
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met April 17

Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met April 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District #100, Boone, McHenry, DeKalb Counties, Illinois met in a regular meeting April 17, 2023, at 5:30 P.M. at the Districts Central Office, located at 1201 Fifth Avenue, Belvidere, Illinois, which is within the boundaries of said District.

A. Opening Items

Call to Order:

The President called the meeting to order at 5:31 P.M.

Roll Call:

Members present were Mr. Bucher, Mr. Herrera, Mrs. Houk, Ms. Maville, Mrs. Reid-Niemiec, Mrs. Whitcomb, and Mr. Zickert.

B. Closed Executive Session of the Board of Education from Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act

The meeting adjourned to closed executive session at 5:34 P.M. for the following:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1); collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8); student disciplinary cases – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9); and litigation, when an action, affecting or on behalf of the particular public has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to adjourn to closed executive session. The President called the question, and the following members voted.

YEA: Herrera, Houk, Bucher, Whitcomb, Zickert, Maville, and Reid-Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

Students from Belvidere High School, along with Mark Miller, provided a sneak peek of their upcoming performance of The Wedding Singer prior to the Board Meeting being reconvened.

C. Reconvene in Open Session

Open session meeting reconvened at 6:14 P.M.

1. Pledge

Roll Call:

Members present were Mr. Bucher, Mr. Herrera, Mrs. Houk, Mrs. Maville, Mrs. Reid-Niemiec, Mrs. Whitcomb, and Mr. Zickert.

Approval of Agenda

President Reid-Niemiec inquired if any Board member wished to amend or move any items on the agenda.

Hearing none, Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to approve the agenda of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education on April 17, 2023, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Bucher, Whitcomb, Zickert, Houk, Maville, and Reid-Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

D. Hearing of Visitors

Members of the public and employees of District #100 were able to make comments or ask questions of the Board. The following people wished to address the board:

• Wendy Taylor, regarding the BEA, who they are and misconceptions

• Misty Coryell, regarding School Board elections and accountability

Hearing no one else wished to address the Board, President Reid-Niemiec closed the hearing of visitors.

E. Student Council Reports

Riya Amin gave a report on things happening at Perry, Seth Whitman, and Lincoln Elementary Schools, along with Central Middle School and Belvidere North High School.

Emma Cordray gave a report from Meehan Elementary School, Washington Academy, along with Belvidere South Middle School and Belvidere High School.

F. Board of Education Committee Reports

1. Facilities and Long Range Planning Committee – March 21

Facilities and Long Range Planning Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:

• Facilities Update

• Facilities Needs Assessment Update

• Strategic Planning

• Tour of Meehan Elementary School

• Update on the demographer study

2. Curriculum Committee Meeting – April 5

Curriculum Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:

• Meeting Norms

• Secondary Intervention

• CBE Waiver

• High School WIN Days

• Update on ISBE Optional Comprehensive Health Education Standards

• Resource Cycle Update

• Academic Contracts

3. Business Services Committee Meeting – April 11

Business Services Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:

• Extension of Rockford Regional Ed Research Collab Agreement

• BRDIGE Activity Account

• Summit Academy IGA

• Technology Renewal

• Technology Purchase

• Transfer of Interest

• Annual Paper Bid

• Federal Programs Single Audit

• FSMC Bid Progress

• Demography Study

• Medical Dental Life Renewal

• Strategic Plan Action Planning RFP

• Compensation Study

G. Approval of Consent Agenda Items

1. Approval of Consent Agenda Items

2. Minutes

3. Personnel Report

4. Bills

5. Medical, Dental, Life Insurance Renewal

6. Summit Academy IGA

7. Extension of Rockford Regional Education Research Collaborative Agreement

8. HealthSmart Digital Resource for MS Health (ETR Associates)

9. Glencoe Health for HS (McGraw Hill)

10. Newsela Annual Renewal

11. Technology Renewal

12. Technology Purchases

13. BRIDGE Activity Account

14. Overnight Field Trip Request

15. Request for Fundraisers

President Reid-Niemiec inquired if any Board members wished to have any items removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration.

