
Rockford Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Winnebago County Board River Bluff Board of Directors met Jan. 21

Webp 14

Jim Webster, Winnebago County Board Member - District 2 | Winnebago County Website

Jim Webster, Winnebago County Board Member - District 2 | Winnebago County Website

Winnebago County Board River Bluff Board of Directors met Jan. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Frank Perrecone, Chairperson

John Butitta

Tim Delany

Jay Ferraro

Teresa Gobeli (via phone)

Jim Knutson

Bob Nieman

Others Present:

Patrick Thompson, Winnebago County Administrator

Steve Schultz, Winnebago County Chief Financial Officer

Laura Schaffer, Administrator, River Bluff Health & Rehabilitation

Laura Doise, Asst. Administrator, River Bluff Health & Rehabilitation

Traci Kline, Director of Nursing, River Bluff Health & Rehabilitation

Maggie Lewis, HR Representative, Human Resources


Bernice Marinelli


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Approval of December 17, 2024 Minutes

D. Public Comment– This is the time we invite the public to address the River Bluff Health & Rehabilitation Board with issues and concerns. We ask you to limit your comments to three minutes. Personal attacks or inappropriate language of any sort will not be tolerated. We will allow a maximum of five speakers on a first come basis with sign up at the meeting. Speakers may not address zoning matters which are pending before the ZBA, the Zoning Committee, or the County Board. Personnel matters or pending or threatened litigation may not be addressed in open session. An individual may speak a maximum of three times per calendar year on the same topic. This prohibition shall include the repetition of the same topic in a statement on what is purported to be a different topic. After acknowledgment by the Chairman, please stand and state your name. Thank you.

E. Discussion Item – Administrators Report (Laura Schaffer)

1. Census

F. Discussion Item – Financial Report (Steve Schultz)

1. Financial Statements (see attachment)

G. Other Matters

H. Adjournment

Call to Order

Chairperson Perrecone called the River Bluff Board of Directors meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Chairperson Perrecone yes, Mr. Knutson yes, Mr. Butitta yes, Mr. Ferraro yes, Mr. Nieman yes, Mr. Delany yes.

A quorum is present.

Chairperson Perrecone called for a motion to include board members Teresa Gobeli and Bernice Marinelli in the meeting remotely via telephone.

Motion: Mr. Butitta. Second: Mr. Knutson.

The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Ms. Gobeli was welcomed to the board meeting, but Ms. Marinelli could not be reached remotely by telephone.

Approval of December 17, 2024 Minutes

Chairperson Perrecone called for a motion to approve the December 17, 2024, minutes. Motion: Mr. Ferraro. Second: Mr. Delany.

Chairperson Perrecone called for any discussion, corrections, or additions. The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Public Comment

Chairperson Perrecone omitted reading the Public Comment Section of the Agenda due to there being no one present to speak.

Discussion Item – Administrators Report (Laura Schaffer)

Ms. Schaffer welcomed Traci Kline, the Director of Nursing. Ms. Kline shared background information about her professional experience. The Directors welcomed Ms. Kline.

IDPH/CMS Updates

Ms. Schaffer reviewed IDPH and CMS updates.

• Discussion followed.

A capital request was submitted for the Call Light System Project. An RFP timeline has been established for the project. All RFP submissions are due by February 26, 2025, and the process for the new Call Light System Project will begin thereafter.

Ms. Schaffer reviewed statistics with the Board for various measurements.


Ms. Lewis reported that twenty-five new hires, including the Director of Nursing, were made in December 2024. Fourteen employees were terminated for reasons including retirement and other factors. Additional hires are pending to fully staff the dietary and housekeeping departments. A Job Fair for all departments is scheduled for January 29, 2025.

• Discussion followed.


The current census, maintained from November to December, stands at 144 individuals. The coverage distribution is as follows: 122 individuals, or approximately 85%, are enrolled in Medicaid; 8 individuals, nearly 6%, are covered by Medicare A; and 14 individuals, about 10%, pay privately. Additionally, there are 28 residents receiving hospice care, of which 24 are on Medicaid and 4 are privately paying. Currently, 32 residents, or 22% of the population, are enrolled in Managed Care. There has been an increase in referrals during January 2025.

• Discussion followed.

CMS Star Rating

A new Quality Plan has been approved and is currently being implemented. All factors that negatively impact the Star Rating have been identified for improvement and are included in this plan. A series of small groups will work on improving these measures.

• Discussion followed.

Staffing Ratios

Ms. Schaffer stated that River Bluff is adequately staffed to exceed federal staffing ratio requirements beyond the minimum standards.

Monthly Operations

River Bluff will participate in an IDPH Prevalence Study on Infection scheduled for February 2025. Ms. Schaffer advised working on the Cost Reports, recertifications with insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid, a Baker Tilly audit, and HHS and CMS audits. The staff is working on clinical and administrative policy reviews and revisions for the annual survey. A Skills Fair is scheduled for the week of February 9-15, 2025.

Chairperson Perrecone called for any questions regarding the Administrator's report.

• Discussion followed.

Discussion Item – Financial Report (Steve Schultz)

1. Financial Statements (see attachment)

The November 2024 budget was reviewed, focusing on the lead page with two months of data in 2025.

• Discussion followed.

Chairperson Perrecone called for any other questions or comments.

Other Matters

• Ms. Schaffer is scheduled to present on River Bluff to the County Board on Thursday, January 23, 2025. Last month, the full annual report was shared at the River Bluff meeting, and an updated version of the report has been forwarded to the County Board members.

• Chairman Chiarelli, Mr. Butitta, and Mr. Knutson met to discuss the open board position, which is expected to be filled within the next month.

• An investigation will be conducted into the Nursing Home Retaliation Bill SB3559 amending the Nursing Home Care Act.

• Ms. Schaffer will provide an update on the sub-committee’s recommendations and implementations.

• Upcoming Election: By-Laws, Compliance, Terms of Officers and Board members.

• Election of Officers, for expiring two-year terms

• Contact Information of Board members.


Chairperson Perrecone called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion: Mr. Nieman. Second: Mr. Butitta.

The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.
