Village of Rockton Trustee Arianne Honkamp | Village of Rockton Website
Village of Rockton Trustee Arianne Honkamp | Village of Rockton Website
Village of Rockton Administration Committee met Feb. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Danielson called the regular meeting of the Administration Committee to order at 5:30 pm. Members present: Mayor Peterson, Scott Danielson, and Dave Winters
Staff present: Dan Barber, Tricia Diduch and Chief Hollinger
Absent: Justin York
Motion by Mr. Winters, second by Mr. Danielson to waive the reading of and approve the minutes of February 5, 2024. All ayes. Motion approved 2-0.
Mayor Peterson advised the Committee that Mr. Barber attended the Rockton Fire Protection District (RFPD) board meeting on Tuesday of last week. Mayor Peterson said that they are going to submit a claim to their insurance company in regards to the water line break that happened downtown. Mayor Peterson stated that the RFPD also submitted a FOIA to the Village inquiring about the Village’s water system and that Mr. Barber is working on that right now.
Mayor Peterson stated that the Village has an opening for the Village Collector position. Mayor Peterson said that Mr. Winters and Mrs. Bennett will be conducting interviews this week. Mayor Peterson added that Ms. Prather has been working with Mrs. Bennett and updating her as to some things that need to get done until the position is filled.
Mayor Peterson advised the Committee that we are missing too many meetings as a Village Board and that we need to rethink our commitment to the Village.
Mr. Danielson discussed the IT updates with the Committee. Mayor Peterson stated that Jeff Garcea has reached out to Mr. York go over IT stuff before he attends a Committee meeting.
Mr. Barber discussed the Public Works pay scale with the Committee. Mr. Barber stated that he looked at pay ranges in surrounding communities and submitted his ideas to Atty. Sosnowski. Atty. Sosnowski agreed that this is a good ballpark to start with in June. Mr. Barber said that this year it will cost $35,000 - $40,000 to bring up salaries which is approximately 8-9%. Mr. Barber reiterated that if we don’t do this the Village won’t bring in quality people to work for the Village. Mr. Barber said that he doesn’t want to start the new pay scale until June 1st when the new budget goes into effect.
Mr. Barber provided the Committee with a list of four questions that he needs answered by March 20th in regards to the lead and copper services in the Village. Mr. Barber said that it will cost an average of $12,000 per service line to replace it ($36 per linear foot). Mr. Barber advised the Committee that the Public Works Department is close to having all the services inventoried in the Village. Mr. Barber added that the Public Works Department can do part of the service line replacement work (digging), but that there needs to be a certified plumber on site as well. Mr. Barber said that they replaced a service line recently and worked with a line boring company to assist the Village. Mr. Barber also discussed financing for the project and stated that the Village may be able to get a low interest (non-forgivable) loan or grant money. Mr. Barber said that the Village has a 40% chance of getting a forgivable loan, but there may be an option of a SSA (special service assessment) as well. Mr. Barber said that a SSA is assessed on property taxes up to 20 years for the homeowner to pay.
Chief Hollinger advised the Committee that he is meeting with Mr. Winters to go over some things for the upcoming budget.
Chief Hollinger stated that there were 119 traffic tickets and 129 warning tickets issued in the last two weeks. Chief Hollinger said that this is due to getting closer to a fully staffed police department. Chief Hollinger added that in addition to more staffing, there are new, young officers, the morale is very good and the weather has been nice to conduct more traffic stops.
Ms. Diduch advised that she sent an email to everyone stating that Dairyhaus won best dessert category for “Rockford Restaurant Week”.
Ms. Diduch said that Yeti Fest went very well and that she hopes that snow sculpting will return next year to the event.
Ms. Diduch confirmed that the business that is looking to purchase 12102 Old River Road is a foundation repair business out of Indiana looking to expand in our area. Ms. Diduch went over the differences between Industrial Light (IL) versus Commercial zoning. Ms. Diduch stated that if the business wanted to have outdoor storage, they would need to apply for a special use permit. Ms. Diduch asked the Committee to think about if this type of business meets what we want for the Village.
Motion by Mr. Winters, second by Mr. Danielson to adjourn at 6:09 pm.