
Rockford Sun

Friday, September 27, 2024

Village of Rockton Administration Committee met May 20

Webp 9

Village of Rockton Mayor John Peterson | Village of Rockton Website

Village of Rockton Mayor John Peterson | Village of Rockton Website

Village of Rockton Administration Committee met May 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chairman Danielson called the regular meeting of the Administration Committee to order at 5:30 pm. Members present: Mayor Peterson, Scott Danielson, Dave Winters and Justin York

Staff present: Dan Barber, Sally Bennett, Tricia Diduch and Chief Hollinger

Motion by Mr. Winters, second by Mr. York to waive the reading of and approve the minutes of May 6, 2024. All ayes. Motion approved 3-0.




Mayor Peterson stated that the Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful (KNIB) mud volleyball tournament in Roscoe was canceled and that the Village reached out to KNIB. Ms. Diduch stated that KNIB was okay with hiring security/police for the event, but that they didn’t want to get rid of the tailgating portion of the event. Ms. Diduch said that Mr. Self, Parks and Recreation Director, wasn’t crazy about tearing up the athletic fields for the event. Mayor Peterson stated that if the Village was interested in hosting the event for KNIB that it wouldn’t happen until next year. Mayor Peterson added that KNIB may find a different location to host the event altogether.

Mayor Peterson commented that he invited the Roscoe VFW to walk in the Village’s Memorial Day Parade since the Village of Roscoe isn’t granting a parade permit at this time.

Mayor Peterson advised the Committee that Ms. Quimby is meeting with Mrs. Bennett, Village Treasurer, and working on numbers for the budget tomorrow. Mr. Winters stated that there won’t be a lot of time to discuss the budget tomorrow at the Budget & Finance Committee meeting since Sikich is doing the audit presentation.


Mr. Danielson stated that the special events application for “Summerpalooza” to be held on June 8th, July 13th and August 10th in the 100 block of W. Main Street is up for approval at the Village Board meeting on May 21, 2024. The Committee was okay with this.


Mr. Winters stated that the purchase requisition for Enterprise Fleet Management for two Dodge Durangos for the police department in the amount of $79,891.64 is up for approval at the Village Board meeting as well. The Committee was okay with this.

Mr. Winters stated that Resolution 2024-107: A Resolution of the Village of Rockton, Illinois Authorizing the Village to Approve a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Village of Rockton and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council is up for approval at the Village Board meeting. The Committee was okay with this.

Mr. Winters added that Resolution 2024-108: A Resolution of the Village of Rockton, Illinois Authorizing the Village to Approve a Successor Agreement Between the Supervisors of the Village of Rockton Police Department and the Village of Rockton was up for approval at the Village Board meeting as well. The Committee was okay with this.

Mr. Winters stated that Resolution 2024-109: A Resolution of the Village of Rockton, Illinois Authorizing a Grant Agreement with the State of Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Boards is up for approval at the Village Board meeting. Chief Hollinger stated that this was the grant for almost $41,000 in body cameras for the police department. Chief Hollinger added that there will be some reporting

requirements with the State of Illinois, but the administrative assistants for the police department will take care of this. The Committee was okay with this.


Mr. York stated that he didn’t have any IT updates for the Committee.

Mr. York advised the Committee that he had given some numbers at the last budget meeting in regards to the IT budget and that he was still comfortable with those numbers. Mr. York added that the Village needs to decide what capital IT projects they want to do and that the Village also needs to develop an IT disaster recovery plan.


Chief Hollinger advised the Committee that he is still looking into the LEADS mandate for the police department and that Garcea Technologies suggested this would cost $10,000-$20,000.


Ms. Diduch stated that “Pelican Fest” was held on Saturday and that the event went very well. Ms. Diduch said that the live pelican at Village Hall was a hit and that this was a nice activity that draws people into the Village. Ms. Diduch stated that they will have the post event meeting sometime next week.

Ms. Diduch advised the Committee that she submitted two articles to Balsley Printing for the “Stateline News” to be printed in the next edition.

Ms. Diduch said that the first Rockton River Market (RRM) will be this Wednesday and that she has Ryan starting cleanup of the event that evening at 7:00 pm. Ms. Diduch added that she has another person that is going to be helping her with events and social media as well.

Ms. Diduch commented that Machesney Park has a very easy to read budget and that she will send the link to everyone to take a look at and think about for down the road.

Ms. Diduch added that last week there was a grant bulletin posted and that it’s $20M for the entire country, but that there are pilot programs that are alternatives to MFT. Ms. Diduch said that this would be a way to increase the Village’s road funds.






Motion by Mr. Winters, second by Mr. York to adjourn at 6:03 pm.
