
Rockford Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met Feb. 18

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Village of Machesney Park Officials | Facebook

Village of Machesney Park Officials | Facebook

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met Feb. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Invocation

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum

IV. Approval of Minutes from February 3, 2025

V. Treasurer’s Report - Deborah Alms

VI. Communications - Sarah Cortinas

VII. Warrant - Aaron Wilson

VIII. Administrative Reports

1. President - Steve Johnson

2. Attorney - Tom Green

3. Village Administrator - James Richter II

4. Finance and Human Resources Director - Shannon Hansen

a. Quarterly Investment Report for October-December 2024

5. Community Development and Building Coordinator - Izzy Mandujano

6. Public Works Director - Mitch Hilden

7. Village Engineer - Chris Dopkins

8. Public Safety Supervisor - Deputy Chief Josh Gesner

IX. Committee and Trustee Reports

1. District #1 – Planning & Economic Development, Chair - Joe Seipts

2. District #2 – Planning & Economic Development, Vice-Chair - Jodi Stromberg

3. District #3 – Public Improvement & Safety, Vice-Chair - James Kidd

4. District #4 – Administration & Finance, Chair - Aaron Wilson

5. District #5 – Administration & Finance, Vice-Chair - Terri Bailey

6. District #6 –Public Improvement & Safety, Chair - Julie Boggie

X. Consent Agenda

1. Ordinance 01-25, Text Amendment to Allow Administrative Variances from Building Material Design Standard Requirements (First Reading)

2. Ordinance 02-25, Text Amendment to Reduce Required Drive-Thru Bypass Lane Width (First Reading)

3. Ordinance 03-25, Approving an Increase in the Number of Class A Liquor Licenses, Approving a Class A, Class P, Class G Liquor License for 11700 N 2nd St. (First Reading)

4. Ordinance 04-25, Text Amendment to Appendix B - Fee Schedule, to ReEstablish Plat Engineer Review Fee (First Reading)

5. Resolution 05-R-25, Responding to a Zoning Application Under Consideration by the Winnebago County Zoning Board

6. Resolution 07-R-25, Redevelopment Agreement with DMR Wellness, LLC and Trojan Holdings, LLC

7. Resolution 08-R-25, Economic Incentive Agreement with Trojan Holdings, LLC

8. Resolution 10-R-25, Land Donation Agreement with CDA Housing, Inc., for

Senior Housing

XII. Old Business

XIII. New Business

XIII. Public Comment

XIV. Closed Session

XIV. Adjourn

*The Consent Agenda consists of proposals and recommendations that, in the opinion of the Village Administrator, will be acceptable to all members of the Board of Trustees. The purpose of this Agenda is to save time by taking only one roll call vote that covers all items in the Consent Agenda instead of separate votes on each item. Upon the request of any one Trustee, any item can be removed from the Consent Agenda prior to the motion to approve and be considered separately after adoption of the Consent Agenda.
