
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met Oct. 2

Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met Oct. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Village President Tom Heister at 6:00 pm on Monday October 2, 2023.

2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the America Flag was recited

3. Roll call –Trustee Collin Hardy and Trustee Bill Determan were present. Chairman Tom Gipe was absent.

Also, in attendance were, Village President Tom Heister, Trustee Kim Gipe, and Public Works Director Nick Berry.

4. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda


5. Approve the Agenda -

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to approve the agenda.

Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 2-0-1.

6. Public Comment-


7. Approve August 7, 2023, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to approve the August 7, 2023, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes.

Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor. Motion approved 2-0-1.

8. Approve August 21, 2023, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee Hardy and seconded by Trustee Determan to approve the August 21, 2023, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes.

Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor. Motion approved 2-0-1.

9. Approve September 5, 2023, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee Hardy and seconded by Trustee Determan to approve the September 5, 2023, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes.

Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor. Motion approved 2-0-1.

10. Discuss Kelsey Excavating, Inc. 6th Street drainage Improvement Proposal with Recommendation to the Village Board

The committee discussed the drainage issues on E. 6th Street. Kelsey Excavating submitted a proposal for services to correct some of the issues, the committee reviewed the quote.

Discussion. There are other issues on E. 6th Street so this will be brought back to the upcoming meeting for further discussion. No action was taken at this time.

11. Discuss JETCO Limited Change Order Proposal for the Exterior Light Fixtures for the Water Tower Rehabilitation Project with Recommendation to the Village Board

The committee discussed the change order to replace limited lights. We are able to eliminate three fixtures and only place the light over the door. They also reviewed the quote that was to replace the red light on top of the tower, the project plans call for a spare light for the top. They will eliminate the spare light and just replace the top light and install a light above the door.


A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to have Fehr Graham draw up a change order regarding the changes in the exterior lights.

Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 2-0-1.

12. Discuss JETCO Limited Change Order Proposal for Replacing Heaters for the Water Tower Rehabilitation Project with Recommendation to the Village Board

Nick Berry reviewed the quote to replace the heaters for the Water Tower. The heaters are the original heaters and are in need of replacement.


A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to have Fehr Graham draw up a change order to replace the heaters at the water tower in the amount of $3,200.00 and send the recommendation to the full board.

Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 2-0-1.

13. Discuss JETCO Pay Request

The committee discussed the pay request from Jetco. The committee discussed paying the request from our reserves and then the Village would await payment from the State.

Discussion. Jetco has received no payment on work since July and they have been great to work with. Village President Hiester has discussed this with the Village Treasurer, and we do have the funds available.

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to send to the full board with the recommendation to pay the Pay Request from Jetco out of our reserves and we will wait for reimbursement from the state.

Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 2- 0-1.

Village President Heister stated that the dollar amount will have to be included in the motion at the Regular Board Meeting.

14. Approve Asphalt Patch Work Quote with Recommendation to the Village Board Nick Berry reviewed the quotes for the Asphalt Patch work.


A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to send the Helm quote to the full board for approval in the amount of $5,250.00.

Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 2-0-1.

15. Public Works Report

Nick Berry had no report at this time. He did inform the committee that they started filling the Water Tower today and they expect it to finish tomorrow. They are planning to have the Tower back in service on Friday October 6, 2023.

Discussion. Nick also discussed that he may be in need of hiring a new employee as one of his team has been discussing retirement. The committee discussed the hiring process, referred to the employee handbook and ordinances for a Public Works employee.

Discussion to continue in future meetings.

16. Discuss Well House #3 Change Order with Recommendation to the Village Board

The committee reviewed the timeline of events that have happened at Well House # 3. They discussed each step in the process from the beginning through the current status. The committee reviewed both the inspection that was completed in November of 2021 and the most recent inspection completed in June of 2023. The Village President has reached out to Cahoy to get some answers; however, he has not heard back from them today. Nick Berry is going to reach out to Belvidere Public Works to see how they handled it when they had a similar situation. We are going to reach back out to Cahoy and try to get some answers for the next Public Works committee meeting. We are also going to try to get a cost on taking the casing down an additional 105-115 feet. No action was taken at this time, and we will discuss this at the next Public Works committee meeting.

17. Adjourn

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to adjourn the meeting. All in favor meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm
