
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rockford Finance & Personnel Committee met May 28

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Jonathan Logemann, Alderman - Ward 2 | City of Rockford Website

Jonathan Logemann, Alderman - Ward 2 | City of Rockford Website

City of Rockford Finance & Personnel Committee met May 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:



A. Financial Discussion - April 2024


A. Approval of Vouchers in the amount of $8,076,682.34.

B. Proposed Sale of City-owned Property located at 323 Soper Avenue (PIN: 11-21- 206-017) to Luretha Macklin for their bid in the amount of $1,100.00.

C. Revisions to the City of Rockford Rules and Regulations including: Section 1 (Definitions); Section 4 (Introductory Period); Section 5B (Residency); Section 5F (Nepotism); Section 13 (Vacations); Section 14 (Sick Leave Donation Policy); Section 14D (Payment of Sick Leave Upon Retirement); Section 24F (Funeral Leave); Section 26B (Retirement); and replacing gender-specific pronouns.

D. Adoption of Rewritten City of Rockford 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.

E. Approval of Intergovernmental agreement between the City of Rockford (City) and Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (ISTHA) for the East State Street Widening project.


A. Award of Amended Engineering Agreement: Davis Park Improvements (Phase 1) (Supplement #2) to SmithGroup, of Madison, Wisconsin for an additional amount of $48,900.00 and an amended total of $1,333,900.00. The contract duration is Spring 2023 through Spring 2025. The funding source is State of Illinois Capital Grants (70%) and City of Rockford Redevelopment Funds (30%).

B. Award of Bid: Fire Panel Replacements at Metro and Concourse Parking Decks (Bid No. 424-PW-050) to Helm Electric, of Freeport, Illinois in the amount of $53,413.00. The funding source is American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds.

C. Award of Bid: Commercial Vehicle Body Repair (Bid No. 424-PW-058) to Dom Paris & Sons, Auto Enhancers, Anderson Collision Center, Clendening Auto Body, all of Rockford, Illinois for an estimated annual contract value of $200,000.00 (based on unit pricing). The contract duration is through June 30, 2025 with four (4) possible one-year extension options. Annual price adjustments for CPI considered at contract renewal only. The funding source is Equipment Fund Operating Budget.

D. Award of Bid: Concourse Parking Deck Membrane Rehab (Bid No. 424-PW-060) to Western Specialty Contractors, of Glendale Heights, Illinois in the amount of $398,750.00. The contract duration is through November 1, 2024. The funding source is American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

E. Award of RFP: Security Services (RFP No. 424-PW-051) to Metro Enforcement, of Rockford, Illinois for an estimated annual value of $200,000.00 (based on unit pricing). The contract duration is one (1) year with four (4) possible one-year extension options. Annual price adjustments for CPI considered at contract renewal only. The funding source is Parking Fund Operating Budget and Property Fund Operating Budget.

F. Change Order: Water Treatment Plant 31 and 43 Filter Media Replacement to C&C Environmental Services, Inc. of Portsmouth, Ohio in the amount of $602,000.00 (no change from original award). The Public Works Department recommends changing the location of the filter repair work from Water Treatment Plant 31 to Water Treatment Plant 13. The funding source is the Water Replacement Improvement Account (WRIA).

G. Resolution Authorizing the Central Services Manager to execute a contract for Electrical Municipal Aggregation Supply.

