City of Belvidere Committee of the Whole met May 13.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
Call to Order: Mayor Chamberlain:
Roll Call:
Public Comment:
Public Forum:
Reports of Officers, Boards, and Special Committees:
1. Building, Planning& Zoning, Unfinished Business: None.
2. Building, Planning& Zoning, New Business:
A) Plumbing Code— Plumbing Inspector.
3. Public Works, Unfinished Business: None.
4. Public Works, New Business:
A) Well #3 and Well #8 Valve Repairs.
B) Sewer Jet Truck Replacement.
C) Highline Lift Station Fence Bids.
D) Storm Water Utility Feasibility Study.
E) Block Party request of Yokxi Guzman of 893 Fuller Lane.
F) Block Party request of James Rodgers of 520 E Pleasant Street.
5. Other:
A) Police Department— Camera Grant.
B) Finance Department— Neighborhood Grant.
C) Legal Department— Smoke Free— Belvidere Code.
6. Adjournment: