
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met Nov. 4

Webp 7

Assistant Clerk - Darla Stram | Village of Pecatonica

Assistant Clerk - Darla Stram | Village of Pecatonica

Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met Nov. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Gipe at 6:00 pm on Monday, November 4, 2024.

2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag was recited

3. Roll call – Chairman Tom Gipe, Trustee Collin Hardy, and Trustee Bill Determan were present.

Also, in attendance- Trustees; Kim Gipe and Gerald Howard. Jason Stoll Village Engineer, Village Clerk Darla Stram, Ryan Hathaway, Tom Schacht, Eric Miller, Paul Wright, Tom Glendening, and Village President Tom Heister.

4. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda - None

5. Approve the Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to approve the agenda. No discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0-0.

6. Public Comment – None

7. Approve the October 7, 2024, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes.

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to approve the October 7, 2024, Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes as presented. No discussion. A roll call vote was taken. Trustee Hardy abstained. Motion approved 2-0-1.

8. Review letter and discuss with possible recommendations to the Full Board, a request from Terry Wright for possible reduction on the sewer portion of his September 2024 water bill.

Tabled until next Public Works Meeting.

9. Discussion and possible recommendation to Full Board regarding Tree House Foods Account.

Representatives of Tree House Foods handed out spreadsheets and a flow chart to explain their water usage and what part of their water does not go through the sewer system. A discussion was held. Collin suggested revisiting once Tree House Foods correctly installs the deduct meter. Chairman Gipe makes a motion to revisit once the meters are installed. Trustee Determan seconds. A roll call vote was taken, motion approved. 3-0-0.

10. Update on Lead Line Service Project

Jason Stoll and Ryan Hathaway gave an update. Ryan states that they are currently concentrating on establishing which services need to be handled first based on asphalt patches before their plant closes for the winter. A discussion was held regarding how to handle the homeowner’s that will not respond. A discussion was held regarding how many attempts need to be made to contact the owner before we can deem it a non-compliant home. Trustee Determan makes a motion that the Village Attorney draft a letter to the residents that are non-compliant with the lead service line project. Trustee Hardy seconds. A roll call vote was taken, motion approved 3-0-0.

11. Update on Well #3

Well 3 samples passed. Water will begin moving through the building next week. Water will be pushed through the new piping. Hoping to have overall approval of operating the well by the end of November. They did discuss that we need to find a plan for water discharge in the future.

12. Well 3, Bennett Construction Pay Application 11. Review and possible recommendation to the Village Board.

Jason Stoll discussed pay application #11 and change order #9. Change order 9 is a reconciliation of the work that was done by Cahoy. Trustee Hardy makes a motion to recommend to the board for pay application 11 $81,412.63 as well as change order #9. Trustee Determan seconds the motion. No discussion. Roll Call vote was taken. Motion approved 3-0-0.

13. Lead Service Line Replacement Project, DPI Pay Application 1. Review and possible recommendation to Village Board.

Trustee Hardy makes a motion to recommend to the board to approve DPI pay application #1 in the amount of $188,811.83- 10%retainage. Trustee Determan seconds. No discussion. A roll call vote was taken. No discussion. Roll Call vote was taken. Motion approved 3-0-0.

14. Lead Service Replacement Project, Loan Disbursement Request 2. Review and possible recommendation to Village Board.

Trustee Determan makes a motion to recommend to the board to approve the request for loan disbursement to DPI in the amount of $243,548.38. Trustee Hardy seconded the motion. No discussion. A roll call vote was taken. Motion approved 3-0-0.

15. Lead Service Replacement Project, Change Order 1. Review and possible recommendation to Village Board.

Request for a time extension. Change order for a completion date of January 13th, 2025 and a final completion date of May 31st, 2025. Trustee Hardy makes a motion to recommend to the full board DPI’s change order #1 to extend the length of the contract. Trustee Determan seconded the motion. No discussion. A roll call vote was taken. Motion approved 3-0-0.

16. Public Works Report

None, Nick is absent and will have a full report at the next regular meeting.

17. Update on pumps for Scum Pit

Nick will provide an update at the next regular meeting.

18. Engineer’s Report


19. Executive Session

A motion was made by Trustee Hardy and seconded by Trustee Determan to go into Executive Session. No discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All trustees voted yes. The Executive Session began at 7:50pm.

The regular meeting was called back to order by Committee Chairman Gipe at 8:34 pm.

A roll call was taken to return to normal session. Chairman Tom Gipe, Trustee Collin Hardy, Trustee Bill Determan, Trustee Kim Gipe, Trustee Gerald Howard. Jason Stoll Village Engineer, Village Clerk Darla Stram, Legal Representative Eric Miller, and Village President Tom Heister.

20. Action on Items Arising out of Executive Session- None

21. Next Meeting is Monday, December 2, 2024, at 6:00pm

22. Adjournment

Trustee Determan made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Hardy seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:34pm.
