Rockford City Mayor Tom McNamara | City of Rockford Website
Rockford City Mayor Tom McNamara | City of Rockford Website
City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met Jan. 6.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Plat No. 2 of Sports Factory Subdivision
2. Request for a Modification of an existing liquor license for an additional Video Gaming Terminal at 3301 11th Street (Nilufar Kabir/Opsahl Tavern, Inc. dba Opsahl Pizza/Applicant).
3. Approval of Amendments to Chapter 29 (Vehicles for Hire) to create an alcohol free Pedal Bus Ordinance
4. 2930 Grinnell Court and 29xx South Alpine Road
Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval for a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of two (2) 4-unit townhomes, a 5-unit townhome, and a 6-unit townhome in an R-3, Multi-Family Residential Zoning District at 2930 Grinnell Court and 29xx South Alpine Road (Attorney Jim Rodriguez for Omni Rockford, LLC/Applicant)
5. 839 North Perryville Road
Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval for a:
a. Variation to increase the landmark style sign from eight (8) feet to twelve (12) feet; and
b. Variation to increase the maximum permitted square footage from sixty four (64) square feet to one hundred and fifteen (115) square feet in a C-1, Limited Office Zoning District at 839 North Perryville Road (Attorney Gino Galluzzo for Timothy J. Leake/Applicant)