
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Belvidere City Council met August 20.

City of Belvidere City Council met Aug. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Call to order by Mayor Chamberlain.

1) Roll Call: 

Present: R. Brooks, G. Crawford, W. Frank, M. Freeman, T. Porter, T. Ratcliffe, M. Sanderson, D. Snow and C. Stevens. 

Absent: M. Borowicz.

Other staff members in attendance: 

Budget and Finance Director Becky Tobin, Building Director Lesa Morelock, Public Works Director Brent Anderson, City Treasurer Thornton, Community Development Planner Gina DelRose, Police Chief Woody, City Attorney Drella and City Clerk Arco.

2) Pledge of Allegiance:


3) Public Comment:

A) Sheila Fowler spoke in favor o fthe proposed sales tax increase. B) Andy Racz spoke in favor of the proposed sales tax increase.

4) Approval of Minutes:

A) Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of the Belvidere City Council of August 6, 2018; as presented.

Motion by Ald. Crawford, 2nd by Ald. Brooks to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Belvidere City Council of August 6, 2018. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Brooks, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, Porter, Ratcliffe, Sanderson, Snow and

Stevens. Nays: None. Motion carried.

5) Public Hearing: None.

6) Special Messages: Mayor Chamberlain reported the Boone County Historical Museum Ice Cream Social would be held Tuesday, August 21, 2018.

7) Approval of Expenditures: General & Special Fund Expenditures: $ 1, 677, 314. 46 Water& Sewer Fund Expenditures: $ 567,001. 87

Motion by Ald. Ratcliffe, 2nd by Ald. Snow to approve the General & Special Fund

Expenditures in the amount of$ 1, 677,314.46. Roll Call Vote: 9/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Crawford, Frank, Freeman, Porter, Ratcliffe, Sanderson, Snow, Stevens and Brooks. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Ald. Frank, 2nd by Ald. Ratcliffe to approve Water & Sewer Fund Expenditures in the amount of$567,001. 87. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Frank, Freeman, Porter, Ratcliffe, Sanderson, Snow, Stevens, Brooks and Crawford. Nays: None. Motion carried.

8) Committee Reports & Minutes of City Officers:

A) Belvidere Police Department Overtime Report of July 31, 2018 through August 13, 2018.

B) Belvidere Fire Department Overtime Report of July 26, 2018 and August 1, 2018 through August 14, 2018.

C) Monthly Treasurer' s Report for July 2018.

D) Monthly General Fund Report for July 2018.

E) Monthly Water/ Sewer Fund Report for July 2018. F) Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission of August 14, 2018.

Let the record show these reports and minutes were placed on file.

G) Minutes of Committee ofthe Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of August 13, 2018.

Motion by Ald. Freeman, 2"d by Ald. Sanderson to approve the minutes of Committee of the Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of August 13, 2018. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Freeman, Porter Ratcliffe, Sanderson, Snow, Stevens Brooks, Crawford and Frank. Nays: None. Motion carried.

9) Unfinished Business:

A) Ord. # 412H— 2nd Reading: An Ordinance Creating a Home Rule Municipal Retailers Occupation Tax and Home Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax for the City of Belvidere, Illinois.

Motion by Aid. Crawford, 2nd by Aid. Brooks to pass Ord. #4121-1. Motion by Aid. Stevens, 2nd by Ald. Sanderson to amend to include revenues only used for Southside Flooding and include a 10-year sunset clause. Roll Call Vote: 4/5 in favor of amendment. Ayes: Frank, Porter, Sanderson and Stevens. Nays: Brooks, Crawford, Freeman, Ratcliffe and Snow. Motion lost. Roll Call Vote: 6/3 in favor of passage ofOrd. #412H. Ayes: Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brooks, Crawford, Freeman. Nays: Porter, Sanderson and Frank. Motion carried.

B) Ord. # 413H — 2nd Reading: An Ordinance Amending Article VII of Chapter 74, of the City of Belvidere Municipal Code to add a New Section 74-259, Sale of Tobacco or Alternative Nicotine Products to Minors Prohibited.

Motion by Aid. Snow, 2nd by Aid. Sanderson to pass Ord. #4131-1. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Ratcliffe, Sanderson, Snow, Stevens, Brooks, Crawford, Frank, Freeman and Porter. Nays: None. Motion carried.

C) Ord. # 414H— 2nd Reading: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 98, of the City of Belvidere Municipal Code to add a New Article IX Small Wireless

Facilities Deployment.

Motion by Aid. Snow, 2nd by Aid. Ratcliffe to pass Ord. #414H. Roll Cali Vote: 9/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Sanderson, Snow, Stevens, Brooks, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, Porter and Ratcliffe. Nays: None. Motion carried.

10) New Business:

A) Ord. # 415H - 1St Reading: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 150, Zoning Ordinance of the Municipal Code ( Nonconforming Use Regulations).

B) Ord. # 416H— 1St Reading: An Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit a Solar Farm within the RH, Rural Holding District ( 825 N. Appleton Road).

C) Ord. #417H— 1St Reading: An Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Allow Indoor Commercial Entertainment ( Bar/Tavern with Video Gaming) within the GB, General Business District( 1776 Logan Avenue).

D) Ord. # 418H - 1St Reading: An Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Allow Indoor Commercial Entertainment( Bar/Tavern with Video Gaming) within the CB, Central Business District( 522 South State Street).

E) Ord. # 419H— 1St Reading: An Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit In-Vehicle Sales or Service within the GB, General Business District (925 Logan Avenue).

F) Ord. # 420H— 1St Reading: An Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Amend a Planned Development within the SR-4, Single Family Residential-4 District Shaw Mills and Glenmoor of River Run Subdivisions).

G) Ord. # 421H— 1St Reading: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 150, Zoning Ordinance of the Municipal Code ( Nonconforming Use Regulations).

H) Ord. #422H— 1" Reading: An Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit a Single-Family Residence within the CB, Central Business District( 519 South Main Street).

Let the record show Ordinances # 415H, # 416H, # 417H, # 418H, # 419H, # 420H, #421H and# 422H were placed on file for first reading.

Motions forwarded from Committee of the Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of August 13, 2018.

A) Motion to provide barricades on Whitney Blvd between Buchanan Street and Locust Street and State Street and Pleasant Street on August 21, 2018 for the Boone County Historical Museum Ice Cream Social. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Snow, Stevens, Brooks, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, Porter, Ratcliffe and Sanderson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

B) Motion to approve the proposal from Northern Contracting, in the amount of 9,620 for the installation of a 30' cantilever gate. This work will be paid for from Street Department line item# 01- 5- 310- 6002. Motion by Ald. Freeman, 2nd by Ald. Brooks to table. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 1 in favor. Ayes: Stevens, Brooks, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, Porter, Ratcliffe and Sanderson. Nays: Snow. Motion carried.

11) Adjournment:

Motion by Ald. Crawford, 2nd by Ald. Brooks to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Aye voice vote carried. Motion carried.
