
Rockford Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

Winnebago County Board met June 28.

Webp chairs

Winnebago County Board met June 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Chairman Frank Haney Called to Order the Regular Adjourned Meeting of the Winnebago County Board for Thursday, June 28 at 6:04 p.m.

2. Chairman Haney announced the following Agenda Changes:

Under Public Participation

Please Add: Rachael Sills – Winnebago Courts and Illinois Supreme Court Language Access Policy

3. Roll Call: 18 Present, with 2 Absent. (Board Members Biondo, Boomer, Crosby, Fellars, Fiduccia, Gerl, Goral, Hoffman, Jury, Kelley, McDonald, Nicolosi, Redd, Salgado, Tassoni, Webster, Wescott and Wilson were Present.) (Board Member Booker and Schultz were Absent.)

4. County Board Member Wescott gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Board Member Jury requested a moment of silence for "Mr. Ice cream Man” John Elliott, former Board Member.


5. Awards

- None





Public Participation

Rachael Sills spoke of the Winnebago Court and Illinois Supreme Courts Language Access Policy.


6. Chairman Haney entertained a motion to approve the County Board Minutes from the May 24, 2018 Meeting and to layover the Minutes from the June 14, 2018 Meeting. Board Member Jury made a motion to approve the Minutes from the May 24, 2018 meeting, seconded by Board Member Gerl Motion was approved by a unanimous vote of all members present.


7. County Clerk Tiana J. McCall submitted the Items Listed Below as Correspondence Which Were “Placed on File” by Chairman Haney:

A. County Clerk McCall submitted from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission the following:

1. Email Response Regarding a Potential Typo Under RAI 6.e.

2. Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 118 / Tuesday, June 19, 2018 / Notices

3. Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2: Byron Station, Unit NOS. 1 and 2; Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1; Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2; and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 – Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Regarding License Amendment Request to Change Emergency Plan Staffing (EPID L-2018LLA-0045)

4. Byron Station, Unit 1 - Notification of NRC Inspection and Request for Information

B. County Clerk McCall submitted from Charter Communications Spectrum Television Channel Line-up - Channel Changes for the following:

Village of Roscoe 

Township of Roscoe 

Township of Harlem 

Township of Rockton

C. County Clerk McCall submitted from Illinois Environmental Protection Agency a notice of intent to approve a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) post-closure permit for the BFI-Davis Junction Phase I Landfill.

D County Clerk McCall submitted from Comcast a letter regarding Changes to the Comcast Channel Line-Up in our Community.

E. County Clerk McCall submitted from the Winnebago County Treasurer, Sue Goral the Treasurer Bank Balances Report for May, 2018.


8. Board Member Wilson spoke of an event called Bookerfest taking place on July 13th-15th,


9. The Chairman reported that the 911 consultant report results would be in at the end of August. In addition, the Baker Tilly report will be up for discussion in late August.


10. County Administrator Paschal discussed revenues and expeditors for the County Jail, Sheriff's Department, and 911 budget. (Discussion by Board Member Jury, Wilson, and Biondo) She gave a brief update on Riverbluff staffing.

Deputy Administrator Halstead presented a transparency report and requested feedback. (Discussion by Board Members Redd, and Jury)


11. Chairman Haney entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda for May 24, 2018 (Raffle Report and Bills). Board Member Jury moved for the approval of the Consent Agenda, seconded by Board Member Wescott. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of all members present. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.)



12. Board Member Biondo moved for the approval of a Resolution Authorizing Settlement of a Claim Against the County of Winnebago Entitled David Jacobson Versus Winnebago County, seconded by Board Member Hoffman. Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.)

13. Board Member Biondo made a motion to approve Agenda Items C and D, seconded by Board Member Webster. County Administrator Paschal gave a brief overview on the Resolutions. Discussion by Chairman Haney, County Administrator Paschal and Board Member Fellars, Redd, Jury, Webster and Kelley. Motion failed by a roll call vote of 17 no votes and 1 yes vote. (County Board Members Biondo, Boomer, Crosby, Fiduccia, Gerl, Goral, Hoffman, Jury, Kelley, McDonald, Nicolosi, Redd, Salgado, Tassoni, Webster, Wescott, and Wilson voted no.) (Board Member Fellars voted yes.) (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.)

