
Rockford Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Rockton Administration Committee met Jan. 15

Webp 19

Village of Rockton Trustee Arianne Honkamp | Village of Rockton Website

Village of Rockton Trustee Arianne Honkamp | Village of Rockton Website

Village of Rockton Administration Committee met Jan. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chairman Danielson called the regular meeting of the Administration Committee to order at 5:34 pm. Members present: Mayor Peterson, Scott Danielson, Dave Winters and Justin York (5:46 pm) Staff present: Dan Barber, Tricia Diduch and Chief Hollinger

Motion by Mr. Winters, second by Mr. Danielson to waive the reading of and approve the minutes of January 3, 2024. All ayes. Motion approved 2-0.


Tara Walters, Community Development Administrator with MSA Professional Services, was present via Ms. Diduch’s laptop and presented information to the Committee about grant writing and funding. Ms. Walters stated that she helps find grant money for municipalities and that she works with many agencies. Ms. Walters added that she also has experience with state and federal funding. Ms. Walters spoke to the Committee about the Village’s comprehensive plan and stated that it was a little dated and should be updated every 5-10 years. Ms. Walters said that it would cost approximately $40,000-$60,000 to update the comprehensive plan for the Village. Ms. Walters also spoke about a corp plan and stated that they recently completed one for Savoy, IL and it cost approximately $68,000. Ms. Walters said that it took 8-12 months to complete from start to finish and that she will send a copy to the Village so they can see what one looks like. Ms. Walters said that if the Village was interested in doing this, they could be flexible and provide a scope of what can be done within a certain budget. The Committee thanked Ms. Walters for her time.


Mayor Peterson stated that he signed the contract for the Goldie Floberg building to be purchased. Mayor Peterson said that the selling price was $380,000 and that it should close sometime late summer. Mayor Peterson commented that the Village will have to figure out storage for some of Ms. Diduch’s things that she currently has stored at Goldie Floberg.

Mayor Peterson said that the new Village Treasurer, Sally Bennett, started today and that she worked with Dennis Hildebrandt and Jaye Quimby. Mayor Peterson added that the Village will need to purchase an additional license for Caselle so that Ms. Bennett has access to this as well.

Mayor Peterson spoke to Atty. Szeto in regards to the plane of migrants that landed at the Rockford Airport. Mayor Peterson said that Cherry Valley and Poplar Grove are working on an ordinance that would come down on the bus companies that are transporting and dropping off immigrants. Mayor Peterson said that Atty. Szeto is also checking into this to see what the Village can do. Chief Hollinger stated that the county has an incident action plan and that the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department would take the lead on this and that this also protects the immigrants that are on the buses. Mr. Winters suggested that Mayor Peterson contact Brad Cole from the Illinois Municipal League (IML) and see if this is something on their radar. Mayor Peterson said that this is going to evolve and that he will reach out to IML. Mr. Danielson stated that he is concerned that the Village could be a target if surrounding municipalities are passing ordinances and the Village doesn’t have anything in place.

Mayor Peterson inquired if the Village wanted to have a conversation about a Village Administrator position for 2025. Mr. Danielson said that the Village really needs to have an updated comprehensive plan in place before we can move forward and make decisions.

Mayor Peterson stated that the Public Works Department did a great job taking care of the streets after the snowstorm.


Motion by Mr. Danielson to approve the purchase requisition for NuToys Leisure products for a bench/plaque for Bruce Werrbach in the amount of $2,336, second by Mr. Winters. Ms. Diduch said that the benches are run through the Village and that she has already a donation check from the Trumans to cover the cost of the bench and plaque. Roll call. All ayes. Motion approved 3-0.

Mr. Danielson stated that the special events application for Yeti Fest (February 7th-10th) is up for approval at the Village Board meeting on January 16, 2024. Ms. Diduch said that we are on track and that this is the 9th year for the event. Ms. Diduch stated that no new events or activities were being added this year. The Committee was okay with this.


Mr. Winters stated that Resolution 2024-102: A Resolution of the Village of Rockton, Illinois Declaring the Real Property Commonly Known as 58 W. Rockton Road as Surplus and Authorizing the Sale of the Real Property and Resolution 2024-103: A Resolution of the Village of Rockton, Illinois Approving a Real Estate Contract for Purchase and Sale of the Property Commonly Known as 58 W. Rockton Road is up for approval at the Village Board meeting on January 16, 2024. The Committee was okay with this.


Mr. York stated that Jeff Garcea (Village IT provider) may come to the next meeting to go over some of the IT expenses and invoices. Mr. York said that he would like to have a discussion about what the Village needs in the future and would like to hear Mr. Garcea’s ideas as well.

Motion by Mr. York to approve the purchase requisition for Firewall.com for subscription renewal and multifactor authentication for VPN users at a cost of $1,110.95, second by Mr. Danielson. Roll call. All ayes. Motion approved 3-0.

Motion by Mr. York to approve the purchase requisition for Garcea Technologies for labor to implement the multifactor authentication for all VPN users at a cost of $1,200, second by Mr. Winters. Roll call. All ayes. Motion approved 3-0.

Motion by Mr. York to approve the purchase requisition for Garcea Technologies for a laptop for the Village Treasurer at a cost of $1,894.99, second by Mr. Winters. Roll call. All ayes. Motion approved 3-0.

Mr. Barber discussed the Public Works job descriptions with the Committee and stated that he and Mr. Costello came up with professional job descriptions and pay scales for them. Mr. Barber asked the Committee to review them and that he would like to have them added to the employee handbook.


Chief Hollinger advised the Committee that last week the police department made a DUI arrest at the high school and that the police department is moving forward with forfeiture of the vehicle. Chief Hollinger said that it’s a brand new Mercedes with no liens and that it meets the forfeiture requirements.


Ms. Diduch stated that the Village hired someone for downtown events and cleanup. Ms. Diduch said that there are two snowblowers that currently aren’t working and that she is purchasing a new snowblower for downtown only at a cost of $1,100.






Motion by Mr. Winters, second by Mr. York to adjourn at 6:26 pm.
