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City of Belvidere City Council met November 18

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City of Belvidere City Council met Nov. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Convened in the Belvidere Council Chambers, 401 Whitney Blvd, Belvidere Illinois at 7: 00 p. m.

Call to order by Mayor Chamberlain.

1) Roll Call: Present: R. Brereton, G. Crawford, W. Frank, M. Freeman, M. McGee, T. Porter, T. Ratcliffe, D. Snow and C. Stevens.

Absent: None.

Other staff members in attendance:

Budget and Finance Director Becky Tobin, Director ofBuildings Kip Countryman, City Treasurer Thornton, Public Works Director Brent Anderson, Fire Chief Hyser, Police Chief Woody, City Attorney Drella and Assistant City Clerk SarahTurnipseed.

2) Pledge ofAllegiance:


3) Public Comment:

4) Approval of Minutes:

A)Approval ofminutes ofthe regular meeting ofthe Belvidere City Council of November 4, 2019; as presented.

Motion by Ald. Brereton, 2" d by Ald. Porter to approve the minutes ofthe regular meeting ofthe Belvidere City Council ofNovember 4, 2019. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow and Stevens. Nays: None. Motion carried.

5) Public Hearing: None.

6) Special Messages and Proclamations:

A) Announcement of estimated Tax Levy for Tax Year 2019.

Motion by Ald. Crawford, 2" d by Ald. Ratcliffe to approve the Announcement of Estimated Tax Levy for Tax Year 2019. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens and Brereton. Nays: None. Motion carried.

2 Belvidere City Council November 18, 2019

7) Approval of Expenditures: General & Special Fund Expenditures: $ 1, 832, 036. 17

Water & Sewer Fund Expenditures: $ 634, 238. 44

Motion by Ald. Snow, 2nd by Aid. Ratcliffe to approve the General & Special Fund Expenditures in the amount of$ 1, 832,036. 17. Roll Call Vote: 9/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton and Crawford.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Ald. Frank, 2" d by Ald. Crawford to approve the Water& Sewer Fund Expenditures in the amount of$634,238.44. Roll Call Vote: 9/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford and Frank. Nays: None.

Motion carried.

8) Committee Reports and Minutes ofCity Officers:

A) Belvidere Police Department Overtime Report of October 22, 2019 through November 4, 2019.

B) Belvidere Fire Department Overtime Reports ofOctober 19, 2019 and

October 23, 2019 through November 5, 2019. C) Monthly Report ofCommunity Development/ Planning for October 2019. D) Monthly Reports of Building Department— Revenues and Violations for October 2019. E) Monthly General Fund Report for October 2019. F) Monthly Water/Sewer Fund Report for October 2019. G) Monthly Treasurer Report for October 2019.

Let the record show these reports and minutes were placed on file.

H) Minutes of Committee of the Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of November 12, 2019.

Motion by Ald. Crawford, 2nd by Ald. Frank to approve the minutes of Committee of the Whole—Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works ofNovember 12, 2019. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 1/ 0 in favor. Ayes: McGee, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank and Freeman. Abstain: Porter. Nays: None. Motion carried.

9) Unfinished Business:

A) Ord. 4472H—2nd Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Certain Personal Property( Police Department Vehicles and Seized Vehicles) and Approving the Purchase ofNew Vehicles.

Motion by Ald. Crawford, 2" d by Ald. Porter to pass Ord. #472H. Roll Call Vote: 9/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman and McGee. Nays: None. Motion carried.

B) Motion to approve city attorney drafting an ordinance for gas use tax and an agreement with NICOR to collect tax. Tabled October 7, 2019.

10) New Business:

A)Ord. #473H— I" Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to an Annexation Agreement between the City ofBelvidere and Hardeman Company, Frank M. Shappert ( Trustee), Margaret W. Shappert Trustee) and Patrick B. Mattison ( Trustee).

B) Ord. # 474H— I" Reading: An Ordinance Amending Section 43- 29, Drug Free Workplace of the City of Belvidere Municipal Code.

Let the record show Ord. #473H and #474H were placed on file for first reading.

Motions forwarded from Committee ofthe Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works ofNovember 12, 2019.

A) Motion to approve the low bid from R.N.O.W. Inc. for a Dinkmar Curb Runner leaf machine in the amount of$61, 425. This equipment will be paid for from the Street Department Capital Fund (# 41- 5- 752- 8200). Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee and Porter. Nays: None. Motion carried.

B) Motion to approve the change order# I from Apollo Trenchless, in the amount of $ 32, 919. 50 for the Appleton Forcemain Extension. This work will be paid for from Sewer Connection Fees# 0510. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter and Ratcliffe. Nays: None. Motion carried.

C) Motion to approve the design engineering work order from Baxter & Woodman in an amount not-to-exceed $ 7,400 to complete the engineering design for the replacement of three sluice gates in the Main Equipment Building at the WWTP. This work will be paid for from line item# 61- 5- 820- 6190. Roll Call Vote: 9/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe and Snow. Nays: None. Motion carried.

D) Motion to accept the Urban and Community Forestry Grant in the amount of 12,815 from the Illinois Department ofNatural Resources and the U.S. Forest Service. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow and Stevens. Nays: None. Motion carried.

11) Adjournment:

Meeting adjourned at 7: 35p. m. Aye voice vote carried. Motion carried.