Member Herrera requested to remove Item #3. Personnel Report for separate consideration.

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items #2, and 4-15, as presented.

The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Bucher, Whitcomb, Zickert, Houk, Maville, and Reid-Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

Member Bucher made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items #3. Personnel, as presented.

The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Bucher, Houk, Maville, Whitcomb, Zickert, and Reid-Niemiec

NAY: None

ABSTAIN: Herrera

Motion passed.

H. Roll Call Action Items

1. Transfer on Interest

Member Bucher made a motion and Member Herrera seconded the motion to approve the transfer of interest, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Bucher, Herrera, Maville, Houk, Zickert, Whitcomb, and Reid Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

2. 2022 Federal Programs Single Audit

Member Houk made a motion and Member Herrera seconded the motion to approve the 2022 Federal Programs single audit, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Houk, Herrera, Maville, Bucher, Zickert, Whitcomb, and Reid Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

3. Reduction in Force Resolution for School Health Assistants and Assistant to the School Health Coordinator

Member Bucher made a motion and Member Herrera seconded the motion to approve the Reduction in Force Resolution for School Health Assistants and Assistant to the School Health Coordinator, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Bucher, Herrera, Whitcomb, Zickert, Maville, Houk, and Reid Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

4. Termination of Kelly Services Staffing Agreement

Member Zickert made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to approve the termination of Kelly Services Staffing Agreement, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Zickert, Bucher, Whitcomb, Herrera, Maville, Houk, and Reid Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

5. Compensation Study

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to approve the Compensation Study recommendations, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Bucher, Whitcomb, Maville, Houk, Zickert, and Reid Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

6. Strategic Plan

Member Reid-Niemiec made a motion and Member Zickert seconded the motion to approve the Strategic Plan, as presented.

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to amend the Strategic Plan to add Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to the Core Values.

The President called the amended question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Maville, Bucher, Zickert, Whitcomb, Houk, and Reid Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

The President called the question amended, and the following members voted:

YEA: Reid-Niemiec, Zickert, Houk, Maville, Whitcomb, Herrera, and Bucher

NAY: None

Motion passed.

7. Lincoln Elementary School Assistant Principal

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve Carmen Siragusa as Assistant Principal for Lincoln Elementary School effective July 1, 2023, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Houk, Bucher, Maville, Whitcomb, Zickert, and Reid Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

8. Belvidere Central Middle School Assistant Principal

Member Bucher made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve Shaun Newmes as Assistant Principal for Belvidere Central Middle School effective July 1, 2023, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Bucher, Houk, Zickert, Maville, Herrera, Whitcomb, and Reid Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

9. Belvidere North High School Assistant Principal

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to approve Elizabeth Schurman as Assistant Principal for Belvidere North High School effective July 1, 2023, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Bucher, Houk, Zickert, Maville, Whitcomb, and Reid Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

I. Board Discussion

The following items were discussed by the Board of Education:

1. Upcoming Contract Renewals & Report

J. Administration Reports

The following items were presented to the Board of Education:

1. Superintendent Comments

2. Department Highlights

3. School Activity Reports

• Belvidere High School

• Belvidere North High School

• Belvidere Central Middle School

• Belvidere South Middle School

4. A Look Ahead to Upcoming District Events

• Facilities and Long Range Planning Committee Meeting – April 24

• Business Services Committee Meeting – May 2

• Curriculum Committee Meeting – May 3

• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – May 3

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education – May 15

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education – June 20

5. FOIA Log

K. Closed Executive Session of the Board of Education from Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act

The meeting adjourned to closed executive session at 7:16 P.M. for the following:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1.

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to adjourn to closed executive session. The President called the question, and the following members voted.

YEA: Herrera, Houk, Maville, Bucher, Whitcomb, Zickert, and Reid-Niemiec

NAY: None

Motion passed.

L. Having no further business to conduct, Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to adjourn. The President called the question, and the motion passed on a voice vote.

The meeting adjourned at 8:03 P.M.
