
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Winnebago County Board met Nov. 30

Webp 13

Aaron Booker, Winnebago County Board Member - District 1 | Winnebago County Website

Aaron Booker, Winnebago County Board Member - District 1 | Winnebago County Website

Winnebago County Board met Nov. 30.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Joe Hoffman

3. Agenda Announcements - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

4. Roll Call - Chief Deputy Recorder Jill Peppers

5. Awards, Presentations, Public Hearings and Public Participation

A. Awards – None

B. Presentation – None

C. Public Hearings – None

D. Public Participation – None

6. Approval of Minutes - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

A. Approval of October 26, 2023 minutes

B. Layover of November 9, 2023 minutes

7. Consent Agenda - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

A. Raffle Report

B. Auditor’s Report

8. Appointments (Per County Board rules, Board Chairman appointments require a 30-day layover unless there is a suspension of the rule)

9. Reports of Standing Committees - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

A. Finance Committee - John Butitta, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. Ordinance for Approval of Budget Amendment for Year End Adjustments to be Laid Over

3. Ordinance for a Budget Amendment Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board (ILETSB) Grant Award to be Laid Over

4. Resolution Approving Winnebago County Opioid Settlement Funding Allocation Policy

5. Resolution Authorizing County Contribution for State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor’s Program

B. Zoning Committee - Jim Webster, Committee Chairman

Planning and/or Zoning Requests:

1. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a First Amendment to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for Building Inspection by and Between the County of Winnebago, Illinois and the Village of Cherry Valley

2. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a First Amendment to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for Building Inspection by and Between the County of Winnebago, Illinois and the Village of New Milford

3. Resolution Authorizing the DC Estate Winery (8877 State Line Rd, South Beloit, Il) be Subject to the Jurisdiction of the City of South Beloit Pursuant to a Pre-Annexation Agreement, District 4, to be laid over

4. SU-01-23 A Special Use Permit to allow a Place of Worship (on a lot less than 5 acres) in the AG, Agricultural Priority District for the property that is commonly known as 6730 Old River Road, Rockford, IL 61103 in Owen Township, District 5, to be laid over

5. Committee Report

C. Economic Development Committee - John Sweeney, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

D. Operations and Administrative Committee - Keith McDonald, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. Resolution Authorizing the Donation of Property Located at the Southeast Corner Intersection of Chestnut Street and South Church Street in the City of Rockford for Right-of-Way Purposes to the City of Rockford, IL

3. Ordinance Adopting a Remote Work Policy to be Laid Over

4. Resolution Awarding Off-Site Scanning Services for Document Imaging Using CIP Funds Cost: $790,828.74

5. Resolution Awarding Fuji Persona CS Compact C-Arm Machine for Coroner’s Office Cost: $114,000.00

6. Resolution for Approval for Stop-Loss Insurance

7. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Renewal Agreement with Arthur J. Gallagher for the Property and Casualty Coverage

E. Public Works Committee - Dave Tassoni, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

F. Public Safety and Judiciary Committee - Brad Lindmark, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. Resolution Awarding Impound Vehicle Storage and Related Services

3. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a First Amendment to the Agreement for Police Services with 815 Entertainment LLC, DBA Hard Rock Casino Rockford

4. Resolution Accepting Award and Authorizing Execution of Service Agreements and Amendment #01 for the Officer Recruitment and Retention Grant Program

10. Unfinished Business - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

Public Safety and Judiciary Committee

A. Resolution Awarding Service Agreements using Public Safety Sales Tax Alternative Funding to Tommy Meeks, Rosecrance and Remedies

11. New Business - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

(Per County Board rules, passage will require a suspension of Board rules).

12. Announcements & Communications - Chief Deputy Recorder Jill Peppers

A. Correspondence (see packet)

13. Adjournment - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