C. Resolution Authorizing IMRF Form 6.33 - Out-of-State Credit Authorization (Troy E. Zellman).

D. Resolution Authorizing IMRF Form 6.33 – Out-of-State Credit Authorization (Sarah E. McWhirter).


14. Board Member Webster made a motion to suspend the rules on Z-06-18 A map amendment to rezone +/- 21.84 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District, requested by Borrego Solar Systems Inc., lessee of site, whom is represented by Michael Klingl, Project Manager, for property that is located on the west side of Tate Road, +/- 1800 feet north of Latham Road in Owen Township, District 1, seconded by Board Member Fellars. Discussion by Board Member Kelley, Jury, Crosby, Tassoni, and Goral. Motion to suspend the rules was approved by voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.) Webster made a motion to approve the request to send Z-06-18 back to ZBA, seconded by Board Member Goral. Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.)

15. Board Member Webster read in for the first reading of Z-05-18 A map amendment to rezone +/15.09 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District, requested by Community Power Group, LLC, lessee of site, whom is represented by Michael Borkowski, Project Manager, for property that is commonly known as 8236 Trask Bridge Road, Rockford, IL 61101 in Burritt Township, District 1 to be Laid Over.

16. Board Member Webster read in for the first reading of Z-07-18 A map amendment to rezone +/29.75 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District requested by Conger Solar, LLC, lessee of site, which is managed by Cypress Creek Renewables Development, LLC and whom is represented by David N. Tanner, Attorney, for property that is located on the west side of N. Hoisington Road, +/- 1,656 feet south of Berglund Road in Pecatonica Township, District 2 to be Laid Over.

17. Board Member Webster read in for the first reading of Z-08-18 A map amendment to rezone +/3.19 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the RA, Rural Agricultural Residential District (a sub-district of the RA District), requested by Seth A. and Kelly R. Beard, contract purchasers, for property that is located on the west side of Will Road, approximately one quarter of a mile north of Yale Bridge Road in Shirland Township, District 2 to be Laid Over.

18. Board Member Webster made a motion to suspend the rules on Z-09-18 A map amendment to rezone +/- 0.68 acres from the IG, General Industrial District to the CG, General Commercial District, requested by Troy D. Specht, property owner, for property that is commonly known as 816 Dearborn Ave., South Beloit, IL 61080 in Roscoe Township, District 4, seconded by Board Member Boomer. Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.) Board Member Webster moved to approve map amendment Z-09-18, seconded by Board Member Wilson. Motion was approved a voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.)

19. Board Member Webster read in for the first reading of Z-10-18 A map amendment to rezone +/26.41 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District, requested by Conger Solar III, LLC, lessee of site, which is managed by Cypress Creek Renewables Development, LLC, and whom is represented by David N. Tanner, Attorney, for property that is generally located on the southeast corner of N. Hoisington Road and Berglund Road intersection in Pecatonica Township, District 1 to be Laid Over.

20. Board Member Webster made a motion to suspend the rules on Z-11-18 A map amendment to rezone +/- 39.98 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District, requested by Varnsen Solar, LLC, lessee of site, which is managed by Cypress Creek Renewables Development, LLC, and whom is represented by David N. Tanner, Attorney, for property that is commonly known as 14248 Saunders Road, Pecatonica, IL 61063 in Pecatonica Township, District 1, seconded by Board Member Hoffman. Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Member Booker and Schultz were absent.) Board Member Webster made a motion to approve Z-11-18, seconded by Board Member Wilson. Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.)

21. Board Member Webster read in for the first reading of Z-12-18 A map amendment to rezone +/33.06 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District, requested by Winnebago Solar, LLC, lessee of site, which is managed by Cypress Creek Renewables Development, LLC, and whom is represented by David N. Tanner, Attorney, for property that is generally located at the east end of Green Road on the south side in Pecatonica Township, District 1 to be Laid Over.

22. Board Member Webster made a motion to approve a Resolution Directing the Zoning Board of Appeals to Conduct a Public Hearing on a Certain Unified Development Ordinance Amendment Regarding Retreat Centers, seconded by Board Member Fellars, Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.)

23. Board Member Webster made a motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing Waiver of Fees for Demolition Permits, seconded by Board Member Jury. Discussion by Director of Environmental Health Marshall, Director of Development Services Dornbush, Board Members McDonald, Goral, Jury, and Tassoni. Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.)

24. Resolution Addressing Certain Concerns With Regard to Solar Farms, to be Laid Over until the next Committee Meeting.


25. No Report.


26. Board Member Jury made a motion to approve Agenda Items B, C, E, and F (as listed below), seconded by Board Member Hoffman. Motion was approved by a unanimous vote of all members present. (Board Member Booker & Schultz were absent.)

Ordinance Amending Section 62-14 (Discrimination/Harassment Policy) of Chapter 62 of the County Code of Ordinances.

Ordinance Amending Sections of Chapter 2, Article II, Division 2 of the County Code of Ordinances (Presentation of Budget Amendments to the Finance Committee).

Ordinance Creating Sections of Chapter 2, Article III, Division 5 (Operations Officer) of the County Code of Ordinances.

Ordinance Creating Sections of Chapter 2, Article III, Division 6 (Chief Strategic Initiative Officer) of the County Code of Ordinances.

27. Board Member Jury made a motion to approve a Resolution to Re-Divide Election Precincts, seconded by Board Member Wescott. Discussion by Deputy State's Attorney Kurlinkus, Board Members Gerl and Goral. Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.)

28. Board Member Jury read in for the first reading made of an Ordinance Amending Sections of Chapter 2 of the County Code of Ordinances (Creating Consistency and Actual Daily Procedures) to be Laid Over.

29. Board Member Jury read in for the first reading of an Ordinance Creating Section 62-26 of Chapter 62 of the County Code of Ordinances (Social Media Policy) to be Laid Over,


30. No Report.


31. Board Member Fiduccia read in for the first reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 14 of the Winnebago County Code (Animal Services Administrator Definition) to be Laid Over. Board Member Boomer made a motion to suspend the rules, seconded by Board Member Webster. Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Member Booker and Schultz were absent.) Board Member Fiduccia made a motion to approve the Ordinance, seconded by Tassoni. Motion was approved by a unanimous vote of all members present.

Board Member Fiduccia gave an Animal Services update. There were 1,163 calls for service, took in 156 dogs, 175 cats, 1 domestic rabbit, 3 parakeets, 1 rat, 2 bearded dragons, and 97 wild life. Animal Services transferred 4 dogs to rescue and 63 cats. Adopted out were 39 dogs, 43 cats, 1 domestic rabbit, 2 guinea pigs, and 3 parakeets.

Discussion by Board Members, Wilson, Goral and Jury.

Government Affairs & Strategic Planning - Jean Crosby. Committee Chairman

32. Board Member Crosby spoke of a Strategic Planning Goal Survey and would like all Board Members to complete. She also spoke of legislative updates. Discussion by Board Members Webster, Gerl, Wilson, and Biondo.


33. None.


34. Chairman Haney announced there would be no scheduled meeting next week during the 4th of July holiday. Monday July 9th there will be a Finance and Public Safety Meeting.

Board Member Fellars requested to have Cacus meetings and not bypass it.

Board Member Gerl encouraged the Board to eliminate the "Illinois Tumbleweed" or in other words plastic shopping bags for retail use.

35. Chairman Haney entertained a motion to go into Closed Session. Board Member Wilson made a motion to close the meeting pursuant to the provisions of Section 2c-11 of the Illinois Open Meeting Act 5ILCS 20/2C-11 to discuss personnel, seconded by Board Member Goral. Motion was approved by a voice vote. (Board Members Booker and Schultz were absent.) Meeting closed at 7:14 p.m.

36. The Regular Adjourned Meeting reconvened at 7:59 p.m. Chairman Haney announced that no action was taken during the Closed Session.

37. Chairman Haney entertained a motion to adjourn. County Board Member Crosby moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Board Member Fellars. Motion was approved by a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. (Board Member Booker and Schultz were absent.)
