
Rockford Sun

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

City of Loves Park Finance & Administrative Committee met Aug. 21

City of Loves Park Finance & Administrative Committee met Aug. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


MEMBERS PRESENT: Aldermen John Jacobson, John Pruitt, Mark Peterson, Dan Jacobson

ALSO PRESENT: Mayor Greg Jury, Attorney Gino Galluzzo, Alderman Robert Schlensker, Doug Allton, Mike Owens, Clint Little, Jim Thompson, A. Marie Holmes, Fire Chief James Hart, Police Chief Mike McCammond

MINUTES APPROVAL: August 7, 2023

Alderman Peterson moved to approve. Second by Alderman Pruitt.

Motion Approved 3-1, Dan Jacobson voted present


1. List of Bills: No questions or concerns.

2. Items for consideration.

A. A Resolution authorizing the Police Chief to promote Officer Eric Jacobson to the rank of Police Sergeant effective August 22, 2023.

Alderman Peterson moved to approve. Second by Alderman Pruitt.

Motion Approved 3-1, Dan Jacobson abstained

B. A Resolution authorizing the Facility Manager to hire Norwest Construction, Inc., to remove and replace the parking lot pavement at Fire Station #2

Alderman Peterson moved to approve. Second by Alderman Pruitt.

Motion Approved 4-0

3. General Discussion.

4. Adjournment.

Alderman Peterson moved to adjourn. Second by Alderman Pruitt.

Motion approved 4-0

Adjourned: 5:46 p.m.
