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Illinois House Of Representatives
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Bodies
Most recent 04/08/22 - Sosnowski highlights National Medal of Honor Day: 'Thank you to this elite group for their great courage and dedication'
Illinois State House District 67
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 07/13/21 - Rep. West-sponsored law creating the Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act now in effect
Illinois State House District 68
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 09/27/22 - Ojeda: ‘I will make restoring public safety a top priority’
Illinois State House District 69
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 02/13/25 - State Rep. Sosnowski on freedom to homeschool: 'Parents deserve the right to make their own decisions'