
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rockford City Council met Nov. 21

City of Rockford City Council met Nov. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 

B. Roll Call 

C. Acceptance of the Journal 

1. Journal of Proceedings for the City Council meeting held on  September 19, 2022. 


1. Proclamation proclaiming November 26, 2022 to be "Small Business Saturday" in the City of Rockford, Illinois.

2. Proclamation proclaiming the month of November 2022 to be "Lung Cancer Awareness Month" in the City of Rockford, Illinois.


A. Public Hearing on the proposed 2023 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance


A. Planning and Development Committee 

1. Memorandum from Todd Cagnoni, City Administrator, regarding the proposed funding (Long-Term Loan) for the continued capitalization and advancement of a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) in partnership with Northern Illinois Community Development Corporation (NICDC) and Rockford Local Development Corporation(RLDC) and local financial institutions. Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

2. Memorandum from Anna Garrison, Economic Development Manager, regarding the TIF Redevelopment Agreement with Village Green Nursery of Rockford Inc. Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

B. Code and Regulation Committee 

1. Memorandum from Megan McNeill, Assistant City Attorney, regarding the 3rd Quarter report from July – September on Liquor License Establishments with Video Gaming, subject to the 50% requirement. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee 

1. Memorandum from Kyle Saunders, Public Works Director, regarding the 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.


1. Prophet Yusef

2. John Tac Brantley

3. George Roach


A. Planning and Development Committee 

1. Committee recommends approval of the proposed Enterprise Zone Number One Boundary Amendment to delete parcels.

The areas that Staff is proposing to delete are: 

- The area roughly between Hudson Street, South Horace Avenue,  Cunningham Road and Cunningham Street, South Central  Avenue, Preston Street, Stewart Avenue, to Cunningham Street. 

- The area roughly between Tay Street, Elm Street, South Avon  Street, West State Street, to Lakin Terrace. 

- The area roughly between North Independence Avenue along  West State Street to Irving Avenue. 

- The area roughly on the west side of Illinois 2 north of Campus  Hills Boulevard. 

The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

2. Committee recommends approval of the proposed Enterprise Zone Number One Boundary Amendment to add parcels.

The areas to be added are as follows: 

- The area roughly Prairie Road, Pelley Road, IL 2, and US 20 

- The area roughly Latham Street, Benington Road, North Main Street, and West Riverside Boulevard 

- The area roughly Alida Street, Cameron Avenue, North Rockton Avenue, and Overdene Avenue 

- The area roughly Pointe Avenue, Center Terrace, South Alpine Road, Sequoia Road, and Newburg Road 

- The area roughly Lapey Street, Wills Avenue, 11th Street, and Reed Avenue 

- The area roughly Christina Street, 15th Avenue, Seminary Street, and 18th Avenue 

- The area roughly Christina Street, 15th Avenue, Magnolia Street, and 18th Avenue 

- The area roughly Cunningham Road, South Central Avenue, and Morgan Street 

- The area roughly 14th Street, 19th Avenue, 15th Street, and 20th Avenue 

- The area roughly Falcon Road, Leonard Road, 11th Street, and New Milford School Road 

- The area roughly North Main Street, Shephard Trail, the Rock River, and John Woods Drive 

- The area roughly Edgemont Street, Sharon Avenue, North Rockton Avenue, and Lawndale Avenue 

- The area roughly South Main Street, Loomis Street, Rock Street, and Knowlton Street 

- The area roughly 6th Street, 18th Avenue, 11th Street, and 20th Avenue 

The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

B. Code and Regulation Committee 

1. Committee recommends approval of the Final Plat of Green Meadow Estates Subdivision.

2. Committee recommends approval of the Final PUD Plat of Colman Yards Subdivision.

3. Committee recommends approval of the 2022-2023 Contract between the City of Rockford and Winnebago County Health Department for Tobacco Enforcement Program to conduct compliance monitoring checks. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

4. Committee recommends approval of the proposed Amendments to the City of Rockford Code of Ordinances Chapter 29 Vehicles for Hire, Article IV Wrecker Rotation List for Wrecker Service Requests, Section 29-176 Wrecker Charges on Police Calls. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

5. 707 Harrison Avenue

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval for a Special Use Permit for the installation of a solar farm (free standing solar panel racks and solar panels) in an I-1, Light Industrial Zoning District at 707 Harrison Avenue (EnPower Solutions, LLC/Applicants).

The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee 

1. Committee recommends approval of the vouchers in the amount of $14,782,081.70 as approved at the Finance and Personnel Committee meeting held on November 14, 2022.

2. Committee recommends approval of the Second Amendment to the Purchase Agreement with J. Jeffers & Co., LLC related to the city-owned Barber Colman campus, to extend the Due Diligence Period from December 1, 2022 until March 1, 2023. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

3. Committee recommends approval of the Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rockford and Rockford Park District for Harmon Park. The amendment reflects the Park District receiving funding and desire to facilitate improvements to the park including a multi-use perimeter path, path lighting and fitness equipment stations. The Park District will manage and administer the project. There is no cost to the City for this amendment. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

4. Committee recommends approval of a Letter of Understanding between the City of Rockford and the State of Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for Alpine Road Reconstruction. The Letter of Understanding (LOU) outlines the funding and jurisdictional transfer for each agency in the Alpine Road Reconstruction project. The City is not anticipating any local matching costs resulting from this LOU. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

5. Committee recommends approval of the 2022 Property Tax Levy Ordinance in the amount of $55,623,392.00 for the levies in the Corporate, Police Protection, Police Pension, Fire Protection, Fire Pension, Street and Bridge Judgments, Public Library, Public Library Maintenance of Buildings, Illinois Municipal Retirement, Unemployment Compensation, Worker's Compensation, and Auditing Funds. The final City levy amount will be approximately $48,243,392.00. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

6. Committee recommends approval of the 2022 Property Tax Abatements. For 2022, the debt service levy is $12,437,208.00 and will be abated in its entirety. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

7. Committee recommends approval of the 2023 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

8. Committee recommends approval of a General Wage Increase for Non Represented Employees. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

9. Committee recommends approval of the 2023 Fee Schedule. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.



1. Appointment of Jillisa Bondurant to the Civilian Oversight Board for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after November 23, 2022.)

2. Appointment of Earl Curry to the Civilian Oversight Board for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after November 23, 2022.)

3. Appointment of Aaron Vaiden to the Civilian Oversight Board for a three-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after November 23, 2022.)

4. Appointment of Reginald Alexander to the Civilian Oversight Board for a two year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after November 23, 2022.)

5. Appointment of Bill Hatfield to the Civilian Oversight Board for a two-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after November 23, 2022.)

6. Appointment of Sonji Collins to the Civilian Oversight Board for a one-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after November 23, 2022.)

7. Appointment of Jonathan Medina to the Civilian Oversight Board for a one-year term. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after November 23, 2022.)


A. Planning and Development Committee 

1. Committee recommends approval of the Creation of a TIF Commercial & Industrial Rehabilitation Program.

B. Code and Regulation Committee 

C. Finance and Personnel Committee 

1. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Bid: Davis Park Boat Dock Improvements to Sjostrom & Sons, Inc. of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $461,227.00. The project is estimated to be completed by June 2023. The funding source is Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Grant funds.

2. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Non-Competitive Contract: Portable Radios for the Fire Department to Motorola Solutions, Inc., of Elgin, Illinois in the amount of $141,994.56. The funding source is American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Funds.

3. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Non-Competitive Contract with Harlem-Roscoe Fire Protection District for a 2007 Alexis Rescue Apparatus in the amount of $55,000.00. The funding source is Fire Department Operating Budget.

4. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Bid: Water Treatment Plant 42 & 36 Filter Media Replacement to Water Well Solutions, of Elburn, Illinois in the amount of $681,445.00. The project is estimated to be completed by July, 2023. The funding source is Water Replacement Improvement Account (WRIA).

5. Committee recommends approval of the Award of RFP: City-Wide Fueling to Kelley Williamson Mobil Fuel, of Rockford, Illinois for an estimated annual value of $1,800,000.00. The contract duration is two (2) years with three (3) one-year extension options (total of five years). The funding source is various Departmental Operating Budgets.

