City of Belvidere City Planning & Zoning Commission met Sept. 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
Call to Order: Mayor Chamberlain:
Roll Call:
Public Comment:
Public Forum:
Reports of Officers, Boards, and Special Committees:
Fire Chief Hyser— Recognizing Lt. Craig Wilcox— 30 years of service.
1. Building, Planning & Zoning, Unfinished Business: None.
2. Building, Planning & Zoning, New Business: None.
3. Public Works, Unfinished Business: None.
4. Public Works, New Business:
A) Logan Avenue— Right- of-Way Appraisals.
B) ComEd Outdoor Lighting Incentives— WWTP.
C) Rebuild of Return Sludge Pump# 3 — WWTP.
D) Street Department Garage— Lift Replacement.
E) Bellwood/ High School Storm Water Detention Project.
5. Adjournment: