
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Pecatonica Economic Development Committee met Feb. 26

Webp 7

Assistant Clerk - Darla Stram | Village of Pecatonica

Assistant Clerk - Darla Stram | Village of Pecatonica

Village of Pecatonica Economic Development Committee met Feb. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Collin Hardy at 6:00 pm on Monday, February 26, 2024.

2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag was recited.

3. Roll call – Chairman Collin Hardy, Trustees Cheryl Bean and Kim Gipe, and Committee member Nick McGee were present. Committee Member Jennifer Vanderjack joined the meeting at 6:08 pm and Committee Member Dawn Brattrud and Jack Stroup were absent.

Alson in attendance Heather Squires, Bob Squires, Tanya Wurtzel, Mary Osbourne, and Sue Schomber.

4. Approve the AgendaMotion made by Trustee Bean seconded by Trustee Gipe to approve the agenda. A roll call vote was taken, all in favor motion approved.

5. Public Comment- None

6. Discuss Labor Day Event

The committee discussed the event and gave a progress update on the planning. The event will take place on August 31, 2024. Trustee Bean informed the committee that Hot Rod Nellies has agreed to sponsor and run the bags tournament. Chairman Hardy has spoken to the Legion and they will be willing to have a breakfast or lunch event. Iron Skulls will offer their annual Kite Day depending on insurance coverage. Committee Member Vanderjack is going to head up the 5k run. The committee discussed having a street dance and possibly having a movie area geared towards the younger crowd. The committee discussed the pros and cons of inviting food trucks to the event. The committee discussed having vendors uptown for an evening market. Discussion. The committee will continue to discuss and plan the event at the upcoming meetings. 

13. Next Meeting- Monday, March 11, 2024 

10. Adjournment- A motion made by Trustee Gipe seconded by Trustee Bean to adjourn. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.
