
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rockford City Council met Nov. 4

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Rockford City Mayor Tom McNamara | City of Rockford Website

Rockford City Mayor Tom McNamara | City of Rockford Website

City of Rockford City Council met Nov. 4.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

B. Roll Call

C. Acceptance of the Journal

1. Journal of Proceedings for the Special City Council meeting held on October 15, 2024.

2. Journal of Proceedings for the Special City Council meeting held on October 28, 2024.



A. Planning and Development Committee

1. Memorandum from Tim Hinkens, City Engineer/Interim Public Work Director, regarding the approval and acceptance of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Budgetary Line Item Grant for Mason Avenue Reconstruction. Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

2. Memorandum from Samantha Flynn, Stormwater and Environmental Coordinator, regarding the approval and acceptance of the Green Infrastructure Grant Opportunities Application to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for the Northwest Concrete Drainageway. Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

3. Memorandum from Todd Cagnoni, City Administrator, regarding a proposed Development Agreement with N-TRAK for the demolition and future redevelopment of 2729 Kishwaukee Street (former Rock River School). Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Traffic Commission’s Agenda for the meeting to be held on November 13, 2024 and Minutes from that meeting for consideration at the Code and Regulation Committee meeting on November 25, 2024. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

2. Memorandum from Jacob Rubin, Assistant City Attorney, regarding the Annexation of 2821 North Bell School Road. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

3. Memorandum from Jacob Rubin, Assistant City Attorney, regarding the Annexation of 3738 South Main Street. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

4. Memorandum from Jacob Rubin, Assistant City Attorney, regarding the Annexation of 4555 Spring Creek Road. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

5. Memorandum from Mike Hakanson, Land Transaction Officer, regarding the proposed placement for sale of 813, 819, 821 and 825 West State Street and 111 and 125 Kilburn Avenue. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Memorandum from Timothy Hinkens, City Engineer/Interim Public Works Director, regarding the Jurisdictional Transfer of Bell School Road (Argus Drive to Guilford Road). Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.

2. Memorandum from Timothy Hinkens, City Engineer/Interim Public Works Director, regarding the Jurisdictional Transfer of Linden Road. Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.


1. Goldie Pekarsay

2. Nadeem Siddiqui

3. Rev. Jim Roberts

4. Roni Golan

5. Robert Pace


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. Committee recommends approval of the proposed Funding Agreement (Long-Term Loan) in the amount of $500,000.00 annually for two years for the continued capitalization and advancement of a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) in partnership with Northern Illinois Community Development Corporation (NICDC), Rockford Local Development Corporation (RLDC) and Local Financial Institutions. The funding source is the Casino Tax Revenue Plan. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

2. Committee recommends approval of the proposed Funding Agreement in the amount of $100,000.00 with Discovery Center Museum Park for HVAC Replacement Project for the multi-tenant building located at 711 North Main Street. The funding source is the Budget Surplus Plan. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Committee recommends sustaining the Traffic Commission's approval to establish a “No Parking from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.” restriction on the south side of 2nd Avenue from 12th Street to 100 feet east of 12th Street, thus repealing the existing parking restriction of “No Parking from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.” on the south side of 2nd Avenue from 12th Street to 100 feet east of 12th Street. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

2. Committee recommends approval of the Annexation of 4725 and 47xx West State Street. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

3. Committee recommends approval of the 2024-2025 Contract between the City of Rockford and the Winnebago County Health Department for a Tobacco Enforcement Program to conduct compliance monitoring checks. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

4. Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of a strip center for a Halal/Kosher grocery store, a convenience store, a dry cleaner, restaurants, a community center, three (3) office buildings, twenty-eight (28) duplexes, twenty-five (25) 4-unit buildings, and sixteen (16) 4-unit townhomes in a C-1, Limited Office Zoning District and R-3, Multi-Family Residential Zoning District at 3xx, 5xx, and 9xx South Mulford Road and 61xx East State Street (District 815, LLC/Applicant). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

5. Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' recommendation of denial for a Special Use Permit for an outdoor U-Haul truck rental in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 320 North Mulford Road (Girishkumar Patel/Applicant).

6. Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's approval for the Sale of Tobacco Products in conjunction with a gas station and convenience store in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 2975 North Perryville Road (Ali Hariz/7Days 815 Corporation dba 7Days 815 Corp/Applicant). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

7. Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's approval for the Sale of Tobacco Products in conjunction with a gas station and convenience store in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 1603 11th Street (Ravi Inder Singh/RMS Group dba BP Food Mart/Applicant). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

8. Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's approval for the Sale of Beer and Wine by the Drink (Class WB50) in conjunction with a restaurant, laundry facility and video gaming terminals in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 3333 North Rockton Avenue (Matthew R. Waldschmidt/Georgia A. Mayberry/Socks n Slots Laundry, LLC dba Socks n Slots Laundry/Applicant). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Committee recommends approval of the vouchers in the amount of $9,034,574.03 as approved at the Finance and Personnel Committee meeting held on October 28, 2024.

2. Committee recommends approval of a Grant of Easement at 115 North Madison Street to Commonwealth Edison for the installation of equipment needed to bury overhead power lines as part of the Madison Street Reconstruction Project. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

3. Committee recommends approval of the proposed Development Agreement between Rockford University, Rockford Promise and the City of Rockford for a Location-Based Scholarship Program. The proposal would allow eligible students graduating from a private or public high school in the City of Rockford and students that live in the City of Rockford that are eligible for the Federal Pell Grant and the State of Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) Grant the ability to earn a Bachelor's Degree from Rockford University with all tuition paid. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

4. Proposed sale of city-owned property located at 605 North Main Street (Armory Building) (PIN: 11-23-179-015) to Rockford Area Arts Council for their bid in the amount of $1,000.00. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.



1. Appointment of Keyana Coleman to the Rockford Housing Authority Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Jessica Wilson for a term ending March 2025. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after November 6, 2024).


A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Committee recommends approval of the 2025 City Council and

Committee Calendar.

2. Committee recommends approval of the Festival of Lights and IDOT Resolution

Festival of Lights is scheduled for the following dates:

November 29th– December 1st

December 5th– 8th

December 12th– 15th

December 16th– 31st

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Joint Purchasing Contract: Rock Salt / Bulk Road Salt to Compass Minerals of America, Inc., of Overland Park, Kansas in the amount of $1,413,120.00 (based on unit pricing). The contract duration is one (1) year. The funding source is the Street Division Operating Budget.

2. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Contract: Private Tree Removal Loan Program, Qualified Vendors (Bid No. 924-PW-098) to Busy Beaver Tree Care, LLC, of Roscoe, Illinois, Sisson's Tree Service, LLC, of Stillman Valley, Illinois, and Tree Care Enterprises, LLC of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $60,000.00 (with an annual $20,000.00 maximum spend). The contract duration is one (1) year with two (2) possible one-year extension options. The funding source is the Construction Services Operating Budget.

3. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Construction Engineering Agreement: 2024 City-Wide Street Repairs Groups 5 and 6 to Willett Hofmann and Associates, Inc., of Rockford, Illinois in the not-to exceed amount of $36,375.16. The contract duration is through November 29, 2024. The funding source is the 1% Infrastructure Sales Tax.

4. Committee recommends approval of a resolution authorizing staff to reimburse Rockford Area Venues and Entertainment Authority (RAVE) in the amount of $125,000.00 for Audio System improvements at the Coronado Theatre from Arts and Culture allocation of the Casino Tax Revenue Plan.

5. Committee recommends approval of a resolution authorizing funding reimbursement for sidewalks and bus stop on Linden Road in conjunction with PCI Pharma Services per approved Budget Surplus Plan in the amount of $50,000.00.

