
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Pecatonica Finance Committee met June 5

Village of Pecatonica Finance Committee met June 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Tom Gipe at 6:00 pm on Monday June 5, 2023.

2. Roll call – Chairman Tom Gipe, Trustees Bill Determan and Collin Hardy were present.

Also in attendance were, Village President Tom Heister, Public Works Director Nick Berry, Village Engineer Jason Stoll, Bay Valley Representatives Yancy Workman ( Regional Controller), Jim Mcleon (Safety Manager), Joe Shamp( Maintenance Manager) and Tom Schacht (Plant Manager).

3. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda- add 12. Dead Utility Lines, and move Discuss Bay Valley Billing to #5.A.

4. Approve the Agenda -

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to approve the agenda as amended. Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 3-0-0.

5. Public Comment


5. A. Discuss Bay Valley Billing

The committee discussed the sewer portion of Bay Valleys Billing. Bay Valley provided a spreadsheet that broke down the usage by month since September. Bay Valley started using a large amount of water in the month of September 2022, due to their well going down. They send approximately 35% of water used back to our sewer processing plant. The water is used in the cooling tower and discharge to the river. This is tracked and reported to the IEPA. There is also a tracking system used to track the evaporation of water used in the product produced. All deduction meters are calibrated annually and Public Works Director has viewed the meters. The committee discussed using the information from Bay Valley to calculate the reads for deduction going forward. Bay Valley will be sending the numbers to the village on the 25th of each month. The committee also discussed a repayment or credit to Bay Valley for Sewer Charges they have incurred since September the estimated credit is $85,000. Discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to send a proposal back to the full board to give a credit of $7,000.00 to Bay Valley for 12 months to cover the charges for sewer that was not returned to the WWTP. Discussion. A roll call vote was taken all in favor motion approve 3-0-0. This will go to the full board for approval on the June 20, 2023 meeting for approval.

7. Approve the May 1, 2023 Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee Gipe and seconded by Trustee Determan to approve the May 1, 2023 meeting minutes. Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 3-0-0.

8. Review Public Works Monthly Report

Nick Berry reviewed the monthly report. Discussion, Village President Heister stated that he has very good comments on the curb painting that was done by Public Works.

9. Approve Well #3 Exterior Light Change Order

Nick Berry discussed the Change order for the exterior lights for Well house #3. One of the lights that were previously installed at the well house has broken. The new lights are wall pack vs. the pole mounted lights that were previously hung. The committee discussed the addition of an extra light to be installed near the generator. This light would have a battery backup to assist in the case of a power outage. Discussion. Nick Berry and Jason Stoll will do more research and bring this back to the next committee meeting.

10. Discuss Creek Cleaning Estimate –

Nick Berry reviewed the quote from Kelsey Excavating for the Creek Cleaning Project. Discussion. The committee discussed getting two additional bids to follow the purchasing policy. Jason to type up bid documents and send out to Northern Illinois Servicing, and Martin and Company, he will have the bid return date of June 23, 2023. This will be discussed at the next committee meeting.

11. Discuss Elevated Water Tower Rehabilitation Project

Elevated Tank project will be on the agenda until the project is completed. This will be where we discuss anything related to the tower project.

a. JCWIFI Internet- has a portable cell tower on site now and they are willing to place our SCADA and Sensus equipment on the tower while the Elevated Water tower rehabilitation project is completed. He did not have the cost of transferring the cables and antennas, the committee discussed giving JCWIFI tower rental credits for a few months for the services rendered.

b. SCADA-PDC- JCWIFI has offered to install internet services at each well house. This would only be at a cost of equipment needed. This would eliminate the need for the SCADA antenna at the tower. Discussion.

c. Sensus Water Meters- The water meters antenna would be places on the temporary cell tower provided by JCWIFI.

d. Paint Colors and Design for Water Tower- The committee viewed different designs and paint colors for the tower restoration. Discussion. Nick will give the presentation to the full board at the upcoming Regular Board meeting.

12. Discuss Dead Utility Line- Tom Gipe discussed the issues of dead or abandoned utility lines within the village. There seems to be many unused, and unattached lines from Mediacom and Frontier that are down in the ditch lines and around poles. Nick Berry informed the committee that public works often gets calls about the downed wires and Mediacom is contacted and they do not come out unless it is affecting a resident’s service. Discussion

13. Discuss Date for Next Public Works Committee Meeting

The next Public Works Committee Meeting will be on June 26, 2023 at 6:00pm. This will be for the month of July meeting requirements.

14. Engineer’s Report

Update on the Lead Line Replacement Project-The engineer received a draft intended funding use list from the EPA, the final version will be available in July. We have been funded for 1.2 million principle forgiveness and the project cost is 1.2 million. It looks to be 100% covered at this time and at no cost to the Village.

Jason’s team is continuing to work on the design for the 3rd Street paving project. This should be completed in the next couple of weeks. The committee discussed and would like Jason to submit the design to IDOT as soon as it is completed as long as the cost is under $150,000.00. Discussion. Jason will bring update back to the next committee meeting.

Well house #3 Startup – Before the fire the pump was started and water was pumped to waste. There were no real issues a year and a half ago. They didn’t get the gallons per minute we wanted but they made some changes and that had been corrected. Last Thursday they decided to start up the pump. There were two goals for this, to make sure it was running in the right rotation and to check to insure the gallons per minute were between 500-600 gallons per minute. The first two attempts were unsuccessful. The third try the pump turned on and pumped out approximately 2 yards of sand onto the ground. Cahoy and the electricians were there to make sure everything was good. On the fourth attempt it was still pumping sand and didn’t exceed 200 gallons per minute, they continued to run for a few hours and it did clear up some. It was decided at that time that Cahoy would pull the pump and air lift any sand they could get out to send a camera down to see what is going on. Jason will bring the findings back to the next committee meeting.

15. Adjourn

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to adjourn the meeting. All in favor meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm
