
Rockford Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carlyle Street and Alley Committee met March 25

Webp 6

Jeremy Weh, City Council – Ward 2 | City of Carlyle Website

Jeremy Weh, City Council – Ward 2 | City of Carlyle Website

City of Carlyle Street and Alley Committee met March 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order/Roll Call

The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Hodapp on Monday, March 25, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at Case Halstead Library located at 550 6th Street, Carlyle, IL 62231. Committee members present included John Hodapp, Bruce Hilmes, and Scott Diekemper. Others present included Jim McClaren, Jeremy Weh, Mike Jansen, Mike Meskil, Brad Myers, Mayor Judy Smith, and Martha Reinkensmeyer.

Approval of Minutes

After reviewing the minutes from the January 8, 2024, meeting, Bruce Hilmes made a motion to approve the minutes. Scott Diekemper seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.

Updated State of IL CY2024-CY2025 Rock Salt Contract Joint Participation Agreement with CMS

Brad explained that IDOT now requires city councils to designate someone within a municipality as being authorized to purchase salt. This agreement would authorize Brad Myers to purchase salt for the City of Carlyle. John Hodapp made a motion to recommend to the Finance Committee that Brad Myers be authorized to purchase salt for the City of Carlyle through the State of IL CY2024-CY2025 Rock Salt Contract Joint Participation Agreement with CMS. Bruce Hilmes seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.

Cross Walks at Grade School

Mike Meskil stated that the crosswalks at the Grade School will be repainted as soon as the weather allows. A discussion was then held about crosswalks on the highways. Brad stated that he will talk with IDOT about getting the crosswalks on the highways repainted. A discussion was also held about putting a crosswalk on Lake Road near the new apartments. No motions were made.

Rock Pick Up Project

Mike stated that rocks are now being picked up on 5th Street. Work started on the west side of town and moved east. A discussion was held on the type of rock that was used during oiling and chipping and what should be done about requesting the correct rock during the next MFT bid process. No motions were made.

Purchase of Street Sweeper

Brad stated that Christ Bros. in Lebanon has a street sweeper for sale. They are asking $10,800, but he was able to negotiate the price to $8,000 plus a delivery fee. After looking at the street sweeper, it was determined it would be useful to the Street and Alley Department. John Hodapp made a motion to recommend the purchase of the street sweeper from Christ Bros. for $8,000 plus the delivery fee to the Finance Committee. Scott Diekemper seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.

Conditions of Lake Vista and Valley View Drive

Mike told the Committee that there is one area of Lake Vista where the concrete is caving in. It is approximately 60 feet from where the work done by KRB Excavating stopped. It was determined that the Street Department would begin replacing sections of the street starting where KRB Excavating stopped. The section that is caving in will be included in the initial work.

Pay Request - KRB Excavating Inc. – Lake Vista Project

John Hodapp made a motion to recommend to the Finance Committee to pay KRB Excavating Inc. $102,611.40 for the work done on the Lake Vista Project. Bruce Hilmes seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.

Current Projects & Future Plans

  • Leaf Pickup started on Monday, March 25th and will conclude on Friday, March 29th.
  • The next brush pickup will be on Tuesday, April 2nd.
  • When work begins on Lake Vista Drive, two employees will still be working on picking up rock.
  • Two spots will be repaired near Hodapp subdivision once the weather allows it.
  • The ditch at 18th & 19th Streets needs to be cut.
  • The ditch at 10th and Kane Streets should be rip rapped.
  • The pipe under Lake Road going into the City Park needs to be fixed. Mike is getting prices to coat the pipe.
  • Downtown will need to be repaved soon.
  • Water issues at 17th and Clinton Streets need to be addressed.
Unfinished Business

Mayor Smith stated she has a lead on a new dump truck for the Street and Alley Department.

New Business

Mike stated that HMG is suggesting that oiling and chipping of Carlyle’s streets be divided into four sections instead of three. This will lower the cost each year for oiling and chipping.

Any Other Comments

Mike stated that there are 29 trees on the tree list that need to be removed. Brad stated that the General Fund will need to reimburse MFT $36,000 for items that should not have been paid out of MFT.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.

Executive Session

The Committee did not enter executive session.


With no further business to discuss, Bruce Hilmes made a motion to adjourn. Scott Diekemper seconded the motion. Finding all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.
