City of Belvidere Committee of the Whole met April 27.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
Call to Order— Mayor Mike Chamberlain.
Roll Call:
Public Comment:
Public Forum:
Reports of Officers Boards and Special Committees:
1. Public Safety, Unfinished Business: None.
2. Public Safety, New Business:
A) Police - Renewal of software license for XRY.
B) Fire - Rapid Response Vehicle.
C) Fire- Hendrickson and Scarpetta vacation carryover.
3. Finance & Personnel, Unfinished Business: None.
4. Finance & Personnel, New Business:
A) Budget and Finance Director Becky Tobin—Update.
5. Other:
A) Special Use Extension— 1930- 1960 Chrysler Drive.
6. Adjournment: