
Rockford Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met Jan. 27

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Jonathan Logemann, Alderman - Ward 2 | City of Rockford Website

Jonathan Logemann, Alderman - Ward 2 | City of Rockford Website

City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met Jan. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Attendee Name 





Gabrielle Torina

City of Rockford



Janessa Wilkins

City of Rockford



Mark Bonne

City of Rockford



Isidro Barrios

City of Rockford



Jeffrey Bailey

City of Rockford




1. Committee recommends denial of the request to establish a "20 mph School Zone Speed Limit" restriction on Spring Creek Road from Brookview Road (east intersection) to Mulford Road, thus reversing the Traffic Commission's recommendation of approval.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to APPROVE the request. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Bailey.

Chairman Torina noted that this item was before the Committee previously, and was sent back to the Traffic Commission for further evaluation. She inquired about the information that Staff had received from the Traffic Commission.

Timothy Hinkens, Interim Public Works Director for the City of Rockford explained that there is an existing speed zone school limit on Spring Creek, which is located in front of the elementary school. He further explained that with the addition of the signalized crossing at Shaw Woods for Guilford High School, the Traffic Commission concluded that the IDOT criteria for establishing a speed zone warrants a speed zone at this particular section of roadway. The approval, if given would extend an existing zone. After much discussion, it was decided that more information was still needed.

The previous motions were WITHDRAWN. A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to have this item LAYOVER. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Torina, and CARRIED by a vote of 5-0.

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 2/10/2025 5:30 PM

2. Committee recommends denial of the request to establish a "20 mph School Zone Speed Limit" restriction on Mulford Road from Spring Creek Road to 40 feet north of Brynwood Drive, thus reversing the Traffic Commission's recommendation of approval.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to have this item LAYOVER. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Torina, and CARRIED by a vote of 5-0

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 2/10/2025 5:30 PM

3. Salter Avenue/West Street

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish a "Handicapped Parking" restriction on the south side of Salter Avenue from 304 feet east of West Street to 324 feet east of West Street

Ald. Torina explained that Soar Church is located on Salter Avenue, did not have an opportunity to voice their concerns with the request.

Ald. Torina made a motion to refer this item back to the Traffic Commission. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Bonne, and CARRIED by a vote of 5-0.


4. 2025-17-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Traffic Commission's approval to establish a "No Parking Any Time" restriction on both sides of Montana Avenue from Florida Drive to 30 feet south of Florida Drive. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to APPROVE the request. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Barrios, and CARRIED by a vote of 5-0.

5. 401 West State Street, Suite 200

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends denial for a Special Use Permit for a needle exchange in a C-4, Urban Mixed-Use Zoning District at 401 West State Street, Suite 200 (Live 4 Lali, Inc./Applicant)

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to SUSTAIN the denial. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Wilkins

Scott Capovilla, Planning and Zoning Manager for the City of Rockford, explained that upon evaluation of the request, and based on past experience with a needle exchange program, the development that is happening downtown, and the location of the proposed program, Staff recommends denial. He noted that the Zoning Board of Appeals voted for denial for these same reasons.

Ald. Hoffman stated that she agreed with the reasoning, but wanted to know if Staff had any locations in mind for a business like this. Mr. Capovilla stated that the Health Department is looking into that.

Ald. Meeks asked about the current homeless situation in the downtown area. Mr. Capovilla stated that the Human Services Department deals with a lot of homeless situations. Ald. Meeks noted that in her opinion more funding needed to be looked at to help in these types of situations.

Ald. Torina noted that the applicant currently operates at said location. Mr. Capovilla stated that currently the organization does not provide needles to anyone.

Ald. Rose stated that in his opinion more data is needed.

Todd Cagnoni, City Administrator for the City of Rockford explained that based on zip codes, the highest rate of opioid overdoses reported from the Rockford Fire Department are 61102, 61103, 61104, and 61108. Mr. Cagnoni also noted that the Winnebago County Health Department is a registered syringe program through the State of Illinois. They also have a partnership with the court system.

Ald. Bailey commented that he supports the idea of the exchange program. Ald. Durkee noted some of the pros and cons of needle exchange programs.

Ald. Bonne wanted to know who owns the building. Mayor McNamara answered that the property was recently sold, and he did not have all of the information, but would provide Ald. Bonne with the information when he had it. Ald. Bonne expressed his concerns.

The previous motions were WITHDRAWN. A MOTION was made by Ald. Torina to have this item LAYOVER to gather more information from the Health Department. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Bonne, and CARRIED by a vote of 5-0.

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 2/24/2025 5:30 PM

6. 2025-18-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of a 68-unit, 3-story apartment building, two (2) 67-unit, 3-story apartment buildings and a 3-story assisted living building in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District and R-4 Multi-Family Residential Zoning District at 3104, 3118 and 3212 South Main Street, 360 Harrison Avenue, and 3151, 3162 and 3165 Express Lane (Alfred McConnell for Rock River-Harrison, LLC/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Bonne to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Barrios.

Ald. Torina voiced her support for this development. However, she noted that she had received some opposition regarding the disruption of nature and traffic issues. Mr. Capovilla stated that those issues will be addressed.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

. Must meet all applicable Building and Fire Codes

. Submittal of architectural details and elevations for Staff’s review and approval for the apartment buildings and assisted living building. The building designs shall be consistent with the elevations as approved by Staff

. Submittal of the landscaping plan with specific plant specifics and size for Staff’s review and approval for each phase of the project

. The PUD shall follow and comply with the overall landscape plan approved by Staff

. Submittal of an overall internal pedestrian circulation plan for the PUD that will connect with all public sidewalks

. Submittal of a Traffic Impact Analysis Study for the proposed development

. A Final Plat shall be reviewed and approved by Staff and City Council and subsequently recorded

. Submittal of photometric plan with fixture details and fixture specifications for Staff’s review and approval as a part of the building plan review for each site where outdoor lighting will be installed

. Submittal of a Dumpster Enclosure Permit, dumpster detail and

rendering for Staff’s review and approval with each building and phase . Must develop site in accordance with the approved site plan

. All conditions must be met prior to establishment of use


7. 2025-19-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Zoning Map Amendment from R-1, Single-Family Residential Zoning District to C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 4427 Auburn Street (Gerardo Castillo/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Barrios to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Wilkins.


8. 2025-20-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for outdoor U-Haul truck rental in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 3329 Auburn Street (LaTanya Cross/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Wilkins to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Barrios. Ald. Bonne voted “No.”

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

. Meet all Building and Fire Codes

. Submittal of Building Permits for Staff’s review and approval

. Submittal of a site plan showing the parking spaces, the removal of the parking lot that encroaches onto city property and seven (7) trucks and seven (7) trailers north of the building for Staff review and approval

. Submittal of a full landscape plan that includes a Type C Buffer along the north property line, perimeter landscaping, interior landscaping, and required shade trees that includes plant species and size for Staff’s review and approval 

. Submittal of a Dumpster Enclosure Permit for Staff’s review and approval

. Submittal of a Parking Lot Permit Application and a Storm Water Permit Application for Staff review and approval

. The property be developed as per revised site and landscaping plans 

. Installation of approved dumpster enclosure, landscaping and parking lot by June 15, 2025

. Removal of the two freestanding sign posts by April 1, 2025

. Must obtain separate permits for signage and any new sign must be constructed to match building and design and in accordance with plans approved by Staff

. Submittal of a Final Agreement for Staff’s review and approval that addresses the business operations and improvements to the site

. No outside storage of any auto parts, tires, equipment, materials, inoperable vehicles or operable vehicles overnight

. All conditions must be met prior to establishment of use


9. 2025-21-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for an event space with a small catering kitchen in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 6876 Spring Creek Road, Suite 128 (Anthony Artale/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Wilkins.

