
Rockford Sun

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met Oct. 10

City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met Oct. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Attendee Name 





Tim Durkee

City of Rockford



Gabrielle Torina

City of Rockford



Gina Meeks

City of Rockford



Mark Bonne

City of Rockford



Isidro Barrios

City of Rockford




1. Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeal's approval of a:

a.Variation to allow an attached deck and an above ground pool to encroach into the front yard setback along Pepper Drive;

b.Variation to reduce the required front yard setback along Pepper Drive from 33 feet to 24 feet for an attached deck;

c.Variation to reduce the required front yard setback along Pepper Drive from 33 feet to 27 feet for an above ground pool; and

d.Variation to reduce the required side yard setback from six (6) feet to four (4) feet for an above ground pool in a R-1, Single-family Residential Zoning District at 3364 Ramblewood Lane (Mandi Minnick/Applicant). Subject to amended conditions.

The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Scott Capovilla, Planning and Zoning Manager for the City of Rockford explained that an above ground pool was installed at the subject address during the COVID shut down, and it was done without permits. This item is being brought before the Committee to correct all of the things that are wrong in terms of the variations. He noted that the Zoning Board was sympathetic to the homeowner.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to AMEND the committee report as follows:

1. Condition number 2 shall be added to read ‘the existing deck skirt shall be extended along the entire pool base that is visible from Pepper Drive consistent with the existing design.’”

The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Durkee.

Ald. Meeks asked if the neighbors were okay with the pool project. Mr. Capovilla indicated that the Zoning Department did notify the neighbors, and there was no response from anyone.

The amended passed with a 5-0 vote.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Applicant shall submit an ALTA Survey of the property for Staff review. 2. The existing deck skirt shall be extended along the entire pool base that is visible from Pepper Drive consistent with the existing design.


MOVER: Mark Bonne, Alderman

SECONDER: Tim Durkee, Alderman

AYES: Durkee, Torina, Meeks, Bonne, Barrios

2. Annexation of 53xx and 5430 North Main Street

Ald. Meeks stated that the subject property is in her ward. She noted that she had spoken to a neighbor who is concerned about whose responsibility it will be to put in sight-obscuring landscaping, or trees that will block the resident’s view of the solar panels.

Mr. Capovilla explained that a pre-annexation agreement has already been approved, and that everything will be governed by that agreement. He reviewed the agreement and noted that there is no language regarding buffers. Ald. Meeks asked if additional language could be added. Mr. Capovilla stated that the subject property is out in the middle of nowhere, and there are no residents close around. Ald. Meeks stated that her constituent will be able to see the solar panels from his home. Mr. Capovilla stated that Staff cannot go back and change anything in the agreement that was previously approved four (4) years ago.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Meeks to have the item layover, and it was granted.

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 10/23/2023 5:30 PM

3. Committee recommends approval of the Amendments to Chapter 17, Article III, Sec. 17-43 (Rental Registry). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Nicholas Meyer, Legal Director for the City of Rockford explained that the City’s ordinance requires all landlords to register all of their rental property with the City of Rockford. This is at no cost. However, the current system is outdated, and not very user friendly. Director Meyer further explained that during the process to find a new vendor, one potential vendor recommended that there be some amendments to the ordinance. One recommendation was for an annual renewal.

One main reason for this is because often property owners change. If approved, the renewal will begin on June 1, 2024.

Brandon Kruse, Construction Services Coordinator for the City of Rockford explained how the current system works, and how the proposed new system will work.

Ald. Rose asked if the owners of Airbnb’s have to register, and he was told that they do. Ald. Rose asked about the amount of staff time and money that is currently being spent. Mr. Kruse stated that currently a lot of staff time is being spent because with the current program, everything is being done manually. The new system will automatically send out notifications. Ald. Rose asked about collection of fines. Karl Franzen, Director of Community Development explained that although notice of violations are issued, coming into compliance is free for the owner. Therefore, no fines are collected. Ald. Rose voiced his concerns about no collection of fines, which would help pay for the system, and staff time. Director Meyer explained that the codes are not punitive. He further explained that the rental registry system was set up to keep staff informed as to who resides in the homes, and who owns the property. This system is also a benefit to the Police Department, and City Staff. He also noted that when the system was set-up, there was an agreement made with the Apartment Association that there would not be a charge. Director Meyer stated that charging a fee is something that can be discussed in the future, if it is the will of Council. However, staff wants to get the system up and running before they think about adding any fees.

Ald. Durkee pointed out a grammatical error on No. 6 of the draft. Director Meyer made note of it, and stated that it would be corrected.


MOVER: Tim Durkee, Alderman

SECONDER: Mark Bonne, Alderman

AYES: Durkee, Torina, Meeks, Bonne, Barrios


With no further business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned.