Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board Members | Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Website
Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board Members | Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Website
Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met Feb. 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District #100, Boone, McHenry, DeKalb Counties, Illinois met in a regular meeting February 6, 2025, at 5:30 P.M. at the Districts Central Office, located at 1201 Fifth Avenue, Belvidere, Illinois, which is within the boundaries of said District.
A. Opening Items
Call to Order:
The President called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
Roll Call:
Members present were Mr. Bucher, Mr. Diestelmeier, Mr. Herrera, Mrs. Houk, Ms. Maville, and Mr. Zickert.
B. Closed Executive Session of the Board of Education from Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act
The meeting adjourned to closed executive session at 5:31 P.M. for the following:
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representative – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) and student disciplinary cases – 5 ILCS 120/2(C)(9).
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to adjourn to closed executive session. The President called the question, and the following members voted.
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Bucher Zickert, Diestelmeier, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
C. Reconvene in Open Session
Open session meeting reconvened at 6:14 P.M. with the Pledge to the American Flag.
Roll Call:
Members present were Mr. Bucher, Mr. Diestelmeier, Mr. Herrera, Mrs. Houk, Mrs. Maville, and Mr. Zickert.
Approval of Agenda
President Maville inquired if any Board members wished to have any items amended or moved from the agenda.
Hearing none, Member Diestelmeier made a motion and Member Herrera seconded the motion to approve the agenda of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education on February 6, 2025, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Diestelmeier, Herrera, Zickert, Bucher, Houk, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
D. District Celebrations
1. Golden Apple Foundation Finalists
The Golden Apple Foundation announced the names of 20 Winnebago and Boone County teachers who will move forward in the selection process for the 2025 Golden Apple Teacher Awards. These talented PreK-5th grade teachers were chosen by a committee of community volunteers who had the difficult task of selecting only 20 from a large group of very worthy nominees. District 100 is proud to announce three excellent teachers from our district!
• Kalli Bruck, Caledonia Elementary School Early Childhood
• Nicole Seaver, Lincoln Elementary School Special Education K-2nd Grade
• Belinda Roberts, Washington Academy Bi-lingual Early Childhood
E. Board of Education Committee Reports
1.- 2. Business Services Committee Meeting – January 7 & February 4th
Business Services Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:
January 7, 2025
• District Scorecard Update - Goal 5
• 2026-2027 School Calendar
• Student Information System (SIS) RFP and Vendor Selection
• Van Purchase
• Purchasing Cooperative and Consortiums Authorization
• Excess Property Disposal – BNHS Athletics Swimming
• Excess Property Disposal – Curriculum Pilot Material
• Activity Account Request – Teen Library Council – BHS & BNHS
• K-5 Curriculum Adoption
February 5, 2025
• District Scorecard Update - Goal 5
• Vision 2030
• Excess Property Disposal – BHS FACS
• Excess Property Disposal – Facilities Department
• RFP/ITB Update
3. Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting – January 15th
Policy and Personnel Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:
• Strategic Plan Update for Goal 4
• 2:40 Board Member Qualification
• 8:90 Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs
• Great Place to Work Survey Results
• Review of New District Job Descriptions
4. First Reading of Policy 2:40 Board Member Qualification
5. First Reading of Policy 8:90 Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs
6. Educational Services Committee Meeting – February 5th
Educational Services Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:
• District Scorecard Update - Goal 1 & 2
• Strategic Plan Mid-Year Summary
• Vision 2030
• Family and Community Partnerships – Communication Audit
• Student Information System (SIS) Evaluation Report
• Summer Programming Overview
• Kindergarten Classrooms – Furniture
• Mental Health Support Discussion and Nest Steps
7. Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – February 5th
Parent Teacher Advisory Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:
• District Scorecard Update - Goal 3
• Family Possip Review – Mid-Year Report
• Review of District Handbook – Sections 6,7,8
• RTO District Update
• Future Topics
F. Hearing of Visitors
Members of the public and employees of District #100 were able to make comments or ask questions of the Board. The following individuals wished to address the Board.