6. Committee recommends approval of a resolution authorizing the acceptance of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Regional Site Readiness Grant application, authorization and award acceptance in the amount up to $2,500,000.00. The City of Rockford would provide matching funds up to $607,000.00 for this project, if awarded. The funding source would be from the approved 2023 Budget Surplus Plan.

7. Committee recommends approval of the application and acceptance of the Award for the Illinois Medical Respite Capacity Building Initiative (IMRCBI) from Illinois Public Health Institute Grant Award in the amount of $100,000.00. The grant does not require a cost match. The grant term is from October 28, 2024 to June 30, 2025. The grant will provide funds for the implementation of a medical respite program for homeless individuals with medical needs.

D. Legislative and Lobbying Committee

1. Committee recommends approval of a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Palestine, the West Bank, Lebanon and Israel.


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. An ordinance approving the Funding Agreement (Long-Term Loan) in the amount of $500,000.00 annually for two years for the continued capitalization and advancement of a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) in partnership with Northern Illinois Community Development Corporation (NICDC), Rockford Local Development Corporation (RLDC) and Local Financial Institutions. The funding source is the Casino Tax Revenue Plan. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

2. An ordinance approving the Funding Agreement in the amount of $100,000.00 with Discovery Center Museum Park for HVAC Replacement Project for the multi-tenant building located at 711 North Main Street. The funding source is the Budget Surplus Plan.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. An ordinance establishing a “No Parking from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.” restriction on the south side of 2nd Avenue from 12th Street to 100 feet east of 12th Street, thus repealing the existing parking restriction of “No Parking from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.” on the south side of 2nd Avenue from 12th Street to 100 feet east of 12th Street. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

2. An ordinance approving the Annexation of 4725 and 47xx West State Street.

3. An ordinance approving the 2024-2025 Contract between the City of Rockford and the Winnebago County Health Department for a Tobacco Enforcement Program to conduct compliance monitoring checks.

4. An ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of a strip center for a Halal/Kosher grocery store, a convenience store, a dry cleaner, restaurants, a community center, three (3) office buildings, twenty-eight (28) duplexes, twenty-five (25) 4-unit buildings, and sixteen (16) 4-unit townhomes in a C-1, Limited Office Zoning District and R-3, Multi-Family Residential Zoning District at 3xx, 5xx, and 9xx South Mulford Road and 61xx East State Street (District 815, LLC/Applicant).

5. An ordinance approving the Sale of Tobacco Products in conjunction with a gas station and convenience store in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 2975 North Perryville Road (Ali Hariz/7Days 815 Corporation dba 7Days 815 Corp/Applicant).

6. An ordinance approving the Sale of Tobacco Products in conjunction with a gas station and convenience store in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 1603 11th Street (Ravi Inder Singh/RMS Group dba BP Food Mart/Applicant).

7. An ordinance approving the Sale of Beer and Wine by the Drink (Class WB50) in conjunction with a restaurant, laundry facility and video gaming terminals in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 3333 North Rockton Avenue (Matthew R. Waldschmidt/Georgia A. Mayberry/Socks n Slots Laundry, LLC dba Socks n Slots Laundry/Applicant).

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. An ordinance approving a Grant of Easement at 115 North Madison Street to Commonwealth Edison for the installation of equipment needed to bury overhead power lines as part of the Madison Street Reconstruction Project.

2. An ordinance approving the Development Agreement between Rockford University, Rockford Promise and the City of Rockford for a Location Based Scholarship Program. The proposal would allow eligible students graduating from a private or public high school in the City of Rockford and students that live in the City of Rockford that are eligible for the Federal Pell Grant and the State of Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) Grant the ability to earn a Bachelor's Degree from Rockford University with all tuition paid.

3. An ordinance approving the sale of the city-owned property located at 605 North Main Street (Armory Building) (PIN: 11-23-179-015) to Rockford Area Arts Council for their bid in the amount of $1,000.00.

