
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Loves Park Community Development Committee met Nov. 7

City of Loves Park Community Development Committee met Nov. 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll call and declaration of a quorum

2. Reading and approval of the minutes from the September 26, 2022 meeting

3. Report from the Community Development Department – None

4. Unfinished business – None

5. New business –

A. 5296 BENNETT STREET – A Variance from a maximum allowable 15 foot high accessory structure to a requested 18 foot high accessory structure, from peak to grade, in the R1 (Single Family Residential) Zoning District.

Staff Recommendation: Approval w/ conditions


1. The approval of the variation shall include the removal of two accessory structures. The removal will remedy land overcrowding, which may be detrimental to adjacent properties.

ZBA Recommendation: Same as above

B. 6390 E. RIVERSIDE BOULEVARD – A Special Use Permit for a fast food establishment with a drive-thru window in IL_CR (Light Industrial_Commercial Retail). Staff Recommendation: Approval w/ conditions Conditions:

1. The Special Use Permit expires with the change in use.

2. The business owner or property owner shall install an 8 foot deep landscape buffer out at the E. Riverside Boulevard frontage. The buffer shall include decorative grasses, Hostas, and Daylillies, and be mounded with protective ground cover.

3. The business owner or property owner shall include (3) Red Maples along the western property line as indicated in the illustration. No additional trees shall be required due to the installation of the landscape buffer on the Riverside frontage.

4. The business owner/property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of all landscape plants, trees, and materials. The landscape beds shall be tended too, and maintained in a healthy growing condition, free from refuse, debris, and weeds at all times. All landscaping shall be completed by May 31, 2023.

ZBA Recommendation: Same as above

C. 6245 N. SECOND STREET (12-06-104-001 & 12-06-104-002) – A renewal of a Special Use Permit for a car wash in the CR (Commercial Retail) Zoning District.

Staff Recommendation: Approval w/ conditions

1. The Special Use Permit expires with the change in use or change in property ownership.

2. The mixed masonry wall, up to a height of 8 feet, along the eastern property line shall be allowed for 519 Theodore Street, and mirror the wall established at the Elgin, Illinois Extreme Clean car wash location. The 8 foot wall shall extend to the recorded 25 foot building setback line on Theodore, and drop down to 4 feet to the property line. The mixed masonry wall shall extend south on the easterly property line of 519 Theodore Street. The increased height of the wall shall aide in the reduction of noise and artificial light generated by the establishment of the use.

3. The Special Use Permit shall be renewed 1 year from the date of approval.

4. The business or land owner will be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of all landscaping materials. The plant materials and landscaped bed areas shall be tended and maintained in a healthy growing condition and free from refuse, debris, and weeds at all times. Irrigation shall be provided for all landscaped areas.

5. A 10 foot rear setback shall be allowed to help reduce traffic congestion on Theodore Street, by having 3 service lanes.

6. The trash enclosure shall meet the requirements of Article III, Districts, Division 1, Section 102-132.

7. The hours of operations shall be limited due to the vacuums and the location of the blowers. The business shall only be permitted to operate from 8am to 9pm.

ZBA Recommendation: Approval with conditions, amended #7

7. The hours of operations shall be limited due to the vacuums and the location of the blowers. The business shall only be permitted to operate from 7am to 8pm. The business can only be in operation if the entrance and exit doors are in full operation. If the doors are disabled at any time the owner cannot operate the business. All blowers that are a part of the business shall have sound dampers installed as recommended and approved by the property owner.

6. Public participation & comment –

Anyone who wishes to speak regarding a petition shall contact the Zoning Officer 24 hours preceding the scheduled meeting.

7. General discussion

8. Adjournment