6. Committee recommends approval of the Award of RFP for HUD Sub Award Grant Agreements for the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG):

A. Institute for Community Alliances - $30,000.00 for Homeless Management Information System;

B. Carpenter’s Place - $35,000.00 for Emergency Shelter Operations and Services; and

C. Shelter Care Ministries - $39,790.00 for Emergency Shelter Operations and Services.

The contract duration is one (1) year. The funding source is HUD Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG).

7. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Contract Extension: Rental of Traffic Control Devices to Traffic Control and Protections, LLC (formerly Trafic Services, Inc.), of Bartlett, Illinois for an estimated annual value of $200,000.00, based on unit pricing. The contract duration is January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. The funding source is various Departmental Operating Budgets.

8. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Joint Purchasing Contract: Rock Salt/Bulk Road Salt to Compass Minerals America, Inc., of Overland Park, Kansas for an estimated amount of $1,859,544.00, based on unit pricing (21,600 tons @ $86.09/ton). The contract duration is one (1) year. The funding source is Street Division Operating Budget.

9. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Engineering Agreement: Well No. 45 Reservoir Replacement to Strand Associates, Inc., of Madison, Wisconsin in the amount of $132,000.00. The project is estimated to be completed in 2023. The funding source is Water Replacement Improvement Account (WRIA).

10. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Engineering Agreement: Downtown Streetscape Improvements (Main Street, Madison Street, and State Street) to H.R. Green, Inc., of McHenry, Illinois in the amount of $133,317.05. The project is estimated to be completed in 2026. The funding source is 1% Infrastructure Sales Tax.

11. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Engineering Agreement: 2023-2024 Bridge Inspections to H.R. Green, Inc., of McHenry, Illinois in the amount of $200,008.00. The contract duration is 2023-2024. The funding source is Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds.

12. Committee recommends approval of the Resolution approving the appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds to be used for professional services on the 2023-2024 Bridge Inspection Program in the amount of $210,000.00.

13. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Engineering Agreement: 15th Avenue Bridge Replacement (Phase II Engineering) to Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc., of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $1,361,036.00. The contract duration is 2023-2024. The funding source is Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds.

14. Committee recommends approval of the Supplemental Resolution approving the appropriation of an additional $1,000,000 of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds to be used for the Phase 2 Preliminary Engineering Services for the 15th Avenue Bridge Replacement over the Rock River. The total amended Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) authorization is $2,000,000.00.

15. Committee recommends approval of the Resolution approving the appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds to be used for the City's Streetlight Electric Energy, City-Wide Salt Expenditures, and other General Maintenance items in the amount of $5,494,544.04.

16. Committee recommends approval of the Change Order: Bridge Program Management and Various Engineering Related Services (2020-2024) to H.R. Green, of McHenry, Illinois.

Original amount: $ 90,000.00

Change order: 90,000.00

Amended amount: $180,000.00 

The City Council awarded the Bridge Program Management and Various Engineering Related Services contract for a duration of April 1, 2020 to April 1, 2024. This change order is needed due to unforeseen services with significant costs on this contract including the addition of two bridges into the City’s inventory that required additional inspection services and the Cedar Street Bridge over Kent Creek that was load posted and needed immediate action to address. The funding source is 1% Infrastructure Sales Tax.

17. Committee recommends approval of the Change Order: Church Street and Main Street Two-Way Conversion (Supplemental) to TranSystems Corporation.

Original amount: $ 799,243.56

Change order: 361,565.00

Amended total: $1,150,808.56 

This change order is recommended due to the need for ROW/land acquisition for the project. Additional work included appraisal services, including initial appraisal and review appraisal, land acquisition negotiations, title commitment and ROW plats at approximately 30 parcels along the corridor. The Land Acquisition process will be done in conformance with State and Local Property Acquisitions Standards. In addition, additional work was required to address comments received during Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) reviews. This additional work included survey and design for the drainage plans, ADA ramps and maintenance of traffic plans. The funding source is 1% Infrastructure Sales Tax.

18. Committee recommends approval and acceptance of the FY 2023 Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Sustained Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant Award in the amount of $83,575.80. The grant does not require a cost match. The grant term is from October 1, 2022 to September 20, 2023. The funding will allow the Police Department to conduct high visibility enforcement and strategy implementation aimed at saving lives and preventing injuries by reducing traffic crashes.