Ald. Torina voiced her concerns about parking space. Mr. Capovilla explained that the subject space is already classified as restaurant space. Therefore, Staff feels that parking will not be an issue. He also noted that Artale’s closes at 9 p.m.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

. Meet all Applicable Building and Fire Codes

. The event space shall operate within hours of operation for the liquor store from Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., and Sunday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.

. The event space shall be located within tenant space shown as Exhibit F and any expansion over 10 percent will require a modification of the Special Use Permit


10. 1515 Kishwaukee Street

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval for a;

a. Special Use Permit passenger vehicle sales, and vehicle detailing; and a

b. Variation to reduce the required perimeter landscaping along Kishwaukee Street; and a

c. Variation to eliminate the required perimeter landscaping along Belle Place in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 1515 Kishwaukee Street (Eduardo Pedemonte/Applicant)

A MOTION was made by Ald. Barrios to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Bailey.

Ald. Torina voiced some concerns about the number of cars that are always sitting on the lot. Mr. Capovilla noted that the business is in violation of some of the conditions from the special use permit, which was granted in 2009. Staff is willing to discuss this matter with the applicant.

After more discussion, it was decided to have this item layover. The previous motions were WITHDRAWN.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to have this item layover. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Torina, and CARRIED by a vote of 5-0.

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 2/24/2025 5:30 PM

11. 2025-23-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's approval for the Sale of Liquor by the Drink, Packaged Liquor Sales and Outdoor Seating Area in conjunction with a hotel and restaurant in a C 3, General Commercial Zoning District at 7676 East State Street (Mohee Uddin/Vishna Rockford, LLC dba Courtyard by Marriott/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to SUSTAIN LTAB. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Torina.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

. Meet all applicable Building and Fire Codes

. Must meet all applicable Liquor Codes

. The sale of liquor by the drink and packaged sales shall be limited to the area shown on Exhibit G

. The windows shall not be covered with bars or other devices that block the windows

. Hours of operation will be Monday through Friday 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday through Sunday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

. The hotel shall not operate as a nightclub

. The hotel shall not have a cover charge, dance floor, any DJs or live entertainment

. The hotel and restaurant is prohibited from having any video gaming machines

. Any pending general ordinance case(s) must be resolved prior to issuance of the license

. All outstanding general ordinance fines must be paid prior to issuance of the license

All conditions must be met prior to issuance of license and establishment of use


12. 2025-22-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's approval for a Modification of an existing Liquor License to include an expansion of the liquor store to include an event space with a small catering kitchen with the Sale of Liquor by the Drink in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 6876 Spring Creek Road, Suite 128 (Anthony Artale/Artale Wine & Spirits, LLC dba Artale & Company/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to SUSTAIN LTAB. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Wilkins.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

. Meet all applicable Building and Fire Codes

. Compliance with all City of Rockford Code of Ordinances including Liquor Codes

. The hours of operation are limited to Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

. The sale of liquor by the drink is in conjunction with a liquor store and event space

. The sale of alcohol shall be limited to the liquor store and event space as shown on Exhibit G

. Window display signage is limited to 20% of window area

. The windows shall not be covered with bars or other devices that block the windows

. The proposed use shall not have a cover charge, a dance floor or any DJs . The proposed use shall not operate as a nightclub

. The proposed use and facility is prohibited from having any video gaming machines

. Any pending general ordinance case(s) must be resolved prior to issuance of the license

. All outstanding general ordinance fines must be paid prior to the issuance of the license

All conditions must be met prior to issuance of license and establishment of use



1. 2025-18-R - Committee recommends approval of the request to allocate $140,000.00 for the Forward for Fun Initiative and an expedited special event permit process for multiple events throughout the city in partnership with Aldermen and the Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (RACVB).

Ald. Meeks commented how pleased she is with this initiative, and thanked Martin Bloom, Elyse Jacobson and their Staff for coordinating these events.


MOVER: Mark Bonne, Alderman

SECONDER: Janessa Wilkins, Alderman

AYES: Torina, Wilkins, Bonne, Barrios, Bailey


With no further business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.




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