Village of Rockton Administration Committee met April 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Danielson called the regular meeting of the Administration Committee to order at 5:30 pm. Members present: Mayor Peterson, Dan Baumgartner, Scott Danielson and Justin York Staff present: Dan Barber, Tricia Diduch and Chief Hollinger
Motion by Mr. York, second by Mr. Baumgartner, to waive the reading of and approve the minutes of April 3, 2023. All ayes. Motion approved 3-0.
Mayor Peterson advised the Committee that he is going to be in Springfield for “Lobby Day” on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Mayor Peterson stated that he is bringing a letter with him and asking for funding with some things for the Village.
Mayor Peterson said that he met with a representative from Thayer (car charging company) and that there is grant money out there that would cover 80% for car charging stations. Mayor Peterson stated that he just started looking at this and that he is not ready to do anything yet.
Mayor Peterson advised the Committee that he was hoping something would be done with the Goldie Floberg property by the end of the week.
Mr. Danielson stated that Resolution 2023-105: A Resolution of the Village of Rockton, Illinois Authorizing the Village to Enter Into a Redevelopment Agreement with the AAP Rockton, LLC is up for approval at the Village Board meeting on April 18, 2023. Mr. Danielson stated that Atty. Szeto called around to get a consensus to move forward with this in regards to Al’s Main Street Tap. The Committee was okay with this.
Mr. Danielson inquired how the request for proposal (RFP) for Sonoco is coming along. Ms. Diduch stated that she is still working on this and that she will have Mayor Peterson look at it by the end of the week. Mayor Peterson requested that Ms. Diduch send a copy of the RFP to the Committee as well.
Mr. York discussed information technology (IT) expenses for the Village with the Committee. Mr. York stated that he will go into more detail about this in executive session at the Village Board meeting on April 18, 2023. Mr. York said that he is going to propose a $2,700 change in IT expenses annually and that he is also requesting a slight change to the Village’s licensing as well. Mr. York stated that there would also be an immediate change in capital expenses in the amount of $122,850 and that he just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Mr. York said that this need critical and that he believes that this has been correctly architected. Chief Hollinger inquired about what funds the new phone system is being paid out of because the Village is currently getting invoices. Mr. York went over the IT governance plan with the Committee and stated that he will update the Village Board tomorrow and explain operational versus capital expenditures to everyone.
Chief Hollinger stated that he will be attending a conference for the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police in Lombard, IL Wednesday through Friday this week. Chief Hollinger said that two new commissioners will be appointed to the Police & Fire Commission at the next Village Board meeting on April 18, 2023. Chief Hollinger added that three new police officers will also be sworn in and that the police department will be fully staffed now.
Ms. Diduch stated that meetings were held last week for the Planning, Zoning and the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). Ms. Diduch added that there are lots of new people on the HPC with energy and enthusiasm.
Ms. Diduch stated that she is currently working on budget numbers and will have them by tomorrow.
Ms. Diduch advised the Committee that she finished her training for the downtown website. Ms. Diduch stated that she is currently working on a brochure to include a map of events for the downtown area. Ms. Diduch said that she is basing it off of a similar brochure from downtown Beloit.
Ms. Diduch stated that she is still working on the RFP for Sonoco and that she is making sure that everything is done properly.
Ms. Diduch advised the Committee that she sent over all of the information to both Kevin and Adam Bunge in reference to the grant information that they requested.
Ms. Diduch said that she is in a good position as far as sponsors for the Rockton River Market (RRM) that starts in June.
Mr. Danielson commented that he would like to see funds spent the right way for branding the downtown area and suggested purchasing banners for the light poles. Mr. Barber said that a lot of these things will snap and break, but that he will look into what the Village can do. Ms. Diduch added that she purchased nice water bottles to possibly sell at the RRM.
Mr. Barber stated that Atty. Szeto is currently drawing up an agreement for Mercy Health so that they can place two antennas on the Village’s water tower at a cost of $750/month.
Motion by Mr. York, second by Mr. Baumgartner to adjourn at 6:07 pm.