
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met Aug. 5

Webp 4

Pecatonica Village Trustee - Bill Determan | Village of Pecatonica

Pecatonica Village Trustee - Bill Determan | Village of Pecatonica

Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met Aug. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Gipe at 6:00 pm on Monday, August 5, 2024.

2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the America Flag was recited

3. Roll call – Chairman Tom Gipe, Trustee Collin Hardy and Trustee Bill Determan were present.

Also, in attendance – Village President Tom Heister, Public Works Director Nick Berry, Jason Stoll Village Engineer, and Village Clerk Darla Stram

4. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda - None

5. Approve the Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Hardy and seconded by Trustee Determan to approve the agenda. No discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0-0.

6. Public Comment - None

7. Approve July 1, 2024, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to approve the July 1, 2024, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes as presented. No discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0-0.

8. Update on Well #3

Nick Berry gave the committee an update on Well 3. There is a start up to take place on Thursday, August 8, 2024. All subcontractors have been notified to come out to verify all additional equipment is good to go. Nick stated he was told that some of the equipment that has not been started yet, the manufacture warranties have expired. The committee agrees that they will need to address the warranty issues. They will need to get a general letter from Bennett stating the delay of items being put into service. Bennett’s insurance may need to be involved to cover the extended warranties.

9. Recommend approval of Bennett Pay Application No. 11 to Village Board $98,728.81

Jason Stoll stated after the last meeting, Bennett was contacted to provide a more in-depth breakdown of the project, which has not been received yet. He stated Cahoy has not given Bennett the information they need, most likely being the reason Bennett has not reached back out.

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to table the recommendation of approval of Bennett Pay Application No. 11 to Village Board $98,728.81. No discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0-0.

10. Public Works Report – None

11. Water Connection Discussion

Nick Berry discussed the new water service installation invoices. He broke down the prices for installation and connection, as well as the averages for the village. The resident outside of city limits wanting village water hook-up was quoted roughly $2,300 for installation. The cost is $2,626.50 before labor and equipment fees. There is another resident with property on Grove Road asking for water hook-up and if septic is available. The committee discussed the ordinance that will not allow septic, as well as Winnebago County not allowing him to drill a well on the property, as it is within 300 ft of Village water service. The village has the right to Annex the property, if necessary. Discussion to continue as needed.

12. Scum Pumps

Nick Berry was sent an email of $18,000 and timeline of 4-5 weeks for repairs or $32,000 for a new scum pump. Research is still being done for which pump will be required for this project.

13. Engineer’s Report

Jason Stoll informed the committee that they are working with DPI on the Lead Service Line Replacement Project. The pre-construction meeting will be August 14, 2024, at Village Hall at 8:30 a.m.

14. Executive Session - None

15. Action on Items Arising out of Executive Session - None.

16. Next Meeting is Tuesday, September 3, 2024

17. Adjournment

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm
