Tammy Peters, City Council Member – Ward 1 | City of Carlyle Website
Tammy Peters, City Council Member – Ward 1 | City of Carlyle Website
City of Carlyle Finance Committee met Jan. 27.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jeremy Weh on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 6:45 p.m. at Case Halstead Library located at 550 6th Street, Carlyle, IL 62231. Committee members present included Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, and Jeff Taylor. Others present included Matt Wilson, Kevin Rolfingsmeyer, Brandon Pieron, Chief Mark Pingsterhaus, Rita Jurgensmeyer, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Bruce Hilmes, Mike Jansen, Brad Myers, Mayor Judy Smith, and Martha Reinkensmeyer.
Approval of Minutes
After reviewing the minutes from the December 23, 2024, and January 13, 2025, meetings, John Hodapp made a motion to approve the minutes. Jeff Taylor seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
Approval of Claims
After reviewing the claims, John Hodapp made a motion to approve them. Jeff Taylor seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
Approve Reinstating the Rooftop Program
Brad explained that he and Judy had been approached about creating incentives for people to build homes in town. By reinstating the rooftop program, homeowners that build a new home would receive free utilities the first year that they reside in the home up to $3,000.00. Due to another program in place, the homeowner would receive free water and sewer tap-ons, along with having electricity hooked up for free. Applicants for the rooftop program would have to own and occupy the homes in order to qualify. A discussion was held on duplexes. It was determined that to qualify, the duplex owner must reside in one half of the duplex and would only receive free utilities for the half the owner is occupying. After further discussion, John Hodapp made a motion to send reinstating the rooftop program to council. Jeff Taylor seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
Approve Request to Go out for Bids for Police Station Addition
Chief Pingsterhaus stated that a $20,000 reimbursement grant was received that could be used on a building project. He would like to attach a Sally Port to the police station. He explained that in order to do this, an Ameren line will need to be moved. After a brief discussion, John Hodapp made a motion to send the request to go out for bids for the police station addition to council. Jeff Taylor seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
New Business
Chad Holthaus discussed with those present the new program at INB Bank called Positive Pay. It was determined to put this on the next agenda.
Any Other Comments
There were no any other comments.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Executive Session
The committee did not enter executive session.
With no further business to discuss, John Hodapp made a motion to adjourn. Jeff Taylor seconded the motion. Finding all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.