
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Carlyle City Council met Sept. 23

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Carlyle City Mayor Judy Smith | City of Carlyle Website

Carlyle City Mayor Judy Smith | City of Carlyle Website

City of Carlyle City Council met Sept. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Carlyle City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Smith, at 7:02 p.m. at the Case Halstead Library, 550 6th Street, Carlyle, IL.

The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance.

Aldermen present were Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, and Bruce Hilmes. Alderman Jeremy Weh was absent.

City employees present were City Administrator Brad Myers, Chief of Police Mark Pingsterhaus, Brandon Pieron, Andy Wennerstrom, Ryan Meyer, and City Clerk Rita Jurgensmeyer.

Others present were Kelly Ross, Rob Dorman, Tanner Speiser, Bryan Deming, Nancy Nave, Shannon Petrea, and Tony Petrea.

Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to approve the minutes from September 9, 2024. Alderman Scott Diekemper seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, and Bruce Hilmes. Nay: none.

Alderman John Hodapp made a motion to approve the transfers from Fund 1 General Fund to Fund 3 Street and Alley for $70,000.00, Fund 4 Police for $80,000.00, Fund 11 Economic Development Fund for $20,000.00, for a total of $170,000.00. Alderman Jeff Taylor seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, and Tammy Peters. Nay: none.

Alderman John Hodapp made a motion to approve the payment of the claims against the city. The motion was seconded by Alderman Jeff Taylor and was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, and Jim McClaren. Nay: none.

Mayor Judy Smith reminded everyone that clean up week is this week and the Street and Alley Department will be open from 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. It will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Street and alley employees will be around to help with unloading things. They will also ask for proof of residency. If you have any large metal items, like refrigerators, you can call city hall to be put on a list for pick up.

City Administrator Brad Myers reported that a drop ceiling has been put in the basement at city hall. The Electric Department will be putting lights in this week and the air vents attached. He added that they are doing limb pickup. This week they are picking up anything they see. The first week of October they will need to call city hall to be put on the list. Mayor Smith added that she went through town and counted 132 piles of limbs and out of the 132 there were roughly five that were called in. They will be doing a one-time sweep through town and after this they will only pick up residents that are on the list.

Bryan Deming for DC Waste and Recycling in Hillsboro, Illinois spoke during public comments. He explained the company and wanted to introduce himself. They supply service in the Carlyle area twice a week. They have taken over the Carlyle Lake contract. They service eight city contracts in the area. They want to touch base with Carlyle and ask if the city is being bid out or renewed, he would like a chance to bid on it. City Administrator Brad Myers said they are getting ready to bid it out. They pick up garbage and recycling. They own their own recycling in Hillsboro where they bale the materials and ship them to a couple family-owned recycling facilities in the area. They do service from Shelbyville to Carlyle. City Administrator Brad Myers said that the RFP will be out on the city’s website soon. Alderman Jeff Taylor asked if their trucks weigh less than Waste Management because Waste Management is tearing up the streets. He said they are running side loan trucks. The difference between front loan trucks and side loan trucks is the truck has weight that sits on the front tires and in a residential area it is hard on streets and the side load trucks are the normal truck weight. Mayor Smith asked if they would do alley pickup too. He said they prefer to be all street because when they are in alleys, they risk tearing down limbs which tears down utility wires. It also tears up the exits and entrances to alleys. Alderman John Hodapp said that some residents can only have alley pick up because of the highway or the grade that some residents can’t get down to put trash out. City Administrator Brad Myers stopped the conversation because it wasn’t on the agenda and it is too long for public comments. Mayor Smith invited him to city hall to discuss it further.

Keith Housewright reported for the library saying that the Friends of the Library is still holding the book sale to the end of the month. He also said that the electric car show will be held this weekend so if anyone is around, they will have some interesting cars on display.

City Administrator Brad Myers that he received a Lakeside Villas easement map. He said that he, Brandon Pieron, and an engineer have looked at it and they have no problems with the easements.

Alderman John Hodapp made a motion to approve the Lakeside Villas easement maps. Alderman Jeff Taylor seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, and Scott Diekemper. Nay: none.

Mayor Judy Smith led a discussion about flags on electric poles. She said some time back she was approached by someone at the high school wanting to know if they could hang little banners for all the sports at the high school from the electric poles. There are three places in the ordinances that says you can’t hang anything from the poles. Mayor Smith said she went to the school a year ago telling them that when they hang them as high up as they are hanging the United States flags are getting hung up in the signs from the high school. She said the signs used to hang from Randolph Street to Bond Street, now they go from Dollar General to McDonald’s. She said one pole has ten banners hanging on it. Now they are asking if they can hang spirit flags on the poles and if it is on a day when the American flags are being hung, they would take the spirit flags down and they would swap them out after the American flags need to come down. City Administrator Brad Myers said the ordinance does state that nothing can interfere with the American flags. Mayor Smith asked the council if one or two of them could go with her to meet with Superintendent Annie Gray and the coaches at the high school. Alderman Jeff Taylor volunteered to go with her.

City Administrator Brad Myers said that they have previously met and determined that the water intake structure is in dire need of repairs. The last time Marine Solutions came they found more things wrong. They sent a statement with a bid of $52,000.00. They went with galvanized pipe which was recommended. Authority was given last week to tell the company to go ahead and order the equipment, but they won’t order it without a signed contract. They sent a contract in the amount of $48,595.00. It is less than the previously quoted amount because some of the piping changed. City Administrator Brad Myers said the repairs must be done and be done soon. Andy Wennerstrom commented that the contract shows five days of labor, but he thinks it will be done in 2.5 – 3 days with the help of the Water Department employees.

Alderman John Hodapp made a motion to approve the contract in the amount of $48,595.00 from Marine Solutions for repairs to the water intake. Alderman Jeff Taylor seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, and John Hodapp. Nay: none.

City Administrator Brad Myers said that he and Brandon Pieron were given authority to look for a new truck for the Water Department. The truck they have now is 20 years old. They went to K & J Chevrolet and got a quote in the amount of $60,575.00. They also went to Jansen Chevrolet in Germantown and they had the exact same truck and the quote from them is $60,558.00. The difference is the truck from K & J Chevrolet has external locking rods. They have a handle on it and all you have to do is push it in and put a lock through that and it locks everything on one side. City Administrator Brad Myers suggested they go with K & J Chevrolet because it is in the city. He added that the trucks need to be outfitted with the proper gear. When they bought a truck two years ago, they had lights put on, a vice, ladder racks, power converter, and a cooler rack installed, they had public address speakers, and antennas put on. They have a quote of $7,821.89. He asked the council to approve the purchase of the truck from K & J Chevrolet in the amount of $60,575.00 and order the accessory package from Carl’s 4-Wheel Drive and to have them install everything in the amount of $7,821.00. The total for the truck and accessories is $68,396.89.

Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to approve the purchase of a truck from K & J Chevrolet in the amount of $60,575.00 and the purchase of an accessory package and installation from Carl’s 4-Wheel Drive in the amount of $7,821.00. The total for truck and the accessories is $68,396.89. Alderman Jim McClaren seconded the motion and it was approved by roll call vote. Aye: Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peter, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, and Jeff Taylor. Nay: none. Abstaining Alderman John Hodapp.

City Administrator Brad Myers said the high school homecoming parade is to be held on October 9th and they would like permission to close roads for the parade. The parade will start at Carlyle Grade School at the corner of 8th and Kane Streets. It will then continue to 8th Street to Fairfax Street, and then down 10th Street and continue until they get back to Kane Street and ending at Carlyle Grade School. The parade will start at 6:00 p.m.

Alderman John Hodapp made a motion to approve the road closures for the Carlyle High School homecoming parade. The motion was seconded by Alderman Jeff Taylor and was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, and Mike Jansen. Nay: none.

Mayor Judy Smith spoke on agenda item 16.1 new business. She said there were several people at the council meeting from the Citizens for Carlyle Parks organization. She said the members present were Tony and Shannon Petrea and Nancy Nave. Mayor Smith said that Citizens for Carlyle Parks have been a huge help to the city over the past years. Mayor Smith listed the fund raisers they had for the city and all the projects they paid to have done. Mayor Smith said they purchased many of the tables, benches, trash cans at the parks. They purchased the fencing for the dog park. They rebuilt the pavilion at Maple Hill Park. They helped fund three scout projects: the frisbee golf, the flags at the Fish Hatchery Park, and the game area at Maple Hill Park. They purchased swing sets for the Fish Hatchery Park and partnered with the Rotary Club for handicap swing. They contributed to the summer camps and paid registration fees and contributed towards the purchase of the wibit for the pool. They also organized family night in the park at Christmas. Now they are going to donating towards a pavilion at Bruemmer Park and the remaining funds will go into the Park Department. Mayor Smith stated many of these projects would not have happened if it weren’t for the Citizens for Carlyle Parks. They have been essential for getting things done in our parks. They have also helped other organizations with fundraising. Mayor Smith thanked them for all the work they have done for the city. They then presented a check in the amount of $39,000.00 to Park Director Ryan Meyer.

At 7:28 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Alderman John Hodapp. Alderman Jeff Taylor seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, and Bruce Hilmes. Nay: none.
