please consider dropping off an unwrapped toy before December 9, 2022 at Machesney Park Village Hall.

• Mayor Johnson also thanked everyone who helped out at the Touch A Truck event held at the Town Center. He estimates well over 4,000 people were in attendance. What a successful event.

7. Attorney’s Report  

B. Attorney Tom Green had no report.

8. Village Administrator

C. Village Administrator James Richter II had no report.

9. Finance/HR Manager

D. Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen reported on the Quarter financials. 

10. Superintendent of Public Works

E. Superintendent of Public Works Mitch Hilden left no report.

11. Village Engineer

F. Village Engineer Chris Dopkins was not able to attend therefore Village Administrator James Richter II updated the board in regard to the ongoing projects of Harlem Road, Darwin Drive, and the Pavement Maintenance Program. They are all working toward completion dates.

12.Public Safety Supervisor

G. Public Safety Supervisor Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli reported on October calls, stops and activities. He also informed everyone the Winnebago County Officers and staff are participating In No Shave November.

13. Committee Reports 


14. District #1 Report

1. District #1 Trustee Seipts, Planning & Economic Development Chair congratulated the Harlem Boys Football team for continued success.

15. District #2 Report 

2. District #2 Trustee Schmidt, Administration & Finance Vice-Chair had no report 

16. District #3 Report 

3. District #3 Trustee Kidd, Public Improvements & Safety Chair left no report

17. District #4 Report

4. District #4 Trustee Wilson, Administration & Finance Chair reported 1 ordinance and 1 resolution were approved to be sent to Board.

18. District #5 Report 

5. District #5 Trustee Bailey, Public Improvements & Safety Vice-Chair had no report.

19. District #6 Report

6. District #6 Trustee Beck, Planning & Economic Development Vice - Chair had no report.

20. Consent Agenda 


Mayor Johnson noted that the next item is the Consent Agenda. He asked Staff to introduce all items to be considered under the Consent Agenda. Village Administrator James Richter II presented the items under Consent Agenda as follows:

Ord 41-22/FIN/pass 

1. Ordinance 41-22, Special Use Permit for Outdoor Self-Storage, 10446 Product Dr., Final Reading

Ord 45-22/FIN/pass 

2. Ordinance 45-22, Zoning Map Amendment from the Agricultural (AG) District to the Office (OF) District, 900 Roosevelt Rd., Final Reading  

Ord 47-22/FIN/pass

3. Ordinance 47-22, Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage in the General Industrial (IG), 8181 Burden Rd., Final Reading  

Ord 48-22/FIN/pass

4. Ordinance 48-22, Text Amendment to the Zoning Code, Non-Profit and Charitable Institutions as a Special Use in the R1 and R2 Districts, Final Reading 

Ord 49-22/FIN/pass 

5. Ordinance 49-22, Test Amendment to the Zoning Code, Definition and Regulations for “Residential Care Homes”, Final Reading  

Ord 50-22/FIN/pass

6. Ordinance 50-22, Zoning Map Amendment from the Agricultural (AG) District to the Single-Family Residential (R1) District, 8702 Ruby Ln., Final Reading  

Ord 51-22/FIN/pass

7. Ordinance 51-22, Variance from the Minimum Lot Frontage Requirement, 8702 Ruby Ln., Final Reading 

Ord 54-22/FIN/pass 

8. Ordinance 54-22, Amending the Village Liquor Code, Final Reading  

Ord 55-22/1st/pass

9. Ordinance 55-22, Purchase of 8118 Shore Drive for Park Space, First Reading 

Res 48-R-22/pass

10.Resolution 48-R-22, Professional Services Agreement for Engineering Services for the Forest Hills Road offsite storm water management improvements and Gateway Pond Remediation. 

Res 50-R-22/pass 

11.Resolution 50-R-22, Service Agreement with FurstStaffing for Temporary Staffing Services. 

Mayor Johnson asked if there were any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Mayor Johnson asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Trustee Bailey and second by Trustee Beck. The motion was approved on Roll Call: 6 ayes (Trustees Beck, Bailey, Wilson, Schmidt, Seipts, and Mayor Johnson) 1 absent (Trustee Kidd) 

21. Unfinished Business: None


22. New Business: None


23. Public Comments: None


24. Closed Session: none  


25. Adjourn

ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Seipts to adjourn; second by Trustee Bailey. The motion was approved on Voice Vote. 

Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m. 
