
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met May 1

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met May 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Invocation

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Oaths of Office Administered

IV. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum

V. Approval of Minutes from April 17, 2023

VI. Treasurer’s Report - Deborah Alms

VII. Communications - Robbin Snodgrass

1. Presentation of Proclamation for Provider Appreciation Day

VIII. Warrant - Aaron Wilson

IX. Administrative Reports

1. President - Steve Johnson

A. Committee Nominations and P&Z Nomination

2. Attorney - Tom Green

3. Village Administrator - James Richter II

4. Finance and Human Resources Director - Michelle Johannsen

A. Quarterly Investment Report January-March 2023

5. Public Works Director - Mitch Hilden

6. Village Engineer - Chris Dopkins

7. Public Safety Supervisor - Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli

X. Committee and Trustee Reports

1. District #1 - Planning & Economic Development, Chair - Joe Seipts

2. District #2 - Jodi Stromberg

3. District #3 - Public Improvement & Safety, Chair - James Kidd

4. District #4 - Administration & Finance, Chair - Aaron Wilson

5. District #5 – Public Improvement & Safety, Vice-Chair - Terri Bailey

6. District #6 -  Julie Boggie

XI. Consent Agenda

1. Ordinance 21-23, Variance from Principal Building Side and Rear Yard Setbacks, 316 Marquette Rd. (Final Reading)

2. Ordinance 22-23, Special Use Permit for Motor Vehicle Sales in the Light Industrial (IL) District, 10362 Product Dr. (Final Reading)

3. Ordinance 23-23, Approving an Increase in the Number of Class A Liquor Licenses and Approving a Class A Liquor License for 1405 West Lane Road (First Reading)

4. Ordinance 25-23, Amending Chapter 9 – Alcoholic Beverage (First Reading)

5. Ordinance 26-23, Amendment to the Village Municipal Code, Section 8.201, Updating Driveway Permit Process (First Reading)

6. Resolution 28-R-23, Authorizing Bidding of Forest Hills & Gateway Pond Drainage Improvements

7. Resolution 29-R-23, Professional Services Agreements for IL 251 East Service Drive Improvements and 2023 Pavement Maintenance Improvements

8. Resolution 33-R-33, Enacting a Temporary Moratorium on the Issuance of Right-of-Way Permits for Fiber Internet Installation

XII. Unfinished Business

XIII. New Business

XIV. Public Comment

XV. Closed Session

XVI. Adjourn