A. Planning and Development Committee 

1. An ordinance approving an Enterprise Zone Number One Boundary Amendment to delete parcels.

The areas to be deleted are as follows: 

- The area roughly between Hudson Street, South Horace Avenue, Cunningham Road and Cunningham Street, South Central Avenue, Preston Street, Stewart Avenue, to Cunningham Street. 

- The area roughly between Tay Street, Elm Street, South Avon Street, West State Street, to Lakin Terrace. 

- The area roughly between North Independence Avenue along West State Street to Irving Avenue. 

- The area roughly on the west side of Illinois 2 north of Campus Hills Boulevard. 

2. An ordinance approving an Enterprise Zone Number One Boundary Amendment to add parcels.

The areas to be added are as follows: 

- The area roughly Prairie Road, Pelley Road, IL 2, and US 20 

- The area roughly Latham Street, Benington Road, North Main Street, and West Riverside Boulevard 

- The area roughly Alida Street, Cameron Avenue, North Rockton Avenue, and Overdene Avenue 

- The area roughly Pointe Avenue, Center Terrace, South Alpine Road, Sequoia Road, and Newburg Road 

- The area roughly Lapey Street, Wills Avenue, 11th Street, and Reed Avenue 

- The area roughly Christina Street, 15th Avenue, Seminary Street, and 18th Avenue 

- The area roughly Christina Street, 15th Avenue, Magnolia Street, and 18th Avenue 

- The area roughly Cunningham Road, South Central Avenue, and Morgan Street 

- The area roughly 14th Street, 19th Avenue, 15th Street, and 20th  Avenue 

- The area roughly Falcon Road, Leonard Road, 11th Street, and New Milford School Road 

- The area roughly North Main Street, Shephard Trail, the Rock River, and John Woods Drive 

- The area roughly Edgemont Street, Sharon Avenue, North Rockton Avenue, and Lawndale Avenue 

- The area roughly South Main Street, Loomis Street, Rock Street, and Knowlton Street 

- The area roughly 6th Street, 18th Avenue, 11th Street, and 20th Avenue 

B. Code and Regulation Committee 

1. An ordinance approving the 2022-2023 Contract between the City of Rockford and Winnebago County Health Department for Tobacco Enforcement Program to conduct compliance monitoring checks.

2. An ordinance approving the amendments to the City of Rockford Code of Ordinances Chapter 29 Vehicles for Hire, Article IV Wrecker Rotation List for Wrecker Service Requests, Section 29-176 Wrecker Charges on Police Calls.

3. An ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for the installation of a solar farm (free standing solar panel racks and solar panels) in an I-1, Light Industrial Zoning District at 707 Harrison Avenue (EnPower Solutions, LLC/Applicants).

C. Finance and Personnel Committee 

1. An ordinance approving the Second Amendment to the Purchase Agreement with J. Jeffers & Co., LLC related to the city-owned Barber Colman campus, to extend the Due Diligence Period from December 1, 2022 until March 1, 2023.

2. An ordinance approving an Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rockford and Rockford Park District for Harmon Park. The amendment reflects the Park District receiving funding and desire to facilitate improvements to the park including a multi-use perimeter path, path lighting and fitness equipment stations. The Park District will manage and administer the project. There is no cost to the City for this amendment.

3. An ordinance approving a Letter of Understanding between the City of Rockford and the State of Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for Alpine Road Reconstruction. The Letter of Understanding (LOU) outlines the funding and jurisdictional transfer for each agency in the Alpine Road Reconstruction project. The City is not anticipating any local matching costs resulting from this LOU.

4. An ordinance approving the 2022 Property Tax Levy Ordinance in the amount of $55,623,392.00 for the levies in the Corporate, Police Protection, Police Pension, Fire Protection, Fire Pension, Street and Bridge Judgments, Public Library, Public Library Maintenance of Buildings, Illinois Municipal Retirement, Unemployment Compensation, Worker's Compensation, and Auditing Funds. The final City levy amount will be approximately $48,243,392.00.

5. An ordinance approving the 2022 Property Tax Abatements. For 2022, the debt service levy is $12,437,208.00 and will be abated in its entirety.

6. An ordinance approving of the 2023 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance.

7. An ordinance approving a General Wage Increase for Non-Represented Employees.

8. An ordinance approving the 2023 Fee Schedule.

