
Rockford Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

Winnebago County Board met July 12

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Winnebago County Board met July 12

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Chairman Frank Haney Called to Order the Regular Adjourned Meeting of the Winnebago County Board for Thursday, July 12 at 6:03 p.m.

2. Chairman Haney announced the following Agenda Changes:

Under Public Participation

Please Add:

Angie Bodine Passenger Rail Referendum -PRO

Stephanie Hicks WCAS Admin -PRO

James Beam Approval of Resolution Appointing Brett Frazier, WCAS -PRO

Gerald Podraza Passenger Rail, Chicago to Dubuque -PRO

Jeannine French Animal Services Administrator -PRO

Bob Babcock Passenger Trains, Ban Plastic Bags -PRO

3. Roll Call: 20 Present, with 0 Absent. (Board Members Biondo, Booker, Boomer, Crosby, Fellars, Fiduccia, Gerl, Goral, Hoffman, Jury, Kelley, McDonald, Nicolosi, Redd, Salgado, Schultz, Tassoni, Webster, Wescott and Wilson were Present.)

4. County Board Member Wilson gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


5. Awards

- None


- None


- None

Public Participation

Angie Bodine spoke of the Passenger Rail Referendum asked to place the Referendum on November's ballot.

Stephanie Hicks, Executive director of Care for Pets asked the County Board to vote yes for appointing Brett Frazier to the position of Winnebago County Animal Services Administrator.

James Beam spoke of his support for appointing Brett Frazier to the position of Winnebago County Animal Services Administrator.

Gerald Podraza spoke of Passenger Rails, Chicago to Dubuque. He proposed having four trains daily with different destinations.

Jeannine French, executive director of Kibble Korner Pet Food Pantry spoke of her support for Brett Frazier and asked the County Board to vote yes to appoint him for the position of Winnebago County Animal Services Administrator.

Bob Babcock spoke of Passenger Trains and the “pay off" over a period of time. He encourages individuals to bring their own bags when grocery shopping to eliminate plastic bags.


6. Chairman Haney entertained a motion to approve the County Board Minutes from the June 14, 2018 Meeting and to layover the Minutes from the June 28, 2018 Meeting. Board Member Jury made a motion to approve the Minutes from the June 14, 2018 meeting, seconded by Board Member Boomer Motion was approved by a unanimous vote of all members present.


7. County Clerk Tiana J. McCall submitted the Items Listed Below as Correspondence Which Were “Placed on File” by Chairman Haney:

A. County Clerk McCall submitted from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission the following:

1. Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, and Byron Station, Units NOS. 1 AND 2 -Issuance of Amendments Regarding Clarification of Rod Position Requirements (CAC NOS, MF9951, MF9952, MF9953, and MF9954; EPID L-2017-LLA-0249)

2. Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 128 / Tuesday, July 3, 2018 / Notices

3. Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 128 / Tuesday, July 3, 2018 / Notices

4. Exelon Generation Company, LLC – Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Plan for Midwest Stations (EPID L-2018-LLA-0045)

B. County Clerk McCall submitted from Charter Communications the following:

1. A Letter Regarding Quarterly Franchise Fee Payment for Village of Rockton.

2. A Notification Regarding Spectrum Television Channel Line-up - Programming Addition.

C. County Clerk McCall submitted from Theresa Grennan, Chief Deputy Winnebago County Treasurer the Investment Report for June 2018.

D. County Clerk McCall submitted from Nancy L. McPherson, Winnebago County Recorder the Monthly Report for June 2018.

E. County Clerk McCall submitted the following from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency:

1. Notice of Application for Permit to Manage Waste: Description of Project: Alternate source demonstration for the first quarter 2018 confirmed exceedance of dissolved sulfate at G172 in accordance with Condition VIII.15 of Permit Modification No. 72.

2. Notice of Application for Permit to Manage Waste: Description of Project: Significant Permit Modification Application for an Alternate Source Demonstration at Landfill No. 2.

3. Notice of Application for Permit to Manage Waste: Description of Project: Supplemental Permit Application to Provide an Affidavit for Certification of Post-Closure Care.

F. County Clerk McCall submitted from ComEd a letter regarding their intent to perform vegetation management activities on distribution circuits in our area within the next few months.


8. Board Member Wilson spoke of an event called Bookerfest; the event will take place this Friday thru Sunday. He announced an event at Veterans Town Hall Monday, July 16, 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. There will also be a Lunch and Learn on Wednesday, July 18 from 11 a.m.-1p.m. at Memorial Hall. The topic is "Understanding the First World War- A Century Later.” Board Member Wilson also spoke of an event called “Guitars for Vets” that will take place Saturday, July 21st from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the Nordlof Center, 118 N Main St.

Board Member Jury addressed Stephanie Hick's comment regarding tax dollars used for Animal Services,


9. Chairman Haney spoke briefly on the 911 Consolidation Study. The Study is underway; Mission Critical is looking at the best way forward for all of our community partners and will have a report ready in about a month about their recommendations.

The County's Strategic Planning is in-process and is targeted to be rolled-out in October of 2018.

A month from now County Board Department Transparency Reports will be available.

A month from now we will also have a report from Baker Tilly on our Human Resource and Finance Organizational assessment.

Chairman Haney thanked Board Member Wilson for being at the launch of #Read815. Board Member Wilson thanked Chairman Haney for taking the lead in this.

The Opioid Task Force has been formed. Congressman Kitzinger will be holding an Opioid forum on July 27th.

Chairman Haney spoke of Shared Records Management; sharing of police records is key to public safety. There will be more discussion on this topic in the next several weeks.

Chairman Haney spoke of the Possible Loves Park/County Partnership that would potentially help Loves Park reduce operational costs and the County increase revenue.

Board Member Gerl thanked the Chairman for the Opioid Task Force.


10. County Administrator Paschal spoke of a report from Generations Healthcare Network. She met with a Representative from River Bluff Nursing Home and is impressed with their recommendations and that they are more hands on than previously. Our staffing has remained stable, we would like to increase the staffing.

This week we signed a memorandum of understanding with the ASFME group for Animal Services eliminating the night shift. There will be an Animal Services officer on call overnight. The potential savings could be about $60,000.00.

County Administrator Paschal spoke of a Resolution and Budget Amendment for the attorney fees we incurred with Robbins Schwartz for our lawsuit with the Chief Judge. The cost will be about $50,000.00; we have not budgeted for that so you will see it coming forward next cycle.

County Administrator Paschal spoke of Pension Bonds and the potential savings would could have if we paid off our unfunded liability by issuing Pension Bonds. We are going to be in the process of hiring an actuary to evaluate this. Discussion by County Board Members Redd and Salgado.


11. Chairman Haney entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda for June 14, 2018 (Raffle Report). Board Member Jury moved for the approval of the Consent Agenda, seconded by Board Member Fellars. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of all members present.



12. County Board Member Biondo read in for the first reading of Agenda Items B. C. D. & E as listed below:

B. Budget Amendment 2018-030-911 Center, to be Laid Over. 

C. Budget Amendment 2018-032 – Space Rental EOC, to be Laid Over. 

D. Budget Amendment 2018-033 – Balance Personnel Budget-Corrections General and Public Safety Tax Funds, to be Laid Over. 

E. Budget Amendment 2018-035 - Balance Personnel Budget-Sheriff, to be Laid Over.

Board Member Biondo asked for a motion from the floor to suspend the rules on Agenda Items B., C., and D., & E. Board Member Fellars made the motion seconded by Board Member Gerl. Motion passed by a voice vote.

13. Board Member Biondo asked for a motion from the floor to approve Budget Amendment 201830 - 911 Center, Board Member Fellars made the motion seconded Board Member Wescott. Discussion by Board Member Fellars. Board Member Fellars made a motion to make an amendment to Budget Amendment 2018-30 to increase regular salaries line item by $3,377.00 to cover the Supervisor Promotion, services and supplies, to approve and change line item overtime pay to $0.00, and line item Life Insurance to $0.00, leaving the rest the same. On the Request for Budget Amendment, this will change the Total Adjustment to $301,503.00 and the revised Budget amount will be $1,171,806.00, motion seconded by Board Member Jury. Discussion by Sheriff Caruana, County Administrator Paschal, Board Members Webster, Gerl, Fiduccia, McDonald, Salgado, and Wescott. Motion to Amend Budget Amendment 2018-30 was approved by a roll call vote of 15 yes and 5 no votes. (Board Members Biondo, Gerl, Nicolosi, Schultz, and Webster voted no.) Board Member Fellars made a motion to approve the amended Budget Amendment, seconded by Board Member Wescott. Motion was approved by a roll call vote of 17 yes and 3 no votes. (Board Members Biondo, Schultz, and Webster voted no.)

14. Board Member Biondo made a motion to approve Budget Amendment 2018-32 - Space Rental EOC, seconded by Board Member Booker. Motion was approved by a voice vote.

15. Board Member Biondo made a motion to approve Budget Amendment 2018-33 - Balance Personnel Budget - Corrections General and Public Safety Sales Tax Funds, seconded Board Member McDonald. Discussion by Sheriff Caruana, County Administrator Paschal, and Board Members, Goral, Fellars, and Schultz. Motion failed by a roll call vote of 15 no and 5 yes votes. (Board Members Biondo, Boomer, Crosby, Fellars, Fiduccia, Goral, Hoffman, Jury, Kelley, Redd, Salgado, Schultz, Tassoni, Webster, and Wison.)

16. Board Member Biondo asked for a motion from the floor. Board Member Fellars made a motion to approve Budget Amendment 2018 – 035 – Balance Personnel Budget – Sheriff, seconded Board Member Gerl. Board Member Fellars made a motion to amend Budget Amendment 2018035 to for Fiscal year 2018 to $413,471.00 for the FOP Contract with stipulations to be a fully executed contract with a signature by the Sheriff, seconded Board Member Jury. Discussion by Sheriff Caruana, County Administrator Paschal, Board Member Fellars, Biondo, Salgado, and Jury. Motion failed by a roll call vote of 13 no and 7 yes votes. (Board Members Biondo, Boomer, Crosby, Fellars, Fiduccia, Goral, Kelley, Redd, Salgado, Schultz, Tassoni, Webster, and Wilson voted no.) Board Member Fellars made a motion to approve the original amendment, seconded by Board Member Gerl. Motion failed by a roll call vote of 13 no and 7 yes votes. (Board Members Biondo, Boomer, Crosby, Fellars, Fiduccia, Goral, Kelley, Redd, Salgado, Schultz, Tassoni, Webster, and Wilson voted no.)

17. Board Member Webster moved to approve Z-05-18 A map amendment to rezone +/- 15.09 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District for property that is commonly known as 8236 Trask Bridge Road, Rockford, IL 61101 in Burritt Township, District 1, seconded by Board Member Fellars. Motion was approved by a voice vote Board Members Kelley and Schultz, voted no.

18. Board Member Webster moved to approve Z-07-18 A map amendment to rezone +/- 29.75 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District for property that is located on the west side of N. Hoisington Road, +/- 1,656 feet south of Berglund Road in Pecatonica Township, District 1, seconded by Board Member Goral. Motion was approved by a voice vote. Board Members Kelley and Schultz, voted no.

19. Board Member Webster moved to approve Z-08-18 A map amendment to rezone +/- 3.19 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the RA, Rural Agricultural Residential District for property that is located on the west side of Will Road, approximately 1/4 of a mile north of Yale Bridge Road in Shirland Township, District 2 seconded by Board Member Goral. Discussion by Board Member Fellars. Motion failed by a roll call vote of 11 no and 9 yes votes. (Board Members Biondo, Boomer, Fellars, Fiduccia, Goral, Hoffman, McDonald, Redd, Schultz, Webster, and Wilson voted no.)

20. Board Member Webster moved to approve Z-10-18 A map amendment to rezone +/- 26.41 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District for property that is generally located on the southeast corner of N. Hoisington Road and Berglund Road intersection in Pecatonica Township, District 1, seconded by Board Member Fellars. Discussion by Board Member Schultz. Motion was approved by unanimous vote of all members present.

21. Board Member Webster moved to approve Z-12-18 A map amendment to rezone +/- 33.06 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the A2, Agricultural-Related Business District for property that is generally located at the east end of Green Road on the south side in Pecatonica Township, District 1, seconded by Board Member Fellars. Motion was approved by a voice vote. Board Members Kelley and Schultz, voted no.

Board Member Wester announced the next Zoning Board of Appeals meeting will be July 17th and the Zoning Committee meeting will be July 25th.


22. No Report


23. Board Member Jury made a motion to approve a Resolution Appointing Brett J. Frazier to the Position of Animal Services Administrator of the County of Winnebago, Illinois, seconded by Board Member Fellars. Discussion by Board Members Jury, Nicolosi, Redd, Wilson, McDonald, Goral, Webster, Wescott, Salgado, and Crosby. Motion was approved by a roll call vote of 18 yes and 2 no votes. (Board Members McDonald and Wilson voted no.)


24. Board Member Kelley made a motion to approve (18-021) An Ordinance Amending Chapter 82 of the Winnebago County Code Regulating the Placement of Utilities and Facilities within the Rights-of-Way of Winnebago County Highways, seconded by Board Member Wilson. Motion passed by a unanimous vote of all members present.

25. Board Member Kelley made a motion to approve (18-022) A Resolution Authoring the Purchase of an Asphalt Patching Machine – Trailer Mounted, seconded by Board Member Tassoni. Motion was approved by a voice vote.

26. Board Member Kelley made a motion to approve (18-023) A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Master Equity Lease Agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management Trust for the Leasing of Light Trucks and Vehicles, seconded by Board Member Salgado. Discussion by County Engineer Vanderwerff, County Administrator Paschal, Board Members Jury and Gerl. Motion was approved by voice vote.


27. No Report.

Government Affairs & Strategic Planning - Jean Crosby, Committee Chairman

28. No Report


29. None.


30. Board Member Fellars submitted a Resolution in regards to Rail Service in Illinois to be voted on at the next Board Meeting.

31. Chairman Haney entertained a motion to adjourn. County Board Member Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Board Member Goral. Motion was approved by a voice vote



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