• Bob Hauser regarding School Report Cards and academic achievement
Hearing no one wished to address the Board, President Maville closed the hearing of visitors.
G. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
2. Minutes
3. Personnel Report
4. Financial Reports
5. Bills
6. Destruction of Closed Session Recordings
7. Executive Session Minutes to be Released to the Public
8. Purchasing Cooperative and Consortiums Authorization
9. Van Purchase
10. Excess Property Disposal – Curriculum Pilot Materials
11. Excess Property Disposal – BNHS Athletics Swimming
12. Activity Account Request – Teen Library Council – BHS & BNHS
13. 2026-2027 School Calendar
14. Overnight Field Trip Requests
15. Requests for Fundraisers
16. Donations
President Maville inquired if any Board members wished to have any items removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration.
Member Zickert wished to have Consent Agenda Item #6. Destruction of Closed Session Recordings removed for separate consideration.
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items #2-5 and #7-16, as presented.
President Maville recognized the following donation:
• School Supplies from the Belvidere Women’s Club for Lincoln Elementary School
• $150 from First United Methodist Church of Belvidere for Lincoln Elementary School
• Clothing items from the Belvidere Women’s Club for Lincoln Elementary School and Washington Academy
• $150 from First United Methodist Church of Belvidere for Washington Academy
• Six Lunches per month February – May, 2025 from Burger King for Belvidere South Middle School
• 2010 GMC Acadia from Samuel Wiladsen for Belvidere High School Automotive Department
The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Diestelmeier, Bucher, Zickert, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items #6 Destruction of Closed Session Recordings, as presented.
The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Diestelmeier, and Maville
NAY: Bucher and Zickert
Motion passed.
H. Roll Call Action Items
1. Policy 2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban
2. Policy 2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers
3. Policy 2:120 Board Member Development
4. Policy 4:30 Revenue and Investments
5. Policy 4:150 Facility Management and Building Program
6. Policy 4:170 Safety
7. Policy 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
8. Policy 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited
9. Policy 5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
10. Policy 5:120 Employee Ethics, Code of Professional Conduct, and Conflict of Interest
11. Policy 5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media, Usage and Conduct
12. Policy 5:150 Personnel Records
13. Policy 5:230 Maintaining Student Discipline
14. Policy 6:60 Curriculum Content
15. Policy 6:135 Accelerated Placement Program
16. Policy 6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program
17. Policy 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities
18. Policy 7:100 Heath, Eye, and Dental Examination, Immunizations, and Exclusions of Students
19. Policy 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
20. Policy 8:10 Connection with the Community
President Maville inquired if any Board members wished to have any policies removed from the Roll Call Action Items for separate consideration.
Hearing none, Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve Roll Call Action Items #1-20, as presented.
The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Bucher, Diestelmeier, Zickert, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
21. Elementary Intervention/TPI Case Management Workload Plan
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve the Elementary Intervention/TPI Case Management Workload Plan, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Diestelmeier, Zickert, Bucher, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
22. Student Information System (SIS) RFP and Vendor Selection
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve the Student Information System (SIS) RFP and Vendor Selection, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Diestelmeier, Zickert, Bucher, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
23. K-5 ELA Curriculum Adoption
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve the K-5 ELA Curriculum Adoption, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Diestelmeier, Zickert, Bucher, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
24. Special Education Audit Recommendations
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve the Special Education Audit Recommendation, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Diestelmeier, and Maville
NAY: Bucher and Zickert
Motion passed.
25. Bilingual Audit Recommendations
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve the Bilingual Audit Recommendation, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Diestelmeier, and Maville
NAY: Zickert and Bucher
Motion passed.
26. Part Time Benefits Clerk
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Houk seconded the motion to approve the Park Time Benefits Clerk, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Houk, Bucher, Diestelmeier, Zickert, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
I. Board Discussion
The following items were discussed by the Board of Education:
1. Demographic Study
Marci Horner presented the Board with a Resident Student Forecast for SY2024- 25 to SY2034-35. This report will continue to help inform the Master Facilities Plan process.
2. Facilities Next Steps
Dr. Schug, Ms. Armstrong, Mr. Winters and Mr. Nelson, CEO of Larson and Darby, shared information regarding facilities next steps. This included a conversation about performance contractors, an update on our priority projects, and an overview of the Master Facilities Plan Years 4-10 as shared with the Board in September for feedback on next steps. The Board will schedule a Special Board meeting where performance contractors will potentially be interviewed and the Board will be able to discuss and provide feedback on the Master Facilities Plan Years 4-10.
3. Student Board Members
Member Maville addressed the board regarding the opportunity to revisit this matter after elections when the new board is seated, and will share recent articles regarding the practice of using student Board members for Board discussion.
4. IL Department of Transportation Pathway along Bypass 20
As part of the Rebuild Illinois Capital Plan, the Illinois Department of Transportation is resurfacing, adding lanes, and reconstructing areas of Business 20 (Bypass 20) from the State Street & North Appleton intersection extending east and south to the intersection of US 20 and Genoa Road. This project includes having the full length of Business 20 at 4 lanes and the construction of a multi-use path or other bicycle/pedestrian accommodation throughout this corridor.
IDOT will build the alternate pathway along the new corridor as part of the project and required in the project. The statute is silent on the maintenance of the pathway, therefore, IDOT is asking local entities to consider agreements for the maintenance of the path once completed. The School District is being asked to consider the possibility of entering into an interagency agreement with the County, Park District, Conservation District, City, and Rock Valley College regarding the maintenance of the path. Key points to consider regarding the possible IGA and maintenance agreement are below.
• District 100 is being asked to consider the maintenance of Bonus Road (Lincoln School location) to Poplar Grove Road.
• Maintenance means keeping the surface usable in no-snow months, which can include crack repair
• Maintenance does not include the following:
o salting, plowing, or any type of snow removal
o lighting
o trash cans or litter maintenance
o striping
• The path will be either asphalt or concrete. Asphalt maintenance would be required every 15-20 years with no salting and no heavy equipment, while concrete would be closer to 30-40 years outside of extreme circumstances. Maintenance estimates are approximately $30,000 at the 15-20 or 30-40 years mark.
• The County is proposing to be the entity that will conduct the procurement and bidding process for the entire path. They further are offering to split maintenance costs with the entity supporting each path section. Costs would be lessened by the County doing much of the work internally meaning the maintenance entity would only be responsible for the cost of supplies (which are split with the County).
• No land request from IDOT for the path from any entity. The path will be constructed within the land already owned by IDOT.
Administration requested informal approval to continue discussions regarding the development of an IGA. Informal approval would allow the County and IDOT to begin work on a draft IGA that would then be brought to all entities for consideration and possible approval. The District is under no obligation until a formal IGA is approved by the Board.
5. Upcoming Contract Renewals & Reports
J. Administration Reports
The following items were presented to the Board of Education:
1. Superintendent Comments
2. Strategic Plan Update
3. Great Place to Work Survey
4. Cardiac Response Plan
5. School Activity Reports for all District 100 Schools
6. Department Highlights
7. FOIA Log
8. A Look Ahead to Upcoming District Events
Page 9 of 9
February 6, 2025 Board of Education Regular Meeting
• Business Services Committee Meeting – March 4
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – March 5
• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – March 5
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - March 17
• Business Services Committee Meeting – April 1
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – April 2
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - April 21
• Business Services Committee Meeting – May 6
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – May 7
• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – May 7
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - May 19
• Business Services Committee Meeting – June 3
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – June 4
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - June 16
K. Adjournment
Having no further business to conduct, Member Herrera made a motion and member Diestelmeier seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The President called the question, and the motion passed on a voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.$file/2-6-2025%20Minutes%20January%20Make%20Up%20Mtg.pdf