
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Winnebago County Board Finance Committee met April 20

Winnebago County Board Finance Committee met April 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Jean Crosby

Joe Hoffman

Keith McDonald

John F. Sweeney

Michael Thompson


John Butitta, Chairperson 

Jaime Salgado, Vice Chairperson

Others Present:

Patrick Thompson, County Administrator

David Rickert, Chief Financial Officer

Lafakeria Vaughn, State’s Attorney’s Office

Molly Terrinoni, Finance Director

Ross Chapman, Finance Department

John Rader, Baker Tilly US, LLP

Rick Ciganek, Sheriff’s Office

Valerie Hanserd, County Board Member


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Approval of March 2 and 16, 2023 Minutes

D. Public Comment – This is the time we invite the public to address the Finance Committee with issues and concerns. We ask you to limit your comments to three minutes. Personal attacks or inappropriate language of any sort will not be tolerated. We will allow a maximum of five speakers on a first come basis with sign up at the meeting. Speakers may not address zoning matters which are pending before the ZBA, the Zoning Committee or the County Board. Personnel matters or pending or threatened litigation may not be addressed in open session. An individual may speak a maximum of three times per calendar year on the same topic. This prohibition shall include the repetition of the same topic in a statement on what is purported to be a different topic. After acknowledgement by the Chairman, please stand and state your name. Thank you.

E. Discussion Item – Annual Consolidated Financial Report (Casandra Chase and John Rader from Baker Tilly)

F. Discussion Item – Mid Year Financial Report (Dave Rickert)

G. Ordinance for a Budget Amendment Contract The Summerill Group, LLC, Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Solutions for Federal Detainees Consultants H. Other Matters

I. Adjournment

Call to Order

Mr. McDonald called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM.

Roll Call

Mr. McDonald yes, Ms. Crosby yes, Mr. Hoffman yes, Mr. Sweeney yes, Mr. Thompson yes.

Approval of March 2 and 16, 2023 Minutes

Motion: Mr. McDonald. Second: Mr. Thompson.

Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Public Comment

Mr. McDonald omitted reading the Public Comment Section of the Agenda due to no one present to speak.

Discussion Item – Annual Consolidated Financial Report (Casandra Chase and John Rader from Baker Tilly)

John Rader, Baker Tilly presented the annual Financial Report for the County issued March 27, 2023.

• Discussion followed. Baker Tilly was thanked for their work on the Financial Report and their presentation. The Financial Report will be distributed to board members.

Discussion Item – Mid Year Financial Report (Dave Rickert)

Mr. Rickert updated the committee with a mid-year financial report.

• Discussion followed.

Ordinance for a Budget Amendment Contract The Summerill Group, LLC, Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Solutions for Federal Detainees Consultants Motion Mr. McDonald. Second: Mr. Thompson.

The Ordinance is a budget amendment to enter into a 3-year contract with The Summerill Group, LLC.

• Discussion followed.

Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Other Matters

Mr. McDonald called for any other matters to come before the committee. None reported.


Mr. McDonald called for a motion to adjourn.

Motion: Mr. Thompson. Second: Ms. Crosby.

Motion to adjourn passed by unanimous voice vote.
