
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Belvidere City Council met April 20

Webp meeting 04

City of Belvidere City Council met April 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1) Roll Call:

2) Pledge of Allegiance:


3) Public Comment: ( Please register with the City Clerk):

4) Approval of Minutes:

A) Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of the Belvidere City Council of April 6, 2020; as presented.

5) Public Hearing:

6) Special Messages and Proclamations:

A) Arbor Day Proclamation.

7) Approval of Expenditures: General & Special Fund Expenditures: $ 1, 586, 003. 47 Water & Sewer Fund Expenditures: $ 756, 438. 94

8) Committee Reports and Minutes of City Officers:

A) Monthly Report of Belvidere Police Department Overtime for March 2020.

B) Monthly Report of Belvidere Fire Department Overtime for March 2020.

C) Monthly Report of Community Development Department/ Planning Department for March 2020.

D) Monthly Report of Building Department Revenues, Residential Building Permits and Case Reports for March 2020.

E) Monthly General Fund Report for March 2020.

F) Monthly Water/ Sewer Fund Report March 2020.

G) Monthly Treasurer Report for March 2020.

H) Minutes of Committee of the Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of April 13, 2020.

9) Unfinished Business:

A) Ord. #489H—2° d Reading: An Ordinance Amending Section 110-2, Exceptions, P of the CityY of Belvidere Municipal p Code.

10) New Business:

A) Ord. #490H— 1" Reading: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 22, and Appendix A of the City of Belvidere Municipal Code.

B) Ord. 4491 H - 1" Reading: An Ordinance Amending Appendix A, Fees, of the City of Belvidere Municipal Code.

C) Res.# 2107- 2020— A Resolution Direction the Planning Department to Publish the Zoning Map of the City ofBelvidere.

D) Res. # 2113- 2020— A Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code.

E) Request by Ald. Porter to reconsider Motion to approve the proposal from Arc Design Resources, in an amount not-to- exceed$ 50, 000. 00, to complete the Phase 2 Design Engineering for the Logan Avenue Rehabilitation Project.

This work will be paid for from the proceeds of the local motor fuel tax.

Motions forwarded from Committee of the Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of April 13, 2020.

Motions of Planning & Zoning— Chairman Porter:

A) Motion to approve the Special Use Extension Request for 982 Belvidere Road.

B) Motion to approve the Special Use Extension Request for 1550 Pearl Street.

C) Motion to approve the Special Use Extension Request for 300 South Main Street.

D) Motion to approve the Special Use Extension Request for the Car Wash near Speedway Convenience Store/ Gas Station.

Motions of Public Works— Chairman Freeman:

E) Motion to approve the work order from Baxter& Woodman, in the amount not- to- exceed $ 9, 700. 00, for the WWTP Pretreatment Program— Industrial Users Review.

F) Motion to approve the work from Baxter& Woodman, in the amount not-toexceed $5, 500. 00, to complete this project. This work will be paid for from Line Item# 61- 5- 820- 6190.

G) Motion to approve of Change Order# 2 from Stenstrom Excavation and Blacktop Group, in the amount of$48, 305. 00 for Wycliffe Lift Station Upgrade project. This work will be paid for from Sewer Connection Fees 0510.

H) Motion by Ald. Arevalo, 2" d by Ald. Stevens to forward the Ordinance as proposed to insert BOD fees pursuant to Section 114- 354 in Appendix A to City Council.

I) Motion to approve the 2020 Outdoor Warning Siren System annual preventive maintenance agreement with Braniff Communications in the amount of 5, 400. 00. This cost will be paid for from Line Item# 01- 5- 240- 7900.

Motions of Finance and Personnel— Chairman Ratcliffe:

J) Motion to limit public comment to written comment at any public meeting which will be read into the record during the public comment portion of the reading. Any such written public comment must be received by the City Clerk no later than 4: 30 p.m. the day of the public meeting. The Clerk shall provide an email address for purposes of receiving public comment and post that address on the City' s Web Site. Upon termination of the Governor' s Executive Orders with respect to public gatherings during COVID- 19, this policy shall immediately terminate and public comment will revert to its usual requirement of in person attendance.

11) Adjournment:
