
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board Educational Services Committee met Oct. 2

Webp 8

Sarah Brenner, President | Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Website

Sarah Brenner, President | Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Website

Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board Educational Services Committee met Oct. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Members in Attendance: Karla Maville, Dave Carson, Megan Johnson,, Gabriela Nunez, Sheri Bochman, Andrea Woldman, Paola Rodriguez, and Ken Swanson

Others in Attendance: Cassandra Schug, Heather Nelson, Katie Hornbeck, Wendy Taylor, Jenn McCormick, Barb Villont

Meeting called to order at: 4:00 pm

Committee Expectations:

● Address the Committee Chairs at the appropriate time as indicated on the agenda and follow the directives of the Committee Chairs to maintain order and decorum

● Identify oneself

● Conduct oneself with respect and civility toward others and otherwise abide by Board Policy, 8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

A.1. Norms for Collaboration

Meeting norms were provided for the committee.


A.2. 2024-2025 District Scorecard

Dr. Carson provided an update on the District scorecard. Annually the school district administration creates a scorecard that identifies growth targets for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each of the five goals of our strategic plan. Throughout the year, the scorecard provides information that tracks our progress in each goal and strategy. The proposed scorecard can be viewed by following this link.

The slides presentation provided an overview of the adjustments to the goals included in the scorecard as well as the key steps (milestones) that will be taken throughout the school year to accomplish the growth identified in the scorecard.

The committee discussed the district scorecard, and the district scorecard will be presented for approval to the School Board at the September meeting.

School scorecards will be reviewed at the October Education Services Committee and board action will be requested at the October School Board meeting.

We will continue to review the updates to the District Scorecard monthly at Ed Services.

A.3. Playworks Update

Last fall the Board approved a contract with Playworks for the six elementary buildings through the use of ESSER III funds (COVID relief grant funding). This improvement strategy focuses on Goal 2 of the Strategic Plan and was determined a need based on behavior data at the elementary level. Playworks assists in designing a recess period that focuses on Safety, Engagement, and Empowerment through creating routines, choice, and communication.

Last spring Meehan Elementary was the first school to pilot the program with great success. This September, the remaining 5 buildings went through the training as planned and are excited for the updates to their recess program. Mrs. Hornback, Perry Elementary principal, and Ms. Nelson, Lincoln Elementary assistant principal, will be at our Educational Services Committee meeting to share their experience and provide an update on the initial phases of implementation.

The Educational Services Committee was able to ask questions about the initial implementation of Playworks.

Ms. Hornbeck and Ms. Nelson provided a very positive review regarding the implementation of Playworks. They have seen a decrease in behavior issues, and both staff and students are enjoying the collaboration and structure.

A.4. Early CollegeCredit Report

A summary of the Early College credit data for District 100 was provided to the committee, and a report provided information about course enrollment, completion rates, and student achievement in early college credit-bearing courses, including Articulated and Dual Credit courses, Advanced Placement courses, and the Running Start program.

The committee discussed the following:

1. What celebrations do you see in the data?

2. What areas of growth do you see in the data?

3. Are there any other data points you want to see in the future?

A.5. Proposed High School Course Catalog Changes

Annually, administration prepares a summary of all planned changes to the high school course catalog. This summary includes any proposed new courses or course changes that will require the approval of the Board of Education. New course proposals come directly from our teacher departments and are developed in consideration of providing students with high-quality course experiences aimed at the state standards and the attainment of skills needed to successfully complete all high school graduation requirements. The Board of Education will be asked to approve the High School Course Catalog at the November regular meeting.

The committee was able to address any questions about the proposed course changes and additions?

Course catalog will come to the Board for approval in November, Board Discussion in October

A.6. StrongerConnections Grant

Last spring, D100 applied for the Stronger Connections Grant through the Illinois State Board of Education- Federal Grants division. The funding will support mental health at our secondary level. Originally, school districts were to be notified in early June if they received the grant. In late August, we were informed that we received the Stronger Connections Grant for $263,143 which was approximately $64,000 more than we had applied for. D100 was thrilled to receive this grant and the additional funding and have until the end of June to utilize the funds.

The largest portion of the funds will be used for counseling support for our most at risk students. We have a history with KP Counseling in the area and have two candidates identified to work with our students. A contract will be coming to the School Board for approval in October. The approximate cost will be $150,000.

The committee was able to ask questions, voice concerns or get clarification needed regarding this grant.

The contract with KP Counseling will come to the Board for approval in October.

A.7. K-5 ELACurriculum Review Pilot

D100’s K-5 ELA curriculum pilot is in its 6th week. Twenty-two teachers among the six elementary schools are currently piloting 2 ELA resources: McGraw-Hill Wonders and Benchmark Advance. Each pilot will run for 8 weeks with teachers switching resources mid-October. The pilot teachers meet weekly with their PLCs to support their work and connect with the vendors every other week for check-ins. The teachers have all been asked to provide feedback on each resource throughout the pilot. The feedback will be utilized by the review committee in their discussion planned for December 16th to identify a final recommendation for an elementary ELA resource for adoption to the board at the January board meeting.

The committee was able to ask any questions regarding the K-5 ELA curriculum review and pilot.

Goal is to bring a recommendation to the Board in January for new ELA curriculum

A.8. 2024 - 2025School Scorecard

Each year schools develop a scorecard that identifies the top priority improvement goals, the key strategies, and the measures that will be used to monitor progress. The schools' scorecards were built in alignment with the with the district scorecard that is aligned to the school district's strategic plan.

The schools' scorecards will be presented to the school board for approval at the October 21st meeting, and were provided for review..

Caledonia Elementary School

Lincoln Elementary School

Meehan Elementary School

Perry Elementary School

Seth Whitman Elementary School

Washington Academy

Belvidere Central Middle School

Belvidere South Middle School

Belvidere High School

Belvidere North High School

Everest High School

Scorecards will come to the Board in October for approval

A.9. Middle School Success Criteria Proposal

D100 administration proposed the creation of a Middle School Success Criteria Research Committee to identify best practices for middle school promotion criteria and a system of interventions to respond to students who do not meet those criteria

Problem to be Solved/Opportunity:

Investigate whether a different approach to responding to middle school course failure would allow staff to better meet the needs of our students which could improve intervention effectiveness, high school readiness, and standardized test scores, with the long-term anticipated impact of improving high school graduation rate.

Background Information:

Some key elements of the current context of middle school student course failures and retention are:

● Middle school students are the only students currently required to attend summer school to avoid retention

● Intervention systems in our middle school systems are inconsistent, as highlighted in the Special Education Audit.

● There are credit earning and intervention systems established in district high schools which the current middle school model does not mirror.

● The number of students referred to summer school is consistently disproportionate among the two middle schools.

● When ESSER funding was available, several of the posted middle school summer school positions were not filled on an annual basis; the demand for teachers was consistently greater than the supply.

Proposal will come to the Board in October for approval

● Defining successful completion of middle school summer school has been problematic for implementation in a manner that addresses students’ performance gaps.

The committee had an opportunity to review and discuss before administration recommends the School Board approves the Middle School Success Criteria Research Planning Proposal.

Proposal will come to the Board in October for approval

A.10. AI GuidanceCommittee Proposal

D100 administration proposes the creation of an AI Guidance Committee to strategically integrate AI into its educational landscape to ensure that AI is used to enhance student learning experiences, teacher efficacy, and optimize resource allocations.

Problem to be Solved/Opportunity:

AI is rapidly expanding its presence in our society and will have a major impact on all aspects of our lives, including our schools. By proactively engaging with AI, the district can position itself at the forefront of educational innovation, providing students with the best opportunities to succeed in an increasingly AI-driven world.

Background Information:

The AI Guidance Committee will develop a guidance document. This document will be used to form and launch an AI Pilot Review Committee who will meet on a regular basis each year to identify AI tools to integrate and enhance (1) classrooms, (2) teacher preparation and planning, and (3) school and district operations.

The committee had an opportunity to review and discuss before administration recommends that the School Board approves the AI Guidance Committee Proposal.

Proposal will come to the Board in October for approval

Academic Contracts


Other Matters:

Ms. Rodriguez raised the need for a bilingual psychiatrist at the high school level for screening purposes

Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Meeting Adjourned at: 4:51 p.m.
