
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Loves Park Codes & Regulations Committee met July 15

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City of Loves Park Codes & Regulations Committee met July 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

I. Call to Order – the meeting was called to order by Alderman Peterson, Chairman at 6:12 PM.

Committee Members Present – Alderman Little, Alderman Warden, Alderman Puckett. Also in Attendance – Chief Lynde, Chief Wiltfang, Gino Galluzzo, Steve Thompson, Chad Bauer

II. The minutes of the June 17, 2019 meeting were approved upon a motion by Alderman Little, second by Alderman Warden. Vote 4 – 0 to approve.

III. Items For Consideration

A. Special Event Permit application to hold a Snoop Dog concert at the Choice Furniture Stadium, 4503 Interstate Blvd., August 15, 2019.

Motion by Alderman Little to approve contingent upon 1) need an opening in the left field fence for an exit, 2) no bags/purses/etc. being brought into the event, 3) all attendees to be frisked and/or wanded, 3) Loves Park and other police departments will be reimbursed for their manpower utilized to help with the event, 4) clear parking signage to direct attendees, 5) the event is done by 11 PM, and 6) the event meets all requirements of the Public Works Director, Police Chief, and Fire Chief. Second by Alderman Warden. Vote 4 – 0 to approve.

IV. General Discussion - None.

V. Public Comment – None

VI. Adjournment – the meeting was adjourned at 6:43 PM upon motions by Alderman Puckett and Alderman Warden. Vote 4 – 0 in favor.